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Last active May 22, 2016 01:19
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/* USI SPI Slave Demo written by Robert Mollik, 2016
* This demo uses the SPI protocol with USI interface. This is necessary with with the smaller AVR controller since they don't
* a complete SPI functionality.
* Demo is written for the pinout of an Arduino Trinket and ATtiny85. Pins need to be modified if a different controller is used.
* The demo takes receives a request ID from the Master at the beginning of every communication. According to the request ID,
* it sends back either a temperature or a humidity values. Since both values are present in float, the 4 bytes of the float need
* to be send separately.
#define CS PB3 // Chip select
#define LED PB4 // Test LED
#define DO PB1 // MISO or Data Out
#define USCK PB2 // Clock
// Variable use in Interrupt need to be volotile to tell the compiler, they may be altered in other functions than in Main loop.
// Otherwise the compiler could remove or replace them with a constant:
volatile char reqID = 0; // This is for the first byte we receive, which is intended to be the request identifier
volatile uint8_t index = 0; // this is to send back the right element in the array
// Test variables:
float temperature = 34.3;
float humidity = 87.5;
// Pointer on the test variables. Datatype is casted into byte to read out the single bytes of the float:
byte * tempPTR = (byte*) &temperature;
byte * humPTR = (byte*) &humidity;
void setup (void)
cli(); // Deactivate Interrupts
DDRB |= 1<<LED; // Set PB1 as output (LED on Trinket) / PB0 will be the Input for the Interrupt
DDRB |= 1<<DO; // MISO Pin has to be an output
USICR = ((1<<USIWM0)|(1<<USICS1)); // Activate 3- Wire Mode and use of external clock but NOT the interrupt at the Counter overflow (USIOIE)
PORTB |= 0<<LED; // Turn PB1 off
PORTB |= 1<<CS; // Activate Pull-Up resistor on PB0
PCMSK|=1<<CS; // Active Interrupt on PB1
GIMSK|=1<<PCIE; // General Interrupt Mask Register / PCIE bit activates external interrupts
sei(); // Activate Interrupts
} // end of setup
// Interrupt routine at the CS pin. Always executed when value on CS pin changes:
if((PINB & (1<<CS))== 0){
// If edge is falling, the command and index variables shall be initialized
// and the 4-bit overflow counter of the USI communication shall be activated:
reqID = 0;
index = 0;
USISR = 1<<USIOIF; // Clear Overflow bit
// XOR operation to turn PB3 (LED) on/off. (Not needed for USI)
// If edge is rising, turn the 4-bit overflow interrupt off:
USICR &= ~(1<<USIOIE);
// USI interrupt routine. Always executed when 4-bit overflows (after 16 clock edges = 8 clock cycles):
// Switch-Case to respond according to request from Master:
case 0: // If reqID value is zero (just initialized), then first message is the reqID.
reqID = USIDR; // Read in from USIDR register
USISR = 1<<USIOIF; // Clear Overflow bit
case 'T':
// Write value to send back into USIDR and clear the overflow bit:
USIDR = tempPTR[index];
index++; // Increment index to transmit the folloing element next
case 'H':
// Write value to send back into USIDR and clear the overflow bit:
USIDR = humPTR[index];
index++; // Increment index to transmit the folloing element next
// Default option of Switch-Case. Send 'reqID' back for debugging.
USIDR = reqID;
void loop (void)
// Nothing done here in this example
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