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Created November 25, 2023 12:21
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say grammar A { token TOP { <.print>+ } }.parse("foo")
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
in regex TOP at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
«exit code = 1»
Cannot resolve caller print(Mu:U: A:D); none of these signatures match:
(Mu: *%_)
in regex TOP at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
«exit code = 1»
Cannot resolve caller print(Mu:U: A:D); none of these signatures matches:
(Mu: *%_)
in regex TOP at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
«exit code = 1»
Cannot resolve caller print(Mu:U: A:D); none of these signatures matches:
(Mu: *%_)
in block <unit> at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
«exit code = 1»
Cannot resolve caller print(Mu:U: A:D); none of these signatures matches:
(Mu: *%_)
in regex TOP at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/8SiTITn0Zb line 1
«exit code = 1»
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