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Last active May 19, 2023 19:45
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Catalogue of service endpoints and usages

I've made an effort to document what API endpoints we are using where and for what. The example responses here are just mock data, so I would also recommend referencing the documentation which I will link to and the endpoints themselves. Originally I was going to go tab by tab; however, a few of the endpoints are used across tabs. I indicated that in the usuage on the endpoints. If you have any questions feel free to comment here or reach out to me.

All /v1/**internal**/... endpoints don't have public documentation, as far as I can tell.

It also seems like service instances make use of these endpoints instead of their being service instance specific endpoints. I'll be happy to dig into that further should it be helpful.

Services list page

GET services list item

GET /v1/internal/ui/services

Example response:

    "hard drive"


Everything in the service list items depends on only this endpoint

Service show pages

Service health checks

GET /v1/health/service/:service

Example Response
      "hard drive",
      "Name":"matrix Status",
      "Notes":"In voluptatibus et a impedit rem architecto. Necessitatibus consequuntur architecto voluptas blanditiis eum doloribus et. Qui sit quam consequatur et amet molestiae eos. Ea aut consequatur nobis at sequi maxime et. Debitis qui ea provident hic ut similique at est.",
      "Output":"1f4c:2752:d737:821d:11e3:604a:ac1f:4e2d Opera/9.55 (Windows NT 6.2; U; CE Presto/2.9.167 Version/10.00)",
      "Name":"alarm Status",
      "Notes":"Eaque quos saepe nemo qui quasi labore accusantium et perspiciatis. Eveniet est voluptatibus et qui qui. Exercitationem aut consequatur molestias quas reprehenderit voluptatem eveniet suscipit. Id eligendi repudiandae deleniti vitae laudantium est alias.",
      "Output":"4d7e:2931:2eb6:052a:dfe6:2329:d05b:65a7 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:10.7) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.7.2",
      "Name":"matrix Status",
      "Notes":"Doloremque et commodi qui sint numquam pariatur. Non dolor asperiores unde magnam non. Molestiae voluptatem exercitationem doloremque sit. Inventore praesentium rem minima dolorem. Dicta inventore explicabo minus id eum ratione iusto.",
      "Output":"d426:8d3b:8975:9a9a:c46f:bf69:c506:c9e0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
      "Name":"array Status",
      "Notes":"Iure dolorem eum minima itaque aspernatur tempore rerum ex dicta. Dolor natus fuga voluptas veritatis optio ducimus consectetur. Occaecati accusantium qui explicabo voluptas qui.",
      "Output":"36cb:e61c:512a:7527:4841:160a:060e:5c94 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5.3; rv:10.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.2.1",
      "Name":"matrix Status",
      "Notes":"Qui numquam occaecati. Asperiores quae animi sunt et molestiae. Et asperiores nobis repudiandae ab voluptatem sit dolor. Reprehenderit dicta sunt nihil fugiat provident et officia quia voluptate.",
      "Output":"a8c8:a85e:8550:2afa:8e0f:a4e1:6544:490a Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.0; WOW64; rv:10.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.9.8",
      "Name":"bus Status",
      "Notes":"Nam error culpa quos. Eius tempore eos totam ab maxime sunt. Voluptas modi optio. Similique voluptate ducimus deserunt expedita. Quasi totam et unde perspiciatis culpa. Voluptatem maiores quaerat.",
      "Output":"11d5:8278:61d7:fa52:a272:3aa5:7e1d:2773 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6.6; rv:9.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.2.3",
      "Name":"hard drive Status",
      "Notes":"Rerum tenetur quia. Ea non consectetur consequuntur aut suscipit. Aperiam minima eaque animi incidunt qui voluptatem facere occaecati. Dignissimos impedit nobis ea eius dolore non sed ea ut.",
      "Output":"a091:30dd:9911:0647:50d3:107a:2944:9b07 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_1)  AppleWebKit/535.1.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.809.0 Safari/535.1.2",
      "Name":"firewall Status",
      "Notes":"Qui fuga molestiae ipsam minima. Corporis aut praesentium dolorem consequatur enim illo ipsa. Et veritatis nesciunt harum dignissimos minima vitae optio iusto. Adipisci soluta voluptatem inventore architecto totam eaque voluptatem quam.",
      "Output":"32fc:93b1:94ac:b07c:c572:8131:ee41:602a Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/533.0.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.891.0 Safari/533.0.1",
      "Name":"alarm Status",
      "Notes":"Et qui nisi harum libero laboriosam eius magni asperiores. Voluptatibus quae rerum. Rerum ut similique. Consequuntur itaque est perferendis in quidem.",
      "Output":"bc25:4ced:661c:331f:ef98:e66d:0d6d:6985 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3)  AppleWebKit/534.0.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.887.0 Safari/534.0.1",
      "Name":"card Status",
      "Notes":"Voluptatem odio voluptates quia. Sit delectus ut aut esse aperiam. Esse quam excepturi quaerat quaerat perferendis aspernatur sequi inventore quos. Consectetur quas impedit possimus qui beatae voluptas velit omnis.",
      "Output":"70ac:f78f:bc6e:8b4e:4641:024b:3ef4:370a Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:5.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.2.4",


  • Requested on the top-level service show page to get information about the service instances.


List Nodes for Mesh-capable Services

GET /v1/catalog/connect/:service

Example response
    "Another Tag"
    "Another Tag"
    "Another Tag"
    "Another Tag"
    "Another Tag"
    "Another Tag"


  • Requested from the top-level service show page if the service is not a connect-proxy or a mesh-gateway. The proxy instance health checks are included in the service instance health checks (see this commit for more information).
  • the proxy count is also used as one of the conditions for if we should show the topology tab.
  • We seem to requests `GET /v1/health/{service-name}-proxy after doing this request to get proxy instances. I think it has to do with this code but I am having a time confirming that. This is more-so a note for myself.


Read compiled discovery chain

GET /discovery-chain/:service

Example Response
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v3"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v3"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v3"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v1"
        "Filter":"Service.Meta.value == v2"


A note from the code

{{! currently we use the discovery chain endpoint to understand whether }}
{{! connect is enabled/disabled. We get a 500 error when its disabled }}
{{! and use this to set MeshEnabled on the Datacenter }}
{{! if once chain is set, i.e. we've checked this dc we remove the DataSource }}
{{! which will mark it for closure, which possibly could be reopened if }}
{{! the user clicks the routing/disco-chain tab}}
  • Requested once at the top-level service show page if it's a connect-proxy or a mesh-gateway. The request is used to set the MeshEnabled attribute on the datacenter. It may be re-requested on the routing tab.
  • This is also requested as a blocking query on the routing tab. The Chain that is returned in the response is what is used to display information on that tab.


Service upstreams tab

This tab is nested under the general service show-page and shows if the service is an ingress-gateway and not a peer.

Get ingress gateway service nodes

GET /v1/internal/ui/gateway-services-nodes/:service

Example Response
    "hard drive",
    "hard drive",


  • Requested on the 'Upstreams' tab on services show page to show the list of upstream instances.


This is an internal endpoint so there is no public documentation

Topology Tab

This tab is nested under the general service show-page and shows if the datacenter is MeshEnabled, and the service is not a connect-proxy, ingress-gateway, or terminating-gateway, and there is more than one proxy or the service is not an ingress-gateway or not a peer.

(and dc.MeshEnabled item.IsMeshOrigin (or (gt proxies.length 0) (eq item.Service.Kind 'ingress-gateway')) (not item.Service.PeerName))

NOTE: not in initial scope

Get service topology

GET /v1/internal/ui/service-topology/:service

Example response


  • Used for displaying all the information on the topology tab


This endpoint is not included in the public facing HTTP API documentation

Find intentions for service

GET /v1/connect/intentions

Example response
  "Description":"Consequatur excepturi ut et.",
  "SourceName":"hard drive-0",
  "Description":"Libero incidunt sunt.",
  "Description":"Numquam pariatur ducimus non dolor asperiores unde.",
  "Description":"Quae animi sunt et molestiae harum et asperiores nobis repudiandae.",
  "Description":"Nihil fugiat provident.",


  • Used for grabbing existing intention information as part of the process of creating intentions, which you can create via the topology UI.
  • Also used for listing intentions on the intentions tab


Upsert intention

PUT /v1/connect/intentions/exact


  • Used on the topology tab for creating and updating existing intentions
  • Used on edit and create for intentions on the intentions create form that is accessibile from the intentions tab.


Intentions tab

Delete intention

DELETE /v1/connect/intentions/exact


  • Used for deleting intentions from the intentions tab or via the edit form accessible through the intentions tab.


Upsert intention

PUT /v1/connect/intentions/exact


  • Used on the topology tab for creating and updating existing intentions
  • Used on edit and create for intentions on the intentions create form that is accessibile from the intentions tab.


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