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Last active December 21, 2021 15:47
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Save Westacular/2a689811dbea1bee5e5221015ec69779 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solution for Part 2 of ... Runs in 0.0004 seconds on M1 MacBook Pro
import Foundation
/// Typealias used in case we need to use some BigInt type
/// for counting, but for games to 21, a 64-bit Int is sufficient
typealias CountingInt = Int
struct DiracDie {
/// index is sum of three rolls of 3-sided die,
/// value is the number of combinations that generate that sum
static let threeRollCombinations: [Int] = {
var probs: [Int] = Array<Int>(repeating: 0, count: 10)
for a in 1...3 {
for b in 1...3 {
for c in 1...3 {
probs[a+b+c] += 1
return probs
struct PositionScore: Hashable {
var position: Int
var score: Int
struct QuantumGame: CustomStringConvertible {
var turnNumber = 1
/// Count the number of potential universes where each player is at
/// different possible (position, score) states on this turn,
/// tracking only the states that have not yet won
var player1Positions: [PositionScore: CountingInt]
var player2Positions: [PositionScore: CountingInt]
/// Accumulate the number of potential universes where each
/// player has won on/before this turn
var player1Wins: CountingInt = 0
var player2Wins: CountingInt = 0
/// The number of *remaining* universes where each player
/// has not yet reached a winning score
/// Note: playerNRemainingUniverses == sum of values of playerNPositions
var player1RemainingUniverses: CountingInt = 1
var player2RemainingUniverses: CountingInt = 1
init(player1: Int, player2: Int) {
self.player1Positions = [PositionScore(position: player1, score: 0): 1]
self.player2Positions = [PositionScore(position: player2, score: 0): 1]
mutating func takeATurn() {
let positions = (turnNumber % 2 == 1) ? player1Positions : player2Positions
/// Number of possibilities for each non-winning (position, score) state following this turn
var newPositionScoreCounts = [PositionScore: CountingInt]()
/// Number of possibilities in which the player hasn't won on this turn
var possibleNonWins: CountingInt = 0
/// Number of possibilities in which the player won on this turn
var possibleWins: CountingInt = 0
for (startingPositionScore, startingCount) in positions {
for rollValue in 3...9 {
let rollCombinations = DiracDie.threeRollCombinations[rollValue]
let newPosition = ((startingPositionScore.position + rollValue - 1) % 10) + 1
let newScore = startingPositionScore.score + newPosition
let possibilities = startingCount * rollCombinations
if newScore >= 21 {
possibleWins += possibilities
} else {
let newPositionScore = PositionScore(position: newPosition, score: newScore)
newPositionScoreCounts[newPositionScore, default: 0] += possibilities
possibleNonWins += possibilities
if turnNumber % 2 == 1 {
player1Positions = newPositionScoreCounts
player1RemainingUniverses = possibleNonWins
/// Note that we've been keeping tracking of the possibilities for the two players
/// independently of each other:
/// Total number of possible universes in which the player won on this turn is
/// actually (number of win possibilities on this turn for this player) times
/// (number of possibilities for the opponent where they have not yet won)
player1Wins += possibleWins * player2RemainingUniverses
} else {
player2Positions = newPositionScoreCounts
player2RemainingUniverses = possibleNonWins
player2Wins += possibleWins * player1RemainingUniverses
turnNumber += 1
var isGameOver: Bool {
return player1RemainingUniverses <= 0 || player2RemainingUniverses <= 0
var description: String {
return "P1 rem: \(game.player1RemainingUniverses), P2 rem: \(game.player2RemainingUniverses) ||| P1 wins: \(game.player1Wins), P2 wins: \(game.player2Wins)"
let startTime = ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
//var game = QuantumGame(player1: 4, player2: 8)
var game = QuantumGame(player1: 9, player2: 4)
while !game.isGameOver {
// print(game)
print("GAME OVER")
let endTime = ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
print("Time: \(endTime - startTime) s")
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