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Last active August 22, 2020 05:03
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Comparing Compression Algorithms

Comparing Comparison Algorithm

We will be comparing different compression algorithms, and see which is most efficient, and witch one will be the fastest.

We will compare: zip, tar, gzip, 7z (7zip), and lz4.

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Compressing a TXT file

The test file is a 244Mb txt file filled with Hello, World! ... (with newlines). Which turns out to be 2033520 lines long, and 256223520 characters.

Each test was ran multiple times, and the compression time was mean of each test.

Here are the results:

Compression Speed Compressed size
raw NA 244Mb
7z 4.541s 40Kb
zip 1.200s 884Kb
gzip 1.100s 896Kb
tar 1.057s 908Kb
lz4 (slow) 0.145s 984Kb
lz4 (fast) 0.141s 984Kb

As you can see, the best compression is 7z (by far), and slowest, and the fastest is lz4, and the least compressed.

Here is each command ran:

Command Run
zip zip testfile.txt
tar tar -czf testfile.txt.tar.gz testfile.txt
gzip gzip -k testfile.txt
7z 7z a testfile.txt.7z testfile.txt
lz4 (slow) lz4 -9 testfile.txt
lz4 (fast) lz4 testfile.txt

Compressing a large directory

The test directory will be a realistic (pun intented 😄) KSP realision-overhaul and real solar system game directory. It is 5.85Gb and 13064 files, which include some binary files (eg. images, etc...).

gzip was omitted since tar uses gzip compression in this case.

Compression Speed Compressed size
raw NA 5.65Gb
7z 9m23.179s 1.8Gb
tar 3m51.134s 2.3Gb
zip 4m3.726s 2.4Gb
lz4 (slow) 3m42.326s 2.5Gb
lz4 (fast) 34.520s 3.0Gb

due to the long compressing time, I only ran one test per command.

As expected, 7z has the best compression, but anciently slow. Next would be tar, which offers good compression vs speed. However, lz4 is still by far the fastest, but much less compressed (but much better then I was expecting!).

And, for the record, here is the commands ran:

Command Run
zip zip -r KSP_1.8_RO
tar tar -czf KSP_1.8_RO.tar.gz KSP_1.8_RO
7z 7z a -r KSP_1.8_RO.7z KSP_1.8_RO
lz4 (slow) tar cf - KSP_1.8_RO/ | lz4 -9 > KSP_1.8_RO.tar.lz4
lz4 (fast) tar cf - KSP_1.8_RO/ | lz4 > KSP_1.8_RO.tar.lz4

NOTE: To uncompress the lz4 file, use lz4 -c -d KSP_1.8_RO.tar.lz4 | tar xf - -C ./. Realistically, if you want to use lz4 to compress a directory, probably just use tar, unless you need supper fast compression/decompression.

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