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Created July 23, 2013 07:44
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Wordpress AJAX 基本寫法格式
function example_ajax_request() {
// The $_REQUEST contains all the data sent via ajax
if ( isset($_REQUEST) ) {
$fruit = $_REQUEST['fruit'];
// Let's take the data that was sent and do something with it
if ( $fruit == 'Banana' ) {
$fruit = 'Apple';
// Now we'll return it to the javascript function
// Anything outputted will be returned in the response
echo $fruit;
// If you're debugging, it might be useful to see what was sent in the $_REQUEST
// print_r($_REQUEST);
// Always die in functions echoing ajax content
add_action( 'wp_ajax_example_ajax_request', 'example_ajax_request' );
// If you wanted to also use the function for non-logged in users (in a theme for example)
// add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_example_ajax_request', 'example_ajax_request' );
The ajaxurl is only defined in the admin section.
If you need the url on the front end,
use <?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?> instead.
If you need it for use by a separate static JS file on the front end,
add this to the plugin/theme/wherever:
function pluginname_ajaxurl() {
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// We'll pass this variable to the PHP function example_ajax_request
var fruit = 'Banana';
// This does the ajax request
url: ajaxurl,
data: {
'fruit' : fruit
success:function(data) {
// This outputs the result of the ajax request
error: function(errorThrown){
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