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youtube subscription list
required parameter: part takes in a string type (part=snippet,contentDetails)
optional parameters: forChannelId is a string type (channelId=UCAuUUnT6oDeKwE6v1NGQxug), mine takes in a boolean (mine=false)
Google Maps
Statue of Liberty:,+NY+10004&park|statue+of=liberty+national+monument&key=Your_API_Key
my address:,+aurora,+CO,+80017&key=Your_API_Key
Meetup API
Does the API require authentication? Most Meetup API endpoints require member authentication to protect access to privacy and to personalize responses.
Does this API support CORS? yes
find/upcoming_events. The response returns a list of event objects ordered chronologically. It uses a set of parameters inculding , but not limited to,
attendence_count, .created, description, event_hosts etc...
What are the limitations on the numers of requests? I couldn't find a specific answer. It says it will return different responses depending on
how close you are to the limit. I saw in another document that it said the limit was 200 requests per hour and 200 max results per request.
Expected errors.
400 Bad request when there was a problem with the request
401 Unauthorized when you don't provide a valid token
429 Too Many Requests when you've gone over your request rate limit
500 Internal Server Error an unexpected error occured on our servers
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