ℹ️ to change the default color of the images replace #6c63ff with whatever color you want.
originally from: https://gist.github.com/antonydevanchi/56be1c739e47c72e11ddabf853ddc6db
When | |
[Case | |
(Deposit | |
(Role "Seller") | |
(Role "Buyer") | |
(Token "" "") | |
(ConstantParam "Price") | |
) | |
(When | |
[Case |
ℹ️ to change the default color of the images replace #6c63ff with whatever color you want.
originally from: https://gist.github.com/antonydevanchi/56be1c739e47c72e11ddabf853ddc6db
package main | |
import ( | |
"fmt" | |
) | |
type Base interface { | |
SetParams(string) | |
GetParams() string | |
} |
import clickhouse_driver | |
def execute_query(sql, settings): | |
conn_params = { | |
'host': '<HOST>', | |
'port': 9000, | |
'user': '<USER>', | |
'password': '<PASSWORD>', | |
'database': 'default', |
mkdir -p /home/pi/mongo/data
docker run --restart always -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e AUTH=no -v /home/pi/mongo/data:/data/db --name mongo izone/arm:mongo-3.0.9
source: https://github.com/luvres/armhf
import dateutil.parser | |
dates = [ | |
# dates that comes as str from kafka message: | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:28.777652636Z', | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:28.128Z', # added | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:28.120Z', # added | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:28.100Z', # added | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:28.1Z', # added | |
'2019-05-27T12:54:29.993908166Z', |
import os | |
from kafka import KafkaConsumer | |
from settings import BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, TOPIC | |
consumer = KafkaConsumer(TOPIC, bootstrap_servers=BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, auto_offset_reset='earliest') | |
print("connected to: {}".format(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS)) | |
for message in consumer: | |
# message value and key are raw bytes -- decode if necessary! |
force { | |
UserName = "me@mycompany.com" | |
ClientID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" | |
ClientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" | |
InstanceUrl = "https://xxxx.salesforce.com" | |
DataServiceUrl = "/services/data/v41.0" | |
} |
package com.example.salesforce | |
import com.google.gson.Gson | |
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, | |
SynchronizedMap, HashMap} | |
case class DescribeField(name: String, `type`: String) |