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Created July 11, 2023 05:35
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7-10-23 FTC Java Test OpMode to demonstrate VisionPort features to save CPU resources
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import java.util.List;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.JavaUtil;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.tfod.Recognition;
@TeleOp(name = "W_VisionPortal_Test_v01 (Java)")
public class W_VisionPortal_Test_v01 extends LinearOpMode {
VisionPortal myVisionPortal;
AprilTagProcessor myAprilTagProcessor;
TfodProcessor myTfodProcessor;
boolean USE_WEBCAM;
String StreamingStatus;
String LiveViewStatus;
* This OpMode allows stopping and resuming only LiveView
* (RC preview), which does not affect DS Camera Stream.
* This saves some CPU resources, and resumes very quickly.
* This OpMode separately allows stopping and resuming Streaming,
* which includes LiveView and DS Camera Stream. This saves
* more CPU resources, but takes slightly longer to resume.
* Another CPU-saving choice: disable/enable the AprilTag and/or TFOD processors.
* The Telemetry functions include an alternate for
* getting all or only fresh detections/recognitions.
* Note the VisionPortal.close() command, to be used when finished using the camera.
* Questions, comments and corrections to
public void runOpMode() {
float myFPS;
// This OpMode turns RC LiveView and Streaming off and on.
USE_WEBCAM = true;
StreamingStatus = "ON";
LiveViewStatus = "ON";
// Initialize AprilTag before waitForStart.
// Get the current vision frame rate.
myFPS = myVisionPortal.getFps();
while (opModeInInit()) {
telemetry.addData("DS preview on/off", "3 dots, Camera Stream");
telemetry.addData(">", "Touch Play to start OpMode");
// Wait until DS Start button is touched.
if (opModeIsActive()) {
while (opModeIsActive()) {
// Save computing resources by closing VisionPortal at any time, if no longer needed.
* Describe this function...
private void Toggle_and_Telemetry() {
// Share the CPU.
* Describe this function...
private void Frames_Per_Second() {
// Get the current vision frame rate.
telemetry.addData("Frames Per Second (FPS)", Double.parseDouble(JavaUtil.formatNumber(myVisionPortal.getFps(), 0)));
* Describe this function...
private void Toggle_LiveView_and_Streaming() {
if (gamepad1.dpad_left) {
// Temporarily stop the live view (RC preview).
LiveViewStatus = "OFF";
} else if (gamepad1.dpad_right) {
// Start the live view (RC preview) again.
LiveViewStatus = "ON";
if (gamepad1.dpad_down) {
// Temporarily stop the streaming session. This can save CPU
// resources, with the ability to resume quickly when needed.
StreamingStatus = "OFF";
} else if (gamepad1.dpad_up) {
// Resume the streaming session if previously stopped.
StreamingStatus = "ON";
telemetry.addLine("Dpad L/R LiveView: " + LiveViewStatus + " Down/Up Streaming: " + StreamingStatus);
* Describe this function...
private void Toggle_Processors() {
if (gamepad1.x) {
// Enable or disable the AprilTag processor.
myVisionPortal.setProcessorEnabled(myAprilTagProcessor, true);
} else if (gamepad1.y) {
// Enable or disable the AprilTag processor.
myVisionPortal.setProcessorEnabled(myAprilTagProcessor, false);
if (gamepad1.a) {
// Enable or disable the TensorFlow Object Detection processor.
myVisionPortal.setProcessorEnabled(myTfodProcessor, true);
} else if (gamepad1.b) {
// Enable or disable the TensorFlow Object Detection processor.
myVisionPortal.setProcessorEnabled(myTfodProcessor, false);
// Get whether the AprilTag processor is enabled.
// Get whether the TensorFlow Object Detection processor is enabled.
telemetry.addLine("X/Y AprilTag on? " + myVisionPortal.getProcessorEnabled(myAprilTagProcessor) + " A/B TFOD on? " + myVisionPortal.getProcessorEnabled(myTfodProcessor));
* Initialize AprilTag Detection.
private void initAprilTag() {
// First, create the AprilTag and TFOD Processors.
myAprilTagProcessor = AprilTagProcessor.easyCreateWithDefaults();
// Create the TensorFlow Object Detection processor and assign it to a variable.
myTfodProcessor = TfodProcessor.easyCreateWithDefaults();
// Next, create a VisionPortal.
// Create a VisionPortal, with the specified webcam
// name, AprilTag processor, and TensorFlow Object
// Detection processor, and assign it to a variable.
myVisionPortal = VisionPortal.easyCreateWithDefaults(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1"), myAprilTagProcessor, myTfodProcessor);
} else {
// Create a VisionPortal, with the specified builtin camera
// direction, AprilTag processor, and TensorFlow Object
// Detection processor, and assign it to a variable.
myVisionPortal = VisionPortal.easyCreateWithDefaults(BuiltinCameraDirection.BACK, myAprilTagProcessor, myTfodProcessor);
* Display info (using telemetry) for a recognized AprilTag.
private void telemetryAprilTag() {
List<AprilTagDetection> myAprilTagDetections;
AprilTagDetection myAprilTagDetection;
myAprilTagDetections = myAprilTagProcessor.getDetections();
// Alternate: get only fresh detections.
// Get a list containing detections that were detected since the last call to this method, or null if no new detections are available. This is useful to avoid re-processing the same detections multiple times.
// myAprilTagDetections = myAprilTagProcessor.getFreshDetections();
if (myAprilTagDetections != null) {
telemetry.addData("# AprilTags Detected", JavaUtil.listLength(myAprilTagDetections));
// Iterate through list and call a function to
// display info for each recognized AprilTag.
for (AprilTagDetection myAprilTagDetection_item : myAprilTagDetections) {
myAprilTagDetection = myAprilTagDetection_item;
// Display info about the detection.
if (myAprilTagDetection.metadata != null) {
telemetry.addLine("==== (ID " + + ") " +;
telemetry.addLine("XYZ " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.x, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.y, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.z, 6, 1) + " (inch)");
telemetry.addLine("PRY " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.yaw, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.pitch, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.roll, 6, 1) + " (deg)");
telemetry.addLine("RBE " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.range, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.bearing, 6, 1) + " " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myAprilTagDetection.ftcPose.elevation, 6, 1) + " (inch, deg, deg)");
} else {
telemetry.addLine("==== (ID " + + ") Unknown");
telemetry.addLine("Center " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(, 6, 0) + "" + JavaUtil.formatNumber(, 6, 0) + " (pixels)");
} // end for() loop
} // end if != null
telemetry.addLine("XYZ = X (Right), Y (Forward), Z (Up) dist.");
telemetry.addLine("PRY = Pitch, Roll & Yaw (XYZ Rotation)");
telemetry.addLine("RBE = Range, Bearing & Elevation");
* Display info (using telemetry) for a detected object
private void telemetryTfod() {
List<Recognition> myTfodRecognitions;
Recognition myTfodRecognition;
float x;
float y;
myTfodRecognitions = myTfodProcessor.getRecognitions();
// Alternate: get only fresh recognitions.
// Get a list containing recognitions that were detected since the last call to this method, or null if no new recognitions are available. This is useful to avoid re-processing the same recognitions multiple times.
// myTfodRecognitions = myTfodProcessor.getFreshRecognitions();
if (myTfodRecognitions != null) {
telemetry.addData("# Objects Detected", JavaUtil.listLength(myTfodRecognitions));
// Iterate through list and call a function to
// display info for each recognized object.
for (Recognition myTfodRecognition_item : myTfodRecognitions) {
myTfodRecognition = myTfodRecognition_item;
// Display info about the recognition.
// Display label and confidence.
// Display the label and confidence for the recognition.
telemetry.addData("Image", myTfodRecognition.getLabel() + " (" + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myTfodRecognition.getConfidence() * 100, 0) + " % Conf.)");
// Display position.
x = (myTfodRecognition.getLeft() + myTfodRecognition.getRight()) / 2;
y = (myTfodRecognition.getTop() + myTfodRecognition.getBottom()) / 2;
// Display the position of the center of the detection boundary for the recognition
telemetry.addData("- Position", JavaUtil.formatNumber(x, 0) + ", " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(y, 0));
// Display size
// Display the size of detection boundary for the recognition
telemetry.addData("- Size", JavaUtil.formatNumber(myTfodRecognition.getWidth(), 0) + " x " + JavaUtil.formatNumber(myTfodRecognition.getHeight(), 0));
} // end for() loop
} // end if != null
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