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Created August 8, 2017 23:47
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mixpanel server side destination source code
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
var integration = require('../../../createIntegration')
var parse = require('ua-parser-js')
var object = require('obj-case')
var time = require('unix-time')
var extend = require('extend')
var each = require('lodash/forEach')
var reject = require('reject')
var Batch = require('batch')
var tick = setImmediate
var ms = require('ms')
var is = require('is')
var camelCase = require('lodash/camelCase')
var pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy')
* Expose `Mixpanel`
var Mixpanel = module.exports = integration('Mixpanel')
* Mixpanel requires an `.apiKey` on `track` and `screen`
* if the message is older than 5 days. And
* won't import anything older than 5 years.
* btw, we're not ensuring against this but it looks like if you send a date far into the future
* Mixpanel will return an error but they do not have this documented anywhere so won't change ensure logic
Mixpanel.ensure(function (msg, settings) {
var age = - msg.timestamp()
if (age > ms('5y')) {
return this.invalid('message.timestamp() must be within the last five years.')
if (settings.apiKey) return
if (msg.type() !== 'track' && msg.type() !== 'screen') return
if (!shouldImport(msg)) return
return this.invalid('.apiKey is required if "track" or "screen" message is older than 5 days.')
* Identify the Mixpanel user.
* @param {Identify} identify
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
Mixpanel.prototype.identify = function (identify, fn) {
var settings = this.settings || {}
var peopleProperties = this.settings.peopleProperties || []
var traits = formatTraits(identify, settings)
// If the user has defined whitelisted traits, start to filter out unapproved ones.
// Need a secondary check to ensure all values in array are truthy (ie non empty strings)
// This is a bug that needs to be fixed in metadata ASAP.
if (!settings.setAllTraitsByDefault && peopleProperties.every((prop) => !!prop)) {
traits = filterTraits(traits, peopleProperties)
if (!settings.people) return tick(fn)
var batch = new Batch()
var self = this
var ignoreIp = identify.proxy('context.ignoreIp') || // TODO: remove
var ignoreTime = identify.proxy('context.Mixpanel.ignoreTime') ||
// Default querystring and payload data shared across all calls
var basePayload = {
$distinct_id: identify.userId() || identify.sessionId(), // the primary id
$token: settings.token,
$time: identify.timestamp().getTime(),
$ip: ignoreIp ? 0 : identify.ip() || 0, // use the ip passed in
$ignore_time: ignoreTime,
mp_lib: 'Segment: ' + identify.library().name
var baseQuery = {
ip: 0, // pass a flag to ignore the server-ip
verbose: 1 // make sure that we get a valid response
// $set must be a separate call than $union
batch.push(function (fn) {
var payload = extend({ $set: traits }, basePayload)
var query = extend({ data: b64encode(payload) }, baseQuery)
// Send device token for iOS for push notification support
var deviceToken = identify.proxy('context.device.token')
if (deviceToken) {
batch.push(function (fn) {
var payload = extend({
$union: {
$ios_devices: [deviceToken]
}, basePayload)
var query = extend({ data: b64encode(payload) }, baseQuery)
* Track a Mixpanel event
* TODO: update people's profile when increment is found.
* see:
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
Mixpanel.prototype.track = function (track, fn) {
var imported = shouldImport(track)
var endpoint = imported ? '/import' : '/track'
var batch = new Batch()
var self = this
var payload = {
event: track.event(),
properties: formatProperties(track, this.settings)
extend(, superProperties(track, this.settings))
var query = {
verbose: 1,
data: b64encode(payload),
api_key: this.settings.apiKey
// increment
if (this.settings.people) {
batch.push(function (fn) {
self.increment(track, fn)
batch.push(function (done) {
.set('Content-Length', 0)
if (track.revenue()) {
batch.push(function (done) {
self.revenue(track, done)
* Track Page / Screen using `msg`.
* In the new Integration proto abstract this away,
* doing `if's` in each integration is annoying,
* we can automate this even for integrations
* that map to page -> track -- this will reduce errors.
* @param {Track|Screen} msg
* @param {Function} fn
Mixpanel.prototype.screen = = function (msg, fn) {
var consolidatedPageCalls = this.settings.consolidatedPageCalls
var trackAllPages = this.settings.trackAllPages
var trackCategorizedPages = this.settings.trackCategorizedPages
var trackNamedPages = this.settings.trackNamedPages
var category = msg.category()
var name =
var fullName = msg.fullName() // includes both category and name
var self = this
// if they want to send all page/scren events with the default name from facade
// i.e. "Loaded a Screen", "Loaded a Page"
if (consolidatedPageCalls) return send(msg.track(), fn)
// The old behavior
// track all pages
if (trackAllPages) return send(msg.track(), fn)
// track categorized pages
if (trackCategorizedPages && category) {
if (name) return send(msg.track(fullName), fn)
return send(msg.track(category), fn)
// track named pages
if (trackNamedPages && name) return send(msg.track(name), fn)
// nothing
return tick(fn)
// call via track method with `msg`.
function send (msg, done) {
self.track(msg, function (err, arr) {
if (err) return done(err)
done(null, arr[1])
* Alias a user from one id to the other
* @param {Alias} alias
* @param {Function} fn
* @api public
Mixpanel.prototype.alias = function (alias, fn) {
var previousId = alias.previousId()
var userId = alias.userId()
var payload = {
event: '$create_alias',
properties: {
distinct_id: previousId,
alias: userId,
token: this.settings.token
.query({ ip: 0 })
.query({ verbose: 1 })
.query({ data: b64encode(payload) })
.query({ api_key: this.settings.apiKey })
.set('Content-Length', 0) // mixpanel rejects length-less requests
* Track a mixpanel revenue call
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Function} callback
* @api private
Mixpanel.prototype.revenue = function (track, fn) {
var ignoreIp = track.proxy('options.ignoreIp')
if (ignoreIp === undefined) ignoreIp = true
var req = this.get('/engage')
if (ignoreIp) req.query({ ip: 0 })
.query({ verbose: 1 })
.query({ data: b64encode(formatRevenue(track, this.settings)) })
* Increment the given `track` with `settings` and `callback`.
* Unfortunately Mixpanel doesn't let you specify 2 operations,
* so we request twice, once for `$add` and once for `$set`.
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Function} fn
* @api private
Mixpanel.prototype.increment = function (track, fn) {
var increments = getIncrements(track, this.settings)
var batch = new Batch()
var self = this
// ignore
if (!increments) return tick(fn)
if (!track.userId()) return tick(fn)
// send
// send `type`
function send (type) {
return function (done) {
var payload = {}
payload.$distinct_id = track.userId()
payload.$token = self.settings.token
payload.mp_lib = ''
payload[type] = increments[type]
var b64 = b64encode(payload)
return self
.query({ ip: 0 })
.query({ verbose: 1 })
.query({ data: b64 })
* Common function for parsing the response from a mixpanel call.
* @param {Function} fn
* @api private
Mixpanel.prototype._parseResponse = function (fn) {
return function (err, res) {
if (err) return fn(err)
// Mixpanel doesn't send normal error objects with status codes so we have to manually parse their responses
// for proper error handling by integration-workers
if (!res.body.status) {
var message = res.body.error
var newError = new Error(message)
newError.status = message.match(/api_key/) ? 401 : 400
} else {
fn(null, res)
* Add user super properties to the track.
* IMPORTANT: handling super properties server side is incredibly confusing. Super properties are used by Mixpanel's
* client side libraries to cache specific event/user properties and automatically send them as properties of all future
* events triggered on that device. We don't use any kind of caching mechanism robust enough to replicate this on the server.
* Therefore, there is really no way to mimic this type of functionality. A user needs to pass all the properties of an event if
* they want to use them as super properties server side.
* The one caveat of this is the confusing way we handle passing a user's cached traits from previous identify calls to our servers.
* On web, we do not automatically pass anything in the context.traits object of a track event while our mobile SDK's do. They send
* all of the traits that have been set in previous identify() events on that device. Therefore, if a customer has:
* 1 - Is using our mobile SDK's
* 2 - HAS NOT bundled our Mixpanel mobile integration onto the device
* 3 - HAS specified that they would like to set all people properties as super properties
* 4 - Have sent an identify event for a given user at some point
* the user's traits will be getting passed to this integration as context.traits. We therefore need to handle them here but we only
* need to worry about what is in context.traits of the track event.
* @param {Track} track
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function superProperties (track, settings) {
var identify = track.identify()
var id = identify.proxy('')
var superPropsWhitelist = settings.superProperties || []
var traits = identify.traits(traitAliases)
if (!settings.setAllTraitsByDefault) traits = filterTraits(traits, superPropsWhitelist)
var properties = {}
if (!is.object(traits)) return properties
Object.keys(traits).forEach(function (trait) {
var val = traits[trait]
// an early version of the integrations prefixed traits incorrectly
// the setting preserves backwards compat.
if (settings.legacySuperProperties && trait.charAt(0) !== '$') {
trait = '$' + trait
properties[trait] = val
// This is legacy behavior we need to maintain for backwards compatibility. = id
return properties
* A map of Segment traits to special Mixpanel user properties.
var traitAliases = {
created: '$created',
createdAt: '$created',
email: '$email',
firstName: '$first_name',
lastName: '$last_name',
lastSeen: '$last_seen', // This should be removed since docs say not to set this manually or can't be set
name: '$name',
username: '$username',
phone: '$phone',
// Token is reserved by Mixpanel, so remap it.
token: 'trait_token'
* Filter out properties from an obj based on a whitelist of approved key names.
* Does a case and formatting insensitive comparison.
* @param {Array} whitelist
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Function} fn (optional)
* @api private
function filterTraits (traits, peopleProperties) {
// Some example peopleProperty values: ['$email', 'First Name', 'Last Open Drawing: External App']
var unformattedPeopleProperties = => camelCase(value).toLowerCase())
return pickBy(traits, (value, key) => {
return unformattedPeopleProperties.includes(camelCase(key).toLowerCase())
* Format the traits from the identify
* @param {Identify} identify
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function formatTraits (identify, settings) {
var traits = identify.traits(traitAliases)
var userAgent = identify.userAgent()
// Delete any Segment trait names; they've now been renamed to Mixpanel names
each(traitAliases, function (_, key) {
object.del(traits, key, { normalizer: function (path) {
return path.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\.$]+/g, '').toLowerCase() // eslint-disable-line
if (userAgent) extend(traits, formatUserAgent(userAgent))
// Format timestamp
//, `$created` section
if (traits.$created) {
traits.$created = formatDate(traits.$created)
// Map semantic mobile context properties
extend(traits, formatMobileSpecific(identify))
return traits
* Format the mixpanel specific properties.
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Object} settings
* @return {Object}
function formatProperties (track, settings) {
var properties = || {}
var identify = track.identify()
var userAgent = track.userAgent()
var campaign = track.proxy('context.campaign') || undefined
var app = track.proxy('') || {}
var semanticProps = {
$app_version: app.version,
$current_url: track.proxy(''),
$device: track.proxy(''),
distinct_id: track.userId() || track.sessionId(),
ip: track.ip(),
mp_lib: 'Segment: ' + track.library().name,
$referrer: track.referrer(),
$search_engine: track.proxy('properties.searchEngine'),
time: time(track.timestamp()),
token: settings.token,
$username: track.proxy('properties.username')
// Remove possible duplicate properties.
// Note that this will object.del will strip any special characters
// before the lookup
object.del(properties, 'username')
object.del(properties, 'searchEngine')
object.del(properties, 'referrer')
extend(properties, semanticProps)
// Add the name tag
properties.mp_name_tag = || ||
identify.userId() ||
if (userAgent) extend(properties, formatUserAgent(userAgent))
// Map mobile specific special props
extend(properties, formatMobileSpecific(track))
// Map UTM params
if (campaign) {
properties.utm_source = campaign.source
properties.utm_medium = campaign.medium
properties.utm_term = campaign.term
properties.utm_content = campaign.content
properties.utm_campaign =
// Strip null/undefined values
properties = reject(properties)
return properties
* Format userAgent properties
* @param {string} data
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function formatUserAgent (data) {
var ret = {}
var parsed = parse(data)
var browser = parsed.browser
if (browser) {
ret.$browser =
ret.$browser_version = browser.version
return ret
* Format mobile specific properties
* @param {msg} msg
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function formatMobileSpecific (track) {
var device = track.proxy('context.device') || {}
var app = track.proxy('') || {}
var os = track.proxy('context.os') || {}
var network = track.proxy('') || {}
var screen = track.proxy('context.screen') || {}
var ret = {}
ret.$carrier = network.carrier
ret.$manufacturer = device.manufacturer
ret.$model = device.model
ret.$os =
ret.$os_version = os.version
ret.$screen_height = screen.height
ret.$screen_width = screen.width
ret.$wifi = network.wifi
// ret.$brand = device.model; what should this be
switch (device.type) {
case 'iOS':
ret.$ios_ifa = device.advertisingId
ret.$ios_device_model = device.model
ret.$ios_app_release =
ret.$ios_app_version = app.version
ret.$ios_version = os.version
case 'android':
ret.$screen_dpi = screen.density
ret.$bluetooth_enabled = network.bluetooth
ret.$has_telephone = network.cellular
ret.$android_version_code = app.version
ret.$android_app_version = app.version
ret.$android_os =
ret.$android_os_version = os.version
ret.$android_model = device.model
ret.$android_manufacturer = device.manufacturer
// ret.$android_brand = device.manufacturer; ?? what should this be
return ret
* Create a revenue track call
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Object} settings
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function formatRevenue (track, settings) {
var ret = {
$distinct_id: track.userId() || track.sessionId(),
$token: settings.token,
$ip: track.ip(),
$append: {
$transactions: {
$time: formatDate(track.timestamp()),
$amount: track.revenue()
// don't flag as last seen by default
var ignoreTime = !
if (ignoreTime) ret.$ignore_time = ignoreTime
return ret
* Formats a date for Mixpanel's API, takes the first part of the iso string
* @param {Mixed} date
* @return {String}
* @api private
function formatDate (date) {
date = new Date(date)
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) return
return date.toISOString().slice(0, 19)
* Get increments.
* @param {Track} track
* @param {Object} settings
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function getIncrements (track, settings) {
var inc = lowercase(settings.increments || [])
var event = track.event()
if (!~inc.indexOf(event.toLowerCase())) return
var ret = { $set: {}, $add: {} }
ret.$set['Last ' + event] = formatDate(track.timestamp())
ret.$add[event] = 1
return ret
* Mixpanel uses different endpoints for historical import.
* @param {Facade} message
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
function shouldImport (message) {
var timestamp = message.timestamp() || new Date()
return ( - timestamp.getTime()) > ms('5d')
* Base64 encode the payload
* @param {Object} payload
* @return {String}
* @api private
function b64encode (payload) {
return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64')
* Stringify the nested values for an object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object}
* @api private
function stringifyValues (obj) {
if (!is.object(obj)) return obj
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
var val = obj[key]
if (is.object(val)) obj[key] = JSON.stringify(val)
return obj
* Lowercase the given `arr`.
* @param {Array} arr
* @return {Array}
* @api private
function lowercase (arr) {
var ret = []
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
return ret
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