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Created December 30, 2016 04:26
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Cracklepop in brainfuck
CracklePop in brainfuck
Memory architecture:
00: "\n"
01: "p"
02: "o"
03: "P"
04: "e"
05: "l"
06: "k"
07: "c"
08: "a"
09: "r"
10: "C"
11: hundreds counter
12: tens counter
13: ones counter
14: ones char
15: tens char
16: hundreds char
17: '\n'
18: zero, used in mod algo
19: bit counter for main loop
20: zero/bit counter location after mod algo
21: Number to mod by for mod algo
22: zero/result of mod algo
23: zero, used in mod algo
24: zero, used in mod algo
25: mod count bit - counts number of times that n mod a has returned zero
26: tmp
27: tmp
28: print hundreds
29: tmp
30: tmp
31: print tens
32: tmp
33: tmp
32: stop bit
33: tmp
34: tmp
+++++ +++++ > # \n
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++ +> -] < ++ > # p 10x11p2
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++ +> -] < + > # o 10x11p1
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++> -] < > # P 10x8
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++> -] < + > # e 10x10p1
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++> -] < +++++ +++ > # l 10x10p8
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++> -] < +++++ ++ > # k 10x10p7
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++> -] < - > # c 10x10m1
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++> -] < --- > # a 10x10m3
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ +++++ +> -] < ++++ > # r 10x11p4
> +++++ +++++ [ <+++++ ++> -] < --- > # C 10x7m3
-- > # Hundreds counter
----- ----- > # Tens counter
----- ---- > # Ones counter
> +++++ + [ < +++++ +++ > -] # Ones char
> +++++ + [ < +++++ +++ > -] # Tens char
> +++++ + [ < +++++ +++ > -] # Hundreds char
<<<<<< # go back to hundreds counter
[ # Hundreds loop
>[ # Tens loop
>[ # Ones loop
>+< # Increment ones value
>>>>>+<<<<< # Increment bit counter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >[-]+ >[-]<< [>-]>[<
>>>>[-]>>[-]>[-]+++>[-]>>[-]>[-]<<<<<< # Setup for mod3 algo (including zeroing the mod count)
[>+>->+<[>]>[<+>-]<<[<]>-] # mod
>[-<+>] # Move bit counter back
>> # Move to mod result
mod is nonzero
mod is zero
<<<<<<<<<<<.<.<.<.<.<.<.<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Print Crackle
>>>+<<< # Increase mod count
<<<<<<<< # Everything returned to the way it should be for the next mod operation
>>>>[-]>>[-]>[-]+++++>[-]>>[-]<<<<< # Setup for mod5 algo
[>+>->+<[>]>[<+>-]<<[<]>-] # mod
>[-<+>] # Move bit counter back
>> # Move to mod result
mod is nonzero
mod is zero
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.<.<.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Print Pop
>>>+<<< # Increase mod count
<<<<<<<< # Everything returned to the way it should be for the next mod operation
>>>>>>>>>>> # Move to mod count
mod counter is nonzero
mod counter is zero
>>> >[-]+>[-] <<[ <<<<<<<<<<<.>>>>>>>>>>> >-]>[< >->]<< <<< # Print hundreds and set stop bit
>>>>>> >[-]+>[-] <<[ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >-]>[< >->]<< <<<<<< # Print tens
<<<<<<<<<<.>>>>>>>>>> # Print ones
>>> >[-]+>[-] <<[ >>>>>>+<<<<<< >-]>[< >->]<< <<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<.>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Print newline
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >->]<<
>>----- -----<< # Reset ones char
>----- -----< # Reset ones counter
>>>+<<< # Increment tens value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # Increment print tens
>>>>----- -----<<<< # Reset tens char
>----- -----< # Reset tens counter
>>>>>+<<<<< # Increment hundreds value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # Increment print hundreds
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