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Created July 13, 2018 12:17
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| File | Code | |--|--| | [AKIYM/JSON-Hjson
``…/02-testcases.t`` :*27*:]( | if $retval.WHAT === Num \&\& $retval.perl \~\~ /e0$/ { | | [AKIYM/JSON-Hjson
``…/02-testcases.t`` :*30*:]( | if $retval.WHAT === Rat \&\& $retval.perl \~\~ /\\.0$/ { | | [ALOREN/Terminal-Table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*541*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [ALOREN/Terminal-Table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*557*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [ALOREN/Terminal-Table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*609*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [ALOREN/Terminal-Table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*625*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [ALOREN/Terminal-Table
``…/LightWrap.pm6`` :*73*:]( | if $!current + $len + 1 == $!max \&\& $!current != 0 { | | [ATROXAPER/Propius
``…/Propius.pm6`` :*246*:]( | my $life-time = %!expire-after-sec{$type}; | | [ATROXAPER/Propius
``…/Propius.pm6`` :*250*:]( | while $wrap.DEFINITE \&\& $wrap.last-at($type) + $life-time \<= $now { | | [AZAWAWI/Inline-Go
``…/Grammar.pm6`` :*50*:]( | # IdentifierList = identifier { "," identifier } . | | [AZAWAWI/Inline-Go
``…/Grammar.pm6`` :*433*:]( | # identifier = letter { letter \| unicode\_digit } . | | [AZAWAWI/MsgPack
``…/Packer.pm6`` :*48*:]( | if $f.Int == $f { | | [BDUGGAN/Digest-SHA256-Native
``…/sha256.c`` :*119*:]( | if (ctx-\>datalen == 64) { | | [ELIZABETH/List-MoreUtils
``…/MoreUtils.pm6`` :*103*:]( | if $pulled =:= IterationEnd { | | [ELIZABETH/List-MoreUtils
``…/MoreUtils.pm6`` :*399*:]( | if $k \>= $elems { | | [ELIZABETH/List-MoreUtils
``…/MoreUtils.pm6`` :*450*:]( | if code(@values[$upper + $step]) \<= 0 { | | [ELIZABETH/List-UtilsBy
``…/UtilsBy.pm6`` :*13*:]( | elsif $\_ == $max { | | [ELIZABETH/List-UtilsBy
``…/UtilsBy.pm6`` :*31*:]( | elsif $\_ == $min { | | [ELIZABETH/List-UtilsBy
``…/UtilsBy.pm6`` :*109*:]( | if $pulled =:= IterationEnd { | | [ELIZABETH/Tie-StdArray
``…/StdArray.pm6`` :*24*:]( | if size \>= @!tied.elems { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive-Raw
``…/extract-gz.p6`` :*22*:]( | if $res == ARCHIVE\_EOF { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive-Raw
``…/extract-gz.p6`` :*68*:]( | } elsif archive\_entry\_size($entry) \>= 0 { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive-Raw
``…/extract.p6`` :*16*:]( | if $res == ARCHIVE\_EOF { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*231*:]( | if $!operation == LibarchiveExtract { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*265*:]( | } elsif $!operation == LibarchiveRead\|LibarchiveExtract { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*277*:]( | } elsif $!operation == LibarchiveWrite { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*279*:]( | } elsif $!operation == LibarchiveOverwrite { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*310*:]( | if $!operation == LibarchiveRead\|LibarchiveExtract { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*315*:]( | if $!operation == LibarchiveExtract { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*333*:]( | if $!operation == LibarchiveExtract { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*444*:]( | if $wres == ARCHIVE\_OK { | | [FRITH/Archive-Libarchive
``…/Libarchive.pm6`` :*474*:]( | if $wres == ARCHIVE\_OK { | | [HANENKAMP/AWS-Session
``…/Credentials.pm6`` :*208*:]( | elsif $!configuration-file-key === LoadFromConfig { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/ArrayHash.pm6`` :*324*:]( | if $pair = @!array[ $pos ] :delete { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/ArrayHash.pm6`` :*785*:]( | # if c.elems == 0 { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/ArrayHash.pm6`` :*791*:]( | # elsif c.elems == 1 { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*102*:]( | if (.[1] == 0) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*120*:]( | if (.[1] == 0) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*162*:]( | if .[1] == 2 { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*193*:]( | '19-unshift' =\> { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*241*:]( | '21-splice-unshift' =\> { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*278*:]( | if (@orig[1] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*284*:]( | if (@orig[2] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*311*:]( | if (.[1] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*318*:]( | if (.[2] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/array-hash.t`` :*374*:]( | if .[1] == 0 { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*117*:]( | if (.[1] == 0) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*137*:]( | if (.[1] == 0) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*182*:]( | if .[1] == 3 { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*217*:]( | '19-unshift' =\> { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*265*:]( | '21-splice-unshift' =\> { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*298*:]( | if (@orig[1] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*304*:]( | if (@orig[2] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*323*:]( | if (.[1] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/ArrayHash
``…/multi-hash.t`` :*327*:]( | if (.[2] \>= 2) { | | [HANENKAMP/HTTP-Request-FormData
``…/FormData.pm6`` :*214*:]( | if $byte == $bin-boundary[0] \&\& $part.subbuf($i, $bin-boundary.elems) eq $bin-boundary { | | [HANENKAMP/Template-Anti
``…/NodeSet.pm6`` :*181*:]( | if $keep == 0 { | | [HOLLI/Color-Names
``…/CSS3.pm6`` :*68*:]( | 'lemonchiffon' =\> { rgb =\> [0xff, 0xfa, 0xcd], name =\> 'Lemon Chiffon' }, | | [HOLLI/Color-Names
``…/X11.pm6`` :*68*:]( | 'lemonchiffon' =\> { rgb =\> [0xff, 0xfa, 0xcd], name =\> 'Lemon Chiffon' }, | | [HOLLI/Color-Names
``…/XKCD.pm6`` :*116*:]( | 'tiffanyblue' =\> { rgb =\> [ 0x7B, 0xF2, 0xDA ], name =\> 'Tiffany Blue' }, | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*78*:]( | if (\_type == ID) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*86*:]( | if (\_currentRuleType == Token.INVALID\_TYPE) { // if outside of rule def | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*90*:]( | else if (\_type == SEMI) { // exit rule def | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/ECMAScript.g4`` :*130*:]( | if (next.getChannel() == Token.DEFAULT\_CHANNEL) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/ECMAScript.g4`` :*145*:]( | if (this.lastToken == null) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/Python3.g4`` :*62*:]( | if (\_input.LA(1) == EOF \&\& !this.indents.isEmpty()) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/Python3.g4`` :*66*:]( | if (tokens.get(i).getType() == EOF) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/Python3.g4`` :*86*:]( | if (next.getChannel() == Token.DEFAULT\_CHANNEL) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/Python3.g4`` :*743*:]( | if (opened \> 0 \|\| next == '\\r' \|\| next == '\\n' \|\| next == '#') { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/Python3.g4`` :*754*:]( | if (indent == previous) { | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*63*:]( | if (1==0) { print(1) } else { print(2) } | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*67*:]( | if (1==0) { print(1) } | | [JGOFF/ANTLR4-Grammar
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*72*:]( | if (1==0) { | | [JGOFF/Pod-To-HTMLBody
``…/Tree.pm6`` :*106*:]( | if $current-child === self { | | [JGOFF/Pod-To-HTMLBody
``…/Tree.pm6`` :*188*:]( | if $.parent and $.parent.first-child === self { | | [JKRAMER/Proc-Editor
``…/Editor.pm6`` :*115*:]( | if $exitcode == 0 { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/channel.p6`` :*31*:]( | if my $item = $output.poll { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-evaluation.p6`` :*29*:]( | if my $item = $output.poll { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-evolutionary-algorithm.p6`` :*37*:]( | if $with-fitness.value == $length { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-evolutionary-algorithm.p6`` :*41*:]( | if $count++ \>= $max-evaluations { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-evolutionary-algorithm.p6`` :*59*:]( | if my $item = $output.poll { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-selecto-recombinative-EA.p6`` :*37*:]( | if $with-fitness.value == $length { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-selecto-recombinative-EA.p6`` :*41*:]( | if $count \>= $max-evaluations { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/concurrent-selecto-recombinative-EA.p6`` :*56*:]( | if my $item = $output.poll { | | [JMERELO/Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple
``…/population-mixer.p6`` :*40*:]( | if best-fitness($population) \>= $length { | | [JNTHN/Concurrent-Queue
``…/Queue.pm6`` :*31*:]( | if $tail === $!tail { | | [JNTHN/Concurrent-Queue
``…/Queue.pm6`` :*57*:]( | if $head === $!head { | | [JNTHN/Concurrent-Queue
``…/Queue.pm6`` :*58*:]( | if $head === $tail { | | [JNTHN/Concurrent-Queue
``…/Queue.pm6`` :*74*:]( | if cas($!head, $head, $next) === $head { | | [JNTHN/Cro-OpenAPI-RoutesFromDefinition
``…/RoutesFromDefinition.pm6`` :*377*:]( | if $security !=== Cro::OpenAPI::RoutesFromDefinition::SecurityChecker { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*245*:]( | if .status == Planned { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*296*:]( | if SSL\_CTX\_set\_cipher\_list($ctx, $ciphers) == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*455*:]( | if SSL\_CTX\_ctrl\_DH($ctx, SSL\_CTRL\_SET\_TMP\_DH, 0, $\_) == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*463*:]( | if SSL\_CTX\_ctrl\_ECDH($ctx, SSL\_CTRL\_SET\_TMP\_ECDH, 0, $\_) == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*471*:]( | if SSL\_CTX\_set\_cipher\_list($ctx, $ciphers) == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*569*:]( | elsif $bytes-read == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*578*:]( | if check($!ssl, OpenSSL::SSL::SSL\_shutdown($!ssl)) \>= 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*618*:]( | elsif (my $verify = SSL\_get\_verify\_result($!ssl)) == 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*648*:]( | if check($!ssl, OpenSSL::SSL::SSL\_accept($!ssl)) \>= 0 { | | [JNTHN/IO-Socket-Async-SSL
``…/SSL.pm6`` :*676*:]( | if $len == 0 { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*243*:]( | if $value \~\~ Real \&\& (!$!exclusive \&\& $value \> $!max \|\| $!exclusive \&\& $value \>= $!max) { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*254*:]( | if $value \~\~ Real \&\& (!$!exclusive \&\& $value \< $!min \|\| $!exclusive \&\& $value \<= $!min) { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*283*:]( | if $value \~\~ Positional \&\& $value.elems != $value.unique(with =\> \&[eqv]).elems { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*451*:]( | if $!add === True { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*455*:]( | } elsif $!add === False { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*708*:]( | if ([\&\&] .map(\* \~\~ Str)) \&\& .elems == .unique.elems { | | [JNTHN/OpenAPI-Schema-Validate
``…/Validate.pm6`` :*816*:]( | if %schema\ === True \&\& %schema\ === True { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/Attach.pm6`` :*26*:]( | if $name.chars == 0 { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/Linux.pm6`` :*28*:]( | if $port \> 53 and $proc.err.chars == 0 { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/Linux.pm6`` :*33*:]( | } elsif $proc.err.chars == 0 { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/Linux.pm6`` :*41*:]( | if (my $err = $ \> 0 { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/Linux.pm6`` :*54*:]( | if self.domain eq 'localhost' and $proc.exitcode == 0 { | | [KAJI/App-Platform
``…/MacOS.pm6`` :*77*:]( | if $proc.exitcode == 0 { | | [KOORCHIK/LIVR
``…/`` :*32*:]( | if my $valid-data = $validator.validate($user-data) { | | [MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM
``…/Client.pm6`` :*232*:]( | if $!server-final-message \~\~ m/^ 'e=' / { | | [MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM
``…/Client.pm6`` :*236*:]( | elsif $!server-final-message \~\~ m/^ 'v=' / { | | [MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM
``…/SCRAM.pm6`` :*323*:]( | if $!server-final-message \~\~ m/^ 'e=' / { | | [MARTIMM/Auth-SCRAM
``…/SCRAM.pm6`` :*327*:]( | elsif $!server-final-message \~\~ m/^ 'v=' / { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/sparky-runner.pl6`` :*196*:]( | if $i \<= $remove-builds { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/sparky-runner.pl6`` :*197*:]( | if $"delete from builds WHERE id = $bid") { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/sparkyd`` :*49*:]( | if $proc-run.exitcode == 0 { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/bootstrap.min.css`` :*11*:]( | \*//\*! normalize.css v3.0.3 \| MIT License \| \*/html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-siz… | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/bootstrap.min.js`` :*6*:]( | if("undefined"==typeof jQuery)throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery");+function(a){"use strict";var b=a.fn.jquery.split("… | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/bootstrap.min.js`` :*7*:]( | this.activeTarget=b,this.clear();var c=this.selector+'[data-target="'+b+'"],'+this.selector+'[href="'+b+'"]',d=a(c).parents("li").addClass("active");… | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/`` :*37*:]( | % if %r\ == -1 { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/`` :*40*:]( | % if %r\ == 0 { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparky
``…/`` :*43*:]( | % if %r\ == 1 { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparrowform
``…/sparrowform`` :*15*:]( | if $proc-run.exitcode == 0 { | | [MELEZHIK/Sparrowform
``…/sparrowform`` :*34*:]( | if $line \~\~ /^ \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ '=' \\s+ (.\*) $/ { # read resource attrubutes | | [MORITZ/Math-RungeKutta
``…/`` :*84*:]( | if $err \<= $epsilon \|\| $step == $min-stepsize { | | [MORITZ/Math-RungeKutta
``…/`` :*88*:]( | if $step == $min-stepsize \&\& !$quiet { | | [MORITZ/Math-RungeKutta
``…/`` :*93*:]( | if $err == 0 { | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*40*:]( | if $env-debug \&\& DEBUG.value \>= $.default-log-level.value { | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*64*:]( | if $env-debug \&\& DEBUG.value \>= $.default-log-level.value { | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*75*:]( | if $.default-log-level.value == 0 \|\| $log-level.value \< $.default-log-level.value { | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*109*:]( | if (@text == 1 \&\& defined @text[0]) { | | [MOZNION/Log-Minimal
``…/Minimal.pm6`` :*111*:]( | } elsif (@text \>= 2) { | | [MOZNION/Router-Boost
``…/Boost.pm6`` :*165*:]( | if @re.elems == 1 { | | [MOZNION/Router-Boost
``…/Boost.pm6`` :*167*:]( | } elsif @re.elems == 0 { | | [MOZNION/Router-Boost
``…/Method.pm6`` :*37*:]( | if @matcher.elems === 0 { | | [MOZNION/Router-Boost
``…/Method.pm6`` :*53*:]( | if my $matched = $!router.match($path) { | | [MOZNION/Stream-Buffered
``…/Buffered.pm6`` :*11*:]( | } elsif $maxMemoryBufferSize === 0 { | | [MOZNION/Stream-Buffered
``…/Buffered.pm6`` :*13*:]( | } elsif $length === 0 { | | [MSTEMLE/Fcntl
``…/just-for-tests.c`` :*38*:]( | if (one-\>const\_value == value) { | | [PATRICKZ/RPi-ButtonWatcher
``…/ButtonWatcher.pm6`` :*58*:]( | if $!edge == BOTH \|\| $!edge == $observed-edge { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/cucumis6`` :*18*:]( | if @feature-spec.elems == 0 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Core.pm6`` :*66*:]( | if @matchers-found.elems == 0 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Gherkin.pm6`` :*66*:]( | if $line-number == 1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Gherkin.pm6`` :*110*:]( | elsif my @ctags = parse-tags($\_) { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*42*:]( | if $result == 1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*62*:]( | if $left($tag) == 1 \|\| $right($tag) == 1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*65*:]( | if $left($tag) == -1 \|\| $right($tag) == -1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*106*:]( | if $result == -1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*109*:]( | elsif $result == 1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*121*:]( | if $result == -1 { | | [ROBERTLE/CucumisSextus
``…/Tags.pm6`` :*124*:]( | elsif $result == 1 { | | [SAMGWISE/Music-Engine
``…/CounterPoint.pm6`` :*78*:]( | if $i == 0 { cpan/SAMGWISE/Music-Engine/lib/Music/Engine/CounterPoint.pm692 elsif $i + 1 == $length { cpan/SAMGWISE/Musi… | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*117*:]( | if @file.elems == 0 { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*205*:]( | if @line.elems == 201 \&\& @line[0].index('The Artistic License 2.0') { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*238*:]( | if my $config = config("PruneFiles") { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*298*:]( | if $url \~\~ m/'git@' $\=[.+] ':' $\=[\<-[:]\>+] $/ { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*300*:]( | } elsif $url \~\~ m/'ssh://git@' $\=[.+] / { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*330*:]( | if my $name = config("\_", "name") { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*350*:]( | my $f = do if @found == 0 { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/Mi6.pm6`` :*353*:]( | } elsif @found == 1 { | | [SKAJI/App-Mi6
``…/BumpVersion.pm6`` :*93*:]( | if $n == $num { | | [SKAJI/CPAN-Uploader-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*42*:]( | if $line \~\~ /^ $\=(\\S+) \\s+ $\=(\\S+)/ { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/gentest-ellipsoid.p6`` :*599*:]( | if( $f == 0 ) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*122*:]( | if ($line =\~ m{ Output \\s+ from \\s+ (INVERSE\|FORWARD)}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*127*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* Ellipsoid \\s \\: \\s\* ([\\S\\s]+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*131*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* Equatorial \\s axis, \\s+ a \\s+ = \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*135*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* Polar \\s axis, \\s+ b \\s+ = \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*139*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* Inverse \\s flattening, \\s+ 1/f \\s+ = \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*143*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* (LAT\|LON) \\s+ = \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*147*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* (Forward\|Back) \\s azimuth \\s+ (FAZ\|BAZ) \\s = \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/`` :*151*:]( | elsif ($line =\~ m{\\A \\s\* Ellipsoidal \\s distance \\s+ S \\s+ = \\s+(\\S+) \\s+ (\\S+) \\s\* \\z}xms) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*269*:]( | if ($key =\~ /^ell/i) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*271*:]( | } elsif ($key =\~ /^uni/i) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*273*:]( | } elsif ($key =\~ /^dis/i) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*275*:]( | } elsif ($key =\~ /^lon/i) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*277*:]( | } elsif ($key =\~ /^bea/i) { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*382*:]( | if $conversion == 0 { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*425*:]( | if $recip == 0 { | | [TBROWDER/Geo-Ellipsoid
``…/Ellipsoid.pm6`` :*889*:]( | if $sy == 0.0 { | | [TBROWDER/META6-To-Man
``…/Man.pm6`` :*201*:]( | if /:i ^ \\s\* '--' (\<-[=]\>+) \\s\* $ / { | | [TBROWDER/META6-To-Man
``…/Man.pm6`` :*206*:]( | elsif /:i ^ \\s\* '--' (\<-[=]\>+) '=' (\<-[=]\>+) \\s\* $ / { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*52*:]( | if $ip-version == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*87*:]( | if $ip-version == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*169*:]( | if $ip-version == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*217*:]( | if $ipversion == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*225*:]( | if $nbits == 32 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*258*:]( | if $nbits == 128 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*274*:]( | if $version == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*277*:]( | elsif $version == 6 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*310*:]( | if $ip-version == 4 { | | [TBROWDER/Net-IP
``…/IP.pm6`` :*485*:]( | if ($k == $n + 1) \&\& ip-is-ipv4($\_) { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/test-base-37-62.p6`` :*42*:]( | elsif $base-i == 10 { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/test-base-37-62.p6`` :*45*:]( | elsif $base-o == 10 { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/More.pm6`` :*477*:]( | if $base-i == 10 { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/More.pm6`` :*485*:]( | elsif $base-o == 10 { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/More.pm6`` :*517*:]( | if $base-o == 2 \|\| $base-o == 8 { | | [TBROWDER/Number-More
``…/More.pm6`` :*520*:]( | elsif $base-o == 16 { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*73*:]( | } elsif nqp::ordat($str, 0) == 92 { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*122*:]( | if $obj === NaN \|\| $obj === -Inf \|\| $obj === Inf { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*245*:]( | } elsif $ord == 92 { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*289*:]( | } elsif $ord == 9 or $ord == 10 { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*332*:]( | if my $lastchar = nqp::chr(nqp::ord(@caps.tail)) ne @caps.tail { | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*412*:]( | if nqp::ordat($text, $pos) == 34 { # " | | [TIMOTIMO/JSON-Fast
``…/`` :*489*:]( | if ord($initial) == 34 { # " | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*26*:]( | if $event.type == QUIT { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/particles.p6`` :*45*:]( | if (@lifetimes[$idx] \<= 0e0) { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*230*:]( | } elsif $\ \<= 128 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*253*:]( | if $\_.HP == 0 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*270*:]( | if $\_.HP \>= 2 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*114*:]( | if ($nomspawn -= $dt) \< 0 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*120*:]( | if ($snakestep -= $dt) \< 0 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*140*:]( | if $nom == 0 { | | [TIMOTIMO/SDL2-Raw
``…/`` :*26*:]( | if $event.type == QUIT { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-LibSVM
``…/LibSVM.pm6`` :*44*:]( | if $param.gamma == 0 \&\& $!nr-feature \> 0 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-LibSVM
``…/LibSVM.pm6`` :*107*:]( | = do if -1e-20 \<= $denom \<= 1e-20 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-Manacher
``…/Manacher.pm6`` :*65*:]( | if ($max-radius \<= $radius) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/`` :*47*:]( | if $!value == $s.value { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*17*:]( | if @!nodes.elems \>= 1 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*24*:]( | if @!nodes.elems == 0 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*27*:]( | elsif @!nodes.elems == 1 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*30*:]( | elsif @!nodes.elems == 2 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*33*:]( | if @!nodes[1] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[2] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*43*:]( | if @!nodes.elems == 0 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*59*:]( | if @!nodes.elems == 0 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*62*:]( | elsif @!nodes.elems == 1 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*65*:]( | elsif @!nodes.elems == 2 { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*68*:]( | elsif @!nodes[1] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[2] == Order::Same\|Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*74*:]( | elsif @!nodes[1] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[2] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*104*:]( | if self!has-parent($index) and (@!nodes[$index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-parent($index)] == Order::More) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*111*:]( | if self!has-parent($index) and (@!nodes[$index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-parent($index)] == Order::Less) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*122*:]( | if @!nodes[$index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-grandparent($index)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*131*:]( | if @!nodes[$index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-grandparent($index)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*151*:]( | if @!nodes[$smallest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$index] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*153*:]( | if @!nodes[$smallest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-parent($smallest-index)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*159*:]( | if @!nodes[$smallest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$index] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*170*:]( | if @!nodes[$largest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$index] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*172*:]( | if @!nodes[$largest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-parent($largest-index)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*178*:]( | if @!nodes[$largest-index] minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$index] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*196*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$left-child] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*203*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-left-child($left-child)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*210*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-right-child($left-child)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*219*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$right-child] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*226*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-left-child($right-child)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*233*:]( | if not $smallest-value.defined or $smallest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-right-child($right-child)] == Order::More { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*252*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$left-child] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*259*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-left-child($left-child)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*266*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-right-child($left-child)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*275*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[$right-child] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*282*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-left-child($right-child)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*289*:]( | if not $largest-value.defined or $largest-value minmaxheap-cmp @!nodes[self!find-right-child($right-child)] == Order::Less { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/MinMaxHeap.pm6`` :*383*:]( | if $!value == $s.value { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/02-insert.t`` :*71*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/02-insert.t`` :*112*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/03-pop-max.t`` :*50*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/04-pop-min.t`` :*50*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/05-find-max.t`` :*27*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/06-find-min.t`` :*27*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Algorithm-MinMaxHeap
``…/08-clone.t`` :*32*:]( | if (self.value == $s.value) { | | [TITSUKI/Geo-Hash
``…/geohash.c`` :*92*:]( | if(c == string[i]) { | | [TITSUKI/Geo-Hash
``…/geohash.c`` :*139*:]( | if(lat \<= 90.0 \&\& lat \>= -90.0 \&\& lng \<= 180.0 \&\& lng \>= -180.0) { | | [TITSUKI/Terminal-Getpass
``…/Getpass.pm6`` :*28*:]( | if $c.unpack("C\*") == 3 { | | [TITSUKI/Terminal-Getpass
``…/Getpass.pm6`` :*53*:]( | if $c == "\\b".ord { | | [TITSUKI/Text-Sift4
``…/Sift4.pm6`` :*4*:]( | sub sift4(Str $lhs, Str $rhs, Int :$max-offset = 5 --\> Int:D) is export { | | [TITSUKI/Text-Sift4
``…/Sift4.pm6`` :*5*:]( | if not $lhs.defined or $lhs.chars == 0 { | | [TITSUKI/Text-Sift4
``…/Sift4.pm6`` :*10*:]( | if not $rhs.defined or $rhs.chars == 0 { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*163*:]( | if my $c = %!env\ { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*169*:]( | if my $c = %!env\ { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*186*:]( | } elsif $header\_len == -1 { # incomplete header | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*188*:]( | } elsif $header\_len == -2 { # invalid request | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*208*:]( | if $!wrote-body-size == $!content-length { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*218*:]( | if $!buf[$end\_pos]==0x0d \&\& $!buf[$end\_pos+1]==0x0a { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*223*:]( | if $chunk\_len == 0 { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*229*:]( | if $end\_pos+2+$chunk\_len \<= $!buf.elems { | | [TOKUHIROM/HTTP-Server-Tiny
``…/Tiny.pm6`` :*349*:]( | } elsif !status-with-no-entity-body($status) \&\& (my $cl = content-length($body)) { | | [TYIL/Config
``…/06-deduce-parser.t`` :*31*:]( | subtest "Returns correct fully qualified module name" =\> { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Current.pm6`` :*101*:]( | if (my $match = MPD::Client::Grammars::CurrentPlaylistLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Current.pm6`` :*347*:]( | if (my $match = MPD::Client::Grammars::ResponseLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Playlist.pm6`` :*23*:]( | if (my $match = MPD::Client::Grammars::PlaylistLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Playlist.pm6`` :*44*:]( | if (my $match = MPD::Client::Grammars::ResponseLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Playlist.pm6`` :*68*:]( | if (my $match = MPD::Client::Grammars::ResponseLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Util.pm6`` :*26*:]( | if ($match = MPD::Client::Grammars::AckLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Util.pm6`` :*31*:]( | if ($match = MPD::Client::Grammars::ResponseLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Util.pm6`` :*54*:]( | if ($match = MPD::Client::Grammars::AckLine.parse($line)) { | | [TYIL/MPD-Client
``…/Util.pm6`` :*59*:]( | if ($match = MPD::Client::Grammars::ResponseLine.parse($line)) { | | [UFOBAT/Bailador
``…/`` :*63*:]( | elsif $headers\:exists and $headers\ \~\~ / 'multipart/form-data;' .\* 'boundary' '=' '"' ? ( \ \*\* 0..69 ) \\s\* '"' ? / { | | [UFOBAT/Bailador
``…/`` :*16*:]( | if $content-disposition \~\~ / \<\< name \>\> '=' '"' ( \<-["]\>+ ) '"' / { | | [UFOBAT/Bailador
``…/`` :*19*:]( | if $content-disposition \~\~ / \<\< filename \>\> '=' '"' ( \<-["]\>+ ) '"' / { | | [UFOBAT/Bailador
``…/`` :*36*:]( | if my $unchecked-session-id = self!get-session-id($r) { | | [UFOBAT/I18N-LangTags
``…/List.pm6`` :*76*:]( | last if $name = %Name{$tag}; | | [UFOBAT/I18N-LangTags
``…/List.pm6`` :*77*:]( | last if $name = %Name{$alt}; | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Div.pm6`` :*15*:]( | if $val\_a == 0 and $val\_b == 0 { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Div.pm6`` :*17*:]( | } elsif $val\_b == 0 { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Node.pm6`` :*31*:]( | if @.args.elems == 1 { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Node.pm6`` :*44*:]( | if @.args.elems == 1 { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/NodeTest.pm6`` :*39*:]( | if $name === '\*' \&\& $key.contains(':') { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/NodeTest.pm6`` :*183*:]( | if $name === '\*' { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Utils.pm6`` :*7*:]( | if $a.elems == 1 { | | [UFOBAT/XML-XPath
``…/Utils.pm6`` :*9*:]( | } elsif $a.elems == 0 { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/Zef.pm6`` :*141*:]( | if ::($ = $module).^find\_method('probe') { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/CLI.pm6`` :*160*:]( | if +@uninstalled == 0 \&\& +@fail { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/CLI.pm6`` :*345*:]( | if ?($verbosity \>= VERBOSE) { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/CLI.pm6`` :*381*:]( | if ?($verbosity \>= VERBOSE) { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/Client.pm6`` :*693*:]( | if ($candi.dist.metainfo\ // 0) == 0 { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/DependencySpecification.pm6`` :*18*:]( | method spec-parts(Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification:\_: $spec = self!spec) { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/Build.pm6`` :*110*:]( | if my $bak = "{$builder-path}.bak" and $bak.IO.e { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/SystemInfo.pm6`` :*18*:]( | if $line \~\~ /'CON:' \\n \<.ws\> '-'+ \\n .\*? \\n \\N+? $\=[\<.digit\>+]/ { | | [UGEXE/zef
``…/SystemInfo.pm6`` :*28*:]( | if $tput.out.get \~\~ /$\=\<.digit\>+/ { | | [WARRINGD/Font-FreeType
``…/font-say`` :*79*:]( | if $bitmap.rows \> $y \>= 0 { | | [WARRINGD/Font-FreeType
``…/`` :*45*:]( | method decompose( Bool :$conic = False, Int :$shift = 0, Int :$delta = 0) { | | [WARRINGD/PDF-Font-Loader
``…/`` :*13*:]( | if /:s [ '\<' $\=[\+] '\>' ] \*\* 3 / { | | [WARRINGD/PDF-Font-Loader
``…/`` :*22*:]( | if /:s [ '\<' $\=[\+] '\>' ] \*\* 2 / { | | [WARRINGD/PDF-Font-Loader
``…/`` :*195*:]( | if $start-cid == $cid { | | [WARRINGD/PDF-Font-Loader
``…/`` :*372*:]( | if ++$j == $i { | | [7ojo/p6-commandline-usage
``…/Options.pm6`` :*28*:]( | if $param.constraint\_list().elems == 0 { | | [7ojo/perl6-git-simple
``…/`` :*12*:]( | if (%info.elems == 0) { # detached branch | | [7ojo/perl6-powerline-prompt
``…/`` :*50*:]( | if ($i == 0 \&\& $part.text eq '\~') \|\| $i == $i\_max-1 { | | [CurtTilmes/Perl6-GraphQL
``…/`` :*74*:]( | if (eq \>= 0) { | | [FCO/Trie
``…/Trie.pm6`` :*42*:]( | if $index \>= $!children{$key}.elems { | | [FCO/Trie
``…/Trie.pm6`` :*81*:]( | } elsif $!children.elems == 1 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/MinG.pm6`` :*201*:]( | if $way == MERGE { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/MinG.pm6`` :*252*:]( | if $inp \~\~ /^ \<[= + \\-]\> \\w+ / { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/EDMG.pm6`` :*489*:]( | if @.results.elems == 0 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/EDMG.pm6`` :*513*:]( | if $do == PROCEDURAL { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/Text.pm6`` :*128*:]( | if @lines[0] \~\~ /^'TYPE='\/ { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/S13.pm6`` :*427*:]( | if @.results.elems == 0 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/S13.pm6`` :*444*:]( | if @!devq.elems == 0 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/S13.pm6`` :*487*:]( | if $do == PROCEDURAL { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/S13.pm6`` :*575*:]( | if $do == PROCEDURAL { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/Logic.pm6`` :*276*:]( | if @.items.elems == 0 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/Logic.pm6`` :*305*:]( | if @.items.elems == 0 { | | [IanTayler/MinG
``…/Logic.pm6`` :*376*:]( | if @!deletions.elems == 0 { | | [Leont/getopt-long6
``…/`` :*44*:]( | elsif $raw \~\~ / ^ @names '=' $\=[.\*] / -\> $/ { | | [Leont/getopt-long6
``…/`` :*212*:]( | if $head \~\~ / ^ '--' $\=[\\w+] $ / -\> $/ { | | [Leont/getopt-long6
``…/`` :*220*:]( | elsif $!gnu-style \&\& $head \~\~ / ^ '--' $\=[ $\=[\\w+] '=' .\* ] / -\> $/ { | | perl6-all-modules/github/Net-FTP/ | if %info\ == FILE::NORMAL { | | [andydude/p6-c-parser
``…/gbytes.pp.c`` :*2377*:]( | do{ if (offset \<= bytes-\>size) { } else { g\_return\_if\_fail\_warning (((gchar\*) 0), \_\_PRETTY\_FUNCTION\_\_, "offset \<= bytes-\>size"); return (((void\*)0)); }; }while (0); | | [andydude/p6-c-parser
``…/gbytes.pp.c`` :*2378*:]( | do{ if (offset + length \<= bytes-\>size) { } else { g\_return\_if\_fail\_warning (((gchar\*) 0), \_\_PRETTY\_FUNCTION\_\_, "offset + length \<= bytes-\>size"); return (((void\*)0)); }; }while (0); | | [araraloren/perl6-app-findsource
``…/fs`` :*157*:]( | if nqp::lstat(nqp::unbox\_s($\_), nqp::const::STAT\_ISDIR) == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-app-snippet
``…/C.pm6`` :*30*:]( | if +@args == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-app-snippet
``…/Cpp.pm6`` :*29*:]( | if +@args == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*85*:]( | if $index == $count { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*115*:]( | if $index == $count { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*222*:]( | if @!main[$index] === %!cache{$name} { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*236*:]( | if $find == -1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*389*:]( | if $id == $\_ { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Advance.pm6`` :*401*:]( | if $id == $\_ { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Helper.pm6`` :*149*:]( | if +@command == 0 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Option.pm6`` :*351*:]( | } elsif (my $evalue = self!parse-as-pair($value)) { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Parser.pm6`` :*592*:]( | if +@noa == 0 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Parser.pm6`` :*656*:]( | if +@fix-noa \> $index \&\& $index \>= 0 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Parser.pm6`` :*683*:]( | if +@noa == 0 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/Parser.pm6`` :*747*:]( | if +@fix-noa \> $index \&\& $index \>= 0 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/create-symbol-directory.p6`` :*79*:]( | if +@subf == 1 \&\& @subf[0].basename \~\~ /.\*png$/ { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/find-source.p6`` :*94*:]( | if nqp::lstat(nqp::unbox\_s($\_), nqp::const::STAT\_ISDIR) == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/15-preparser.t`` :*19*:]( | if +@args == 3 { | | [araraloren/perl6-getopt-advance
``…/15-preparser.t`` :*23*:]( | } elsif +@args == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-terminal-table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*541*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-terminal-table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*557*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-terminal-table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*609*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-terminal-table
``…/Generator.pm6`` :*625*:]( | if $index % 2 == 1 { | | [araraloren/perl6-terminal-table
``…/LightWrap.pm6`` :*73*:]( | if $!current + $len + 1 == $!max \&\& $!current != 0 { | | [darrenf/p6-test-declare
``…/Declare.pm6`` :*246*:]( | if my $rv = $!expectations.return-value { | | [darrenf/p6-test-declare
``…/Declare.pm6`` :*262*:]( | if my $mut = $!expectations.mutates { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*78*:]( | if (\_type == ID) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*86*:]( | if (\_currentRuleType == Token.INVALID\_TYPE) { // if outside of rule def | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4`` :*90*:]( | else if (\_type == SEMI) { // exit rule def | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/ECMAScript.g4`` :*130*:]( | if (next.getChannel() == Token.DEFAULT\_CHANNEL) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/ECMAScript.g4`` :*145*:]( | if (this.lastToken == null) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/Python3.g4`` :*62*:]( | if (\_input.LA(1) == EOF \&\& !this.indents.isEmpty()) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/Python3.g4`` :*66*:]( | if (tokens.get(i).getType() == EOF) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/Python3.g4`` :*86*:]( | if (next.getChannel() == Token.DEFAULT\_CHANNEL) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/Python3.g4`` :*743*:]( | if (opened \> 0 \|\| next == '\\r' \|\| next == '\\n' \|\| next == '#') { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/Python3.g4`` :*754*:]( | if (indent == previous) { | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*63*:]( | if (1==0) { print(1) } else { print(2) } | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*67*:]( | if (1==0) { print(1) } | | [drforr/perl6-ANTLR4
``…/RFilter.g4`` :*72*:]( | if (1==0) { | | [drforr/perl6-Format-Lisp
``…/Lisp.pm6`` :*148*:]( | elsif +$directive.n == 0 { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/Factory.pm6`` :*533*:]( | my %classified = classify { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/Factory.pm6`` :*1216*:]( | my %classified = classify { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/Factory.pm6`` :*1958*:]( | my %classified = classify { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*106*:]( | if y \* d == x { take d; take y unless y == d } | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*130*:]( | if $m == 0 { $n + 1 } | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*131*:]( | elsif $n == 0 { A($m - 1, 1) } | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*378*:]( | if y \* d == x { take d; take y unless y == d } | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*562*:]( | if y \* d == x { take d; take y unless y == d } | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-a.t`` :*984*:]( | if $sum.denominator == 1 { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-b.t`` :*693*:]( | if $error \>= 0.5 { | | [drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser
``…/rosetta-b.t`` :*727*:]( | if $f \>= 0 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/`` :*26*:]( | if $r == -1 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/`` :*470*:]( | if $len == 8 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/`` :*473*:]( | } elsif $len == 4 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/`` :*505*:]( | if $len == 8 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/`` :*508*:]( | } elsif $len == 4 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/11.t`` :*118*:]( | if zmq\_msg\_t.created \>= 100000 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/11.t`` :*121*:]( | elsif zmq\_msg\_t.created \>= 10000 { | | [gabrielash/perl6-zmq
``…/11.t`` :*124*:]( | elsif zmq\_msg\_t.created \>= 1000 { | | [gfldex/perl6-meta6-bin
``…/bin.pm6`` :*222*:]( | if my $stored-dep = ($meta6\.grep: \*.\&simple-version eq $add-dep.\&simple-version).first { | | [hoelzro/p6-io-string
``…/`` :*157*:]( | if $!pos \>= $!buffer.chars { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/constant-helper.c`` :*15*:]( | if(msc\_version == 800) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/`` :*17*:]( | if $line \~\~ /my \\s+ constant \\s+ $\=[\\w+] \\s\* '=' \\s\* $\=['#\`(FILL-ME-IN)']/ { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/`` :*70*:]( | if $flags == -1 { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/`` :*78*:]( | if $status == -1 { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*221*:]( | if (b.EventType == KEY\_EVENT \&\& b.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*374*:]( | if (lndebug\_fp == NULL) { \\ | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*466*:]( | if (hIn == INVALID\_HANDLE\_VALUE) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*539*:]( | if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, \&ws) == -1 \|\|\_col == 0) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*556*:]( | if (write(ofd,seq,strlen(seq)) == -1) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*575*:]( | if (write(STDOUT\_FILENO,"\\x1b[H\\x1b[2J",7) \<= 0) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*611*:]( | if (lc.len == 0) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*636*:]( | if (nread \<= 0) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*684*:]( | if (cvec == NULL) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*784*:]( | if (write(fd,ab.b,ab.len) == -1) {} /\* Can't recover from write error. \*/ | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*873*:]( | if (write(fd,ab.b,ab.len) == -1) {} /\* Can't recover from write error. \*/ | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*896*:]( | if (l-\>len == l-\>pos) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*971*:]( | } else if (l-\>history\_index \>= history\_len) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1108*:]( | if (c == 9 \&\& completionCallback != NULL) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1152*:]( | if ((h\_pos = linenoiseHistorySearch(search\_buf)) != -1) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1162*:]( | if (search\_buf \&\& (h\_pos = linenoiseHistorySearch(search\_buf)) != -1) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1200*:]( | if (seq[0] == 'b') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1203*:]( | } else if (seq[0] == 'f') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1206*:]( | } else if (seq[0] == 'd') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1216*:]( | if (seq[0] == '[') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1217*:]( | if (seq[1] \>= '0' \&\& seq[1] \<= '9') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1224*:]( | if (seq[2] == '\~') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1256*:]( | else if (seq[0] == 'O') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1335*:]( | if (buflen == 0) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1343*:]( | if (count \&\& buf[count-1] == '\\n') { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1426*:]( | if (history == NULL) { | | [hoelzro/p6-linenoise
``…/linenoise.c`` :*1439*:]( | if (history\_len == history\_max\_len) { | | [hoelzro/p6-priorityqueue
``…/`` :*22*:]( | if \&!cmp.count == 1 { | | [jdv/p6-data-selector
``…/`` :*419*:]( | if $1 \< 0 \&\& $1 \>= -@($data\_tree) { | | [jnthn/p6-concurrent-progress
``…/Progress.pm6`` :*82*:]( | if .target == .value { | | [jnthn/p6-concurrent-progress
``…/Progress.pm6`` :*96*:]( | if .target.defined \&\& .value == .target { | | [jnthn/p6-data-textorbinary
``…/TextOrBinary.pm6`` :*13*:]( | if $check == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-data-textorbinary
``…/TextOrBinary.pm6`` :*17*:]( | elsif $check == 13 { | | [jnthn/p6-data-textorbinary
``…/TextOrBinary.pm6`` :*26*:]( | elsif $check == 10 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*33*:]( | if $result == -1 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*39*:]( | if $result == -1 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*257*:]( | if $outcome == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*264*:]( | if error-check($s, ssh\_connect($s)) == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*418*:]( | if $outcome == SSH\_AUTH\_SUCCESS { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*475*:]( | if $open == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*482*:]( | if $open == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*511*:]( | if $exec == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*518*:]( | if $exec == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*548*:]( | if $forward == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*556*:]( | if $forward == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*593*:]( | if $result == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*602*:]( | if $result == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*662*:]( | if $state == ExpectHeader { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*666*:]( | if $buffer[$i] == ord("\\n") { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*673*:]( | if $header[0] == ord('C') { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*688*:]( | elsif $state == ExpectBody { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*868*:]( | if $left-to-send == 0 { | | [jnthn/p6-ssh-libssh
``…/LibSSH.pm6`` :*917*:]( | if $exit \>= 0 { | | [jonathanstowe/Audio-Hydrogen
``…/`` :*66*:]( | if @!drumkits.elems == 0 { | | [jonathanstowe/Manifesto
``…/`` :*133*:]( | if %!promises.keys.elems == 0 { | | [jonathanstowe/p6-GDBM
``…/`` :*196*:]( | if $ret == -1 { | | [jonathanstowe/p6-GDBM
``…/`` :*199*:]( | elsif $ret == 1 { | | [jonathanstowe/p6-Linux-Fuser
``…/`` :*66*:]( | if ((my $uid = self!lstat\_uid()).defined ) { | | [kalkin/Ddt
``…/Distribution.pm6`` :*235*:]( | if $url \~\~ m/'git@' $\=[.+] ':' $\=[\<-[:]\>+] $/ { | | [kalkin/Ddt
``…/Distribution.pm6`` :*237*:]( | } elsif $url \~\~ m/'ssh://git@' $\=[.+] / { | | [nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree
``…/`` :*17*:]( | if $s == 1 { @renderings.push: (\|$glyph, (color('bold white on\_yellow'), ' add line in the graph', color('reset'))) } | | [nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree
``…/`` :*19*:]( | if $s == 2 { k = k \~ color('bold white on\_yellow') \~ '\*' } | | [nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree
``…/`` :*21*:]( | if $s == 3 { k = color('bold white on\_yellow') \~ k } | | [nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree
``…/`` :*23*:]( | if $s == 4 { f = f \~ ' ' \~ color('bold white on\_yellow') \~ 'an Int' } | | [ohmycloud/fanfou-p6
``…/FanFou.pm6`` :*120*:]( | method access\_token(%oauth\_token={},$oauth\_verifier=Nil) { | | [ohmycloud/fanfou-p6
``…/FanFou.pm6`` :*122*:]( | my %args = do if $oauth\_verifier { 'oauth\_verifier' =\> $oauth\_verifier } else { {} }; | | [perl6/perl6-lwp-simple
``…/`` :*174*:]( | if $chunk\_len == 0 { | | [perl6/perl6-lwp-simple
``…/`` :*180*:]( | if $line\_end\_pos + $chunk\_len + 4 \<= $b.bytes { | | [ppentchev/perl6-Getopt-Std
``…/Std.pm6`` :*85*:]( | } elsif $x !\~\~ /^ '-' $\ = [ .+ ] $/ { | | [ppentchev/perl6-Getopt-Std
``…/Std.pm6`` :*106*:]( | } elsif @args.elems == 0 { | | [ppentchev/perl6-Test-Deeply-Relaxed
``…/Relaxed.pm6`` :*55*:]( | if $v-exp =:= IterationEnd { | | [ppentchev/perl6-Test-Deeply-Relaxed
``…/Relaxed.pm6`` :*57*:]( | } elsif $v-got =:= IterationEnd { | | [scmorrison/JS-Minify
``…/Minify.pm6`` :*345*:]( | sub js-minify(:$input!, Str :$copyright = '', :$stream, Bool :$strip\_debug = False) is export { | | [scmorrison/JS-Minify
``…/02-minify-js.t`` :*38*:]( | is js-minify(input =\> 'function test(s) { return /\\d{1,2}/.test(s); }'), 'function test(s){return/\\d{1,2}/.test(s);}', 'non-parened regex1 '; | | [scmorrison/JS-Minify
``…/02-minify-js.t`` :*39*:]( | is js-minify(input =\> 'function(s) { return /\\d{1,2}[\\/-]\\d{1,2}[\\/-]\\d{2,4}/.test(s); }'), 'function(s){return/\\d{1,2}[\\/-]\\d{1,2}[\\/-]\\d{2,4}/.test(s);}', 'non-parened regex2 '; | | [scmorrison/uzu
``…/HTTP.pm6`` :*53*:]( | if (xhttp.readyState == 4 \&\& xhttp.status == 200) { | | [scmorrison/uzu
``…/HTTP.pm6`` :*55*:]( | if (resp.reload == 'True') { | | [scmorrison/uzu
``…/Render.pm6`` :*175*:]( | modified =\> $site\_index{$key}\ | | [shinobi/Data-StaticTable
``…/StaticTable.pm6`` :*109*:]( | if (@hashable-data.elems == 0) { github/shinobi/Data-StaticTable/lib/Data/StaticTable.pm6231 if (@rownums.elems… | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/MDPad.pm6`` :*72*:]( | = "uint64\_be", Bool :$overflow = True, :@firstpad = [True], :@lastpad, Bool :$justify = False ] does Sum { | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/libcrypto.pm6`` :*95*:]( | if $up.WHAT =:= Mu { | | [skids/perl6sum
``…/librhash.pm6`` :*104*:]( | if $up.WHAT =:= Mu { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Parse.pm6`` :*198*:]( | if @opt == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Exceptions.pm6`` :*288*:]( | if $!got !== 0 and $!got \< $!expected { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Exceptions.pm6`` :*294*:]( | if $!got == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Metamodel.pm6`` :*118*:]( | if we-invocant !=:= Mu and not we-invocant.^is\_composed { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Metamodel.pm6`` :*126*:]( | if nqp::decont($!whatever-invocant) =:= Mu { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Actions.pm6`` :*621*:]( | } elsif @stmts == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Actions.pm6`` :*1121*:]( | } elsif @parts == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Quote.pm6`` :*10*:]( | if $block.children == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*144*:]( | if $b.type !=== $self.type or $b.itemize !=== $self.itemize { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*465*:]( | if $\_ =:= $last-stmt { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*466*:]( | if $ctx !=== tAny { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*492*:]( | if @.children == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*656*:]( | if (my $invocant = ($!pipe-in andthen .is-self)) and $\*no-pipe { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*660*:]( | if (my $var = @.nodes[0]) \~\~ SAST::Var { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/SAST.pm6`` :*896*:]( | if not $is-type and $\*no-pipe and (my $outer-invocant = $ { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Sastify.pm6`` :*10*:]( | sub sastify($\_, :$match = $null) is export { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Compiler.pm6`` :*219*:]( | if .type === tInt { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Compile-Cmd-And-Call.pm6`` :*110*:]( | if $cmd.nodes == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Compile-Junction.pm6`` :*89*:]( | if .when === True and !.Bool-call { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Compile-Junction.pm6`` :*91*:]( | } elsif .when === False and .val.uses-Str-Bool or !.Bool-call { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Compile-Statement-Control.pm6`` :*40*:]( | elsif $topic-var.references == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Composer.pm6`` :*402*:]( | if (my $block = $THIS.assign) \~\~ SAST::Stmts:D { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Composer.pm6`` :*612*:]( | if $\_ === $THIS.when { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Composer.pm6`` :*641*:]( | if (my $child-stmts = $top-ret.val) \~\~ SAST::Stmts { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Composer.pm6`` :*643*:]( | if $THIS.nodes.\&remove(\* =:= $top-ret) { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*113*:]( | if $decl === self.JSON-AT-KEY { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*116*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-AT-POS { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*119*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-AT-LIST-POS { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*130*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-LIST { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*133*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-KEYS { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*136*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-VALUES { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*139*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-SET-POS { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*148*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-SET-KEY { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*155*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-MERGE { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*159*:]( | elsif $decl === self.JSON-ACCEPTS { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Method-Optimizer.pm6`` :*240*:]( | elsif $decl === self.STR-JSON { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/ShellElement.pm6`` :*59*:]( | if $!str.chars == 1 and $!str !\~\~ /\\v/ { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Stage2-Util.pm6`` :*30*:]( | if (my $arg := $pos-args.pull-one) !=:= IterationEnd { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Stage2-Util.pm6`` :*53*:]( | if (my $extra-arg := $pos-args.pull-one) !=:= IterationEnd { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Stage2-Util.pm6`` :*141*:]( | $type = do if $sigil-type === tList { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Stage2-Util.pm6`` :*153*:]( | if $sigil-type === tList { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Util.pm6`` :*7*:]( | if @parts == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Log.sp`` :*43*:]( | if $:log and $level \>= $:log-level { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/Pair.sp`` :*34*:]( | 「{if($1==ENVIRON["key"]){ | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/spit-helper.sp`` :*30*:]( | if .commit(name =\> $:image-name, labels =\> ('spit-helper' =\> $:tag)) -\> $image { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*24*:]( | if $\_ == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*26*:]( | } elsif $\_ == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*28*:]( | } elsif $\_ == 2 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*38*:]( | if $\_ == 5 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*55*:]( | if $i == 0 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*57*:]( | } elsif $i == 1 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/for.t`` :*59*:]( | } elsif $i == 2 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/if.t`` :*280*:]( | if ($res \~= "winner".${@cmd}; $?) { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/if.t`` :*286*:]( | if ($res \~= "loser".${@cmd}; $?) { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/while.t`` :*39*:]( | if $i == 4 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/while.t`` :*50*:]( | if $i == 4 { | | [spitsh/spitsh
``…/while.t`` :*61*:]( | if $i == 5 { | | [svekenfur/Swedish-TextDates_sv
``…/TextDates_sv.pm6`` :*95*:]( | if $m\_nr == 2 { github/tadzik/Grammar-BNF/lib/Grammar/ABNF.pm283 if $/\ eq '=' { | | [ufobat/p6-time-crontab
``…/Crontab.pm6`` :*70*:]( | if $datetime.truncated-to('minute') == $datetime { | | [ufobat/p6-time-crontab
``…/Crontab.pm6`` :*119*:]( | if $day \<= $old-day { | | [ufobat/p6-time-crontab
``…/Crontab.pm6`` :*121*:]( | if $month \<= .month { | | [whity/perl6-log
``…/Log.pm6`` :*61*:]( | if ($lvl.value \<= self.level.value) { | | [whity/perl6-log
``…/NDC.pm6`` :*27*:]( | if (@!stack.elems == 0) { | | [zoffixznet/perl6-App-Lang-French-VerbTrainer
``…/VerbTrainer.pm6`` :*41*:]( | next if .value eq my \\ans := trim fc (prompt " {.key}: ")//''; | | [zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client
``…/`` :*328*:]( | if $msg.text \~\~ /'kick' \\s+ $\=\\S+/ { | | [zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client
``…/`` :*333*:]( | if $msg.text \~\~ /'topic' \\s+ $\=\\S+/ { | | [zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client
``…/Client.pm6`` :*162*:]( | if $idx == 0 { |
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