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Thomas Aldrian Weissnix4711

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Weissnix4711 / thermostat.yaml
Created August 1, 2024 11:59
hacky OT thermostat
name: living-room-thermostat
platform: ESP32
board: esp32doit-devkit-v1
priority: -100
script.execute: opentherm_startup
Weissnix4711 / allknown.txt
Created July 23, 2024 22:46
All known OpenTherm IDs
ID0:HB0: Master status: CH enable
ID0:HB1: Master status: DHW enable
ID0:HB2: Master status: Cooling enable
ID0:HB3: Master status: OTC active
ID0:HB4: Master status: CH2 enable
ID0:HB5: Master status: Summer/winter mode
ID0:HB6: Master status: DHW blocking
ID0:LB0: Slave Status: Fault indication
ID0:LB1: Slave Status: CH mode
ID0:LB2: Slave Status: DHW mode
| Series | Announcement Date | Main Processor | Clock Freq (up to) | Co-processor | Cache | BT | WiFi | GPIO | SRAM | ROM | Flash encryption | RTC memory | SPI | UART | USB | Touch Sensor | Timers | RMT |
|--------- |------------------- |----------------------------- |-------------------- |-------------- |-------- |--------------------- |------------------------- |-------------------------- |-------- |-------- |------------------ |------------ |----- |------ |------------- |-------------- |----------------------- |--------------- |
| S2 | 2019, September | Xtensa single-core LX7 | 240 MHz | ULP (RISC-V) | 8/16KB | No | 4 | 43 | 320KB | 128 KB | XTS-AES-128/256 | 16KB | 4 | 2 | USB OTG 1.1 | 14 | 4x 64-bit | 4x TX/RX |
| S3 | 2020, Decemb
diff --git a/bridge/discord/discord.go b/bridge/discord/discord.go
index 51dbe6bc..3e9d2c05 100644
--- a/bridge/discord/discord.go
+++ b/bridge/discord/discord.go
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ func (b *Bdiscord) Connect() error {
b.Log.Info("Connection succeeded")
// Add privileged intent for guild member tracking. This is needed to track nicks
// for display names and @mention translation
- b.c.Identify.Intents = discordgo.MakeIntent(discordgo.IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged |
- discordgo.IntentsGuildMembers)
Weissnix4711 /
Last active April 10, 2023 12:10
TalkTalk Hub

TalkTalk Sagemcom F@ST (Fast) 5364 Wi-Fi Hub

OEM Bootlog
Weissnix4711 /
Last active December 24, 2022 15:31
Sensirion sensors
Sensor Voltage Addresss T acc RH acc
SHTC1 1.62v-2.98v 0x70 ±0.3°C ±3%
SHTC3 1.62-3.6v ±0.2°C ±2%
SHT20 2.1-3.6v 0x40/41 ±0.3°C ±3%
SHT21 2.1-3.6v 0x40/41 ±0.3°C ±2%
SHT25 2.1-3.6v 0x40/41 ±0.2°C ±1.8%
SHT30 2.15-5.5v 0x44 ±0.2°C ±2%
SHT31 2.15-5.5v ±0.2°C ±2%
SHT35 2.15-5.5v ±0.1°C ±1.5%
Sensor T/H/P? H Accuracy H Resolution T Resolution T Accuracy Protocol
AHT21 t+h .024RH +-2RH 0.01C +-0.3C
AHT20 t+h 0.024RH +-2RH 0.01C +-0.3C
AM2320 t+h 0.1RH +-3RH 0.1C +-0.5C i2c
BME280 t+h+p 0.008RH +-3RH 0.01C +-0.5C i2c
BME680 t+p+h 0.008RH +-3RH 0.01C +-0.5C i2c
BMP085 t+p 0.1C +-0.5C i2c
BMP180 t+p +-0.5C i2c
Weissnix4711 /
Last active December 14, 2022 21:03
ESP8266/ESP32 SoC Comparison
S2 S3 C2 C3 C6 ESP32 ESP8266
Announcement Date 2019, September 2020, December 2020, November 2021, April 2016, September 2014, August
Main Processor Xtensa single-core LX7 Xtensa LX7 dual-core RISC-V single-core RISC-V single-core RISC-V single-core Xtensa LX6 single/dual-core Tensilica L106
Clock Freq (up to) 240 MHz 240 MHz 120 MHz 160 MHz 160 MHz 160/240 MHz 160MHz
Co-processor ULP (R
Weissnix4711 / LCSCJLCshipping.txt
Created September 1, 2022 13:35
LCSC & JLCPCB shipping options
Global Direct Line Saver
YunExpress Registered Priority General
Distributor: HERMES / EVRI
International Registered Mail
Distributor: Royal Mail
Note: Package arrived with no seller name or even country of origin printed on the label. Only a return address for one of 4PX's UK warehouses.
Customs: Spent 20 mins in customs at Heathrow, arrived with no visible markings or any other sign customs even looked at the package.
Weissnix4711 / ot_v2-2_changes.txt
Created May 7, 2022 13:24
OpenTherm v2.2 -> v2.3b changes to data
Changes to data items from OpenTherm v2.2 to v2.3b
9,"REMOTE ROOM SETPOINT",READ,F8.8,-40,127,"0,00",Yes
Remote room setp now has range -40..127 instead of previous 1..30 (and 0 being no override)
33,"EXHAUST TEMPERATURE",READ,S16,-40,127,20,Yes
New range -40..127 instead of -40..500
50,"OTC HC-RATIO BOUNDS",READ,S8,0,40,0,S8,0,40,0,Yes
58,"OTC HEATCURVE RATIO",READ,F8.8,0,40,"0,00",Yes