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Created February 19, 2020 16:20
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chdir ‘sandbox/roast’; %*ENV<MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING> = 1; %*ENV<MVM_SPESH_NODELAY> = 1; run <perl6 S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t>;
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/sandbox/roast/S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t
No compiler available for Perl v6.e.PREVIEW
at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/sandbox/roast/S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t:1
------> use v6.e.PREVIEW⏏;
The spawned process exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/sandbox/roast/S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t
No compiler available for Perl v6.e.PREVIEW
at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/sandbox/roast/S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t:1
------> use v6.e.PREVIEW⏏;
The spawned command 'perl6' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
Cannot call method 'typed_panic' on a null object
The spawned command 'perl6' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
not ok 1 - grammar is created using 6.e version of Grammar class
# Failed test 'grammar is created using 6.e version of Grammar class'
# at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 13
# expected: '6.e'
# got: (Mu)
not ok 2 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, no match
# Failed test '.parse method invokes TOP rule, no match'
# at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 15
ok 3 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 4 - .parse method requires match to end
ok 5 - .subparse method doesn't require match to end
ok 6 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 7 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, no match
ok 8 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 9 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 10 - dies if file not found
ok 11 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, no match
ok 12 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, match
ok 1 - '::No::Such::Grammar.parse()' died
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 13 - .parse on missing grammar dies
ok 14 - can .parse grammar named "Integer"
No such method 'raku' for invocant of type 'Any'. Did you mean 'take'?
in block <unit> at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 66
# You planned 24 tests, but ran 14
# You failed 2 tests of 14
The spawned command 'perl6' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 2)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
ok 1 - grammar is created using 6.e version of Grammar class
ok 2 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, no match
ok 3 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 4 - .parse method requires match to end
ok 5 - .subparse method doesn't require match to end
ok 6 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 7 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, no match
ok 8 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 9 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 10 - dies if file not found
ok 11 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, no match
ok 12 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, match
ok 1 - '::No::Such::Grammar.parse()' died
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 13 - .parse on missing grammar dies
ok 14 - can .parse grammar named "Integer"
Unexpected named argument 'cache' passed
in block <unit> at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 65
# You planned 24 tests, but ran 14
The spawned command 'perl6' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 255, signal: 0)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
ok 1 - grammar is created using 6.e version of Grammar class
ok 2 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, no match
ok 3 - .parse method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 4 - .parse method requires match to end
ok 5 - .subparse method doesn't require match to end
ok 6 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 7 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, no match
ok 8 - .parsefile method invokes TOP rule, match
ok 9 - dies if no TOP rule
ok 10 - dies if file not found
ok 11 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, no match
ok 12 - .parse works with namespaced grammars, match
WARNING: unhandled Failure detected in DESTROY. If you meant to ignore it, you can mark it as handled by calling .Bool, .so, .not, or .defined methods. The Failure was:
in block <unit> at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 15
ok 1 - '::No::Such::Grammar.parse()' died
ok 2 - right exception type (Exception)
ok 13 - .parse on missing grammar dies
ok 14 - can .parse grammar named "Integer"
Unexpected named argument 'cache' passed
in block <unit> at S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile-6e.t line 65
# You planned 24 tests, but ran 14
The spawned command 'perl6' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 255, signal: 0)
in block <unit> at /tmp/whDNHgULua line 1
«exit code = 1»
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