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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Manifest Set Up

  1. You need to request the location permission to use Appboy's background location tracking.

You can do it by calling [[Appboy sharedInstance].locationManager allowRequestAlwaysPermission]; or [[Appboy sharedInstance].locationManager allowRequestWhenInUseLocationPermission]; and we'll prompt the user for you. If you already request location permission in your app we will listen for the authorization delegate and you don't need to call any Appboy methods for location permission.

  1. To enable background location tracking and configure your time and distance thresholds, contact us at with values for minimum distance and time to log locations collected. If a significant change location updates arrives sooner or closer to the last logged location than those conditions allow for, we will not log that location.

Time thresholds are specified in seconds and distance thresholds are specified in meters. We recommend 3600s and 1000.0m respectively.

In the near future, enabling background location tracking and configuring time and distance thresholds will be possible via the Appboy dashboard.

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