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Created December 3, 2018 19:25
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2018-11-01T00:00:00Z 2018-12-01T00:00:00Z

From ≈2018-11-01T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-12-01T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 2148
Open tickets after: 2177
Number of tickets touched: 101

Resolved tickets (28)

[resolved] RT#131696 internal error for invalid native type in "is native"
  [closed]   GH#2113 Revisit bug compatibility unfix for returning Proxy
  [closed]   GH#2343 Apparent failure in 6.d language switching mechanism on 32-bit boxes
  [closed]   GH#2411 Behavior of IO::Socket::Async changed
  [closed]   GH#2415 Fix placeholder method error
  [closed]   GH#2424 High port in IO::Socket::Async.listen appears to hang on Win32
  [closed]   GH#2436 Crash in 6.d with sunk start
  [closed]   GH#2443 Add type constraints to port numbers in IO::Socket::Async
  [closed]   GH#2444 Inconsistency: Proc.command vs Proc::Async.path + .args
  [closed]   GH#2451 Pre-2018.11 toasting
  [closed]   GH#2453 Segfault or crash on 2nd entry into routine
  [closed]   GH#2454 Unbust t/*/*.t rule in generated Makefile
  [closed]   GH#2456 Literal \ broken in tr/// and TR///
  [closed]   GH#2457 Unbust literal \ in tr///
  [closed]   GH#2458 Weirdness with 6.d switching and set ops
  [closed]   GH#2460 move pod-only code to end of their enclosing blocks
  [closed]   GH#2469 add some more info
  [closed]   GH#2470 comb with Ints does not behave as expected (or maybe it does)
  [closed]   GH#2471 Method style subroutine calls insist that any string that resembles a negative number, IS
  [closed]   GH#2472 Changes variable name
  [closed]   GH#2474 Build hangs on 32-bit boxes
  [closed]   GH#2481 Remove redundant smartmatch usage in IO::Socket::Async
  [closed]   GH#2485 head arg
  [closed]   GH#2491 LTA $! variable is not set on failure for file open / create operations
  [closed]   GH#2500 makefile warnings
  [closed]   GH#2508 Fix shaped dynamic var (my %*a{Int})
  [closed]   GH#2509 my @a is Buf / Blob doesn't work
  [closed]   GH#2510 thread

Half-resolved (tests needed) (7)

[testneeded]   GH#1374 SEGV with QAST tree in core Actions
[testneeded]   GH#2401 Match.^roles   does not behave
[testneeded]   GH#2477 MoarVM panic: Register types do not match between value and node
[testneeded]   GH#2480 Array built with hyper operations becomes immutable
[testneeded]   GH#2482 Slip and hyper operations interact to cause immutable values
[testneeded]   GH#2486 New SEGV issue in Moar
[testneeded]   GH#2490 Assignment to hash via array subscript fails

Updated tickets (31)

[updated] RT#126826 Numeric precision not arbitrary
[updated] RT#132313 Rat literal syntax creates Rats with denominators larger than 64 bits
[updated]   GH#1224 Range.sum() on infinite Ranges
[updated]   GH#1266 LTA error with sock using already-bound port
[updated]   GH#1311 .perl should produce curly quotes
[updated]   GH#1354 Some operations with zero-denominator Rationals are broken
[updated]   GH#1399 Sequence operator `...` leaks memory
[updated]   GH#1575 Arbitrary drift of methods to `Mu` and `Any`
[updated]   GH#1676 A "crossover" benchmark
[updated]   GH#1960 RFC: Provide methods for sending signals natively in Rakudo/Perl 6
[updated]   GH#2089 .toggle is hard to understand
[updated]   GH#2095 We should decide on alternative compiler-specific executable names
[updated]   GH#2100 Inconsistent behaviour with methods called on :Us
[updated]   GH#2109 Inconsistency in .grab/.kxxv/.pick in Mix vs MixHash
[updated]   GH#2122 Apparent laziness propagation bug in triangle reduce
[updated]   GH#2147 segfaults raised when trying with this code.
[updated]   GH#2224 hyper/race sometimes fails with 'emit without supply or react'
[updated]   GH#2333 Unexpected perf result with native math assignment
[updated]   GH#2349 "Cannot unbox to a native string" error on joining Seq of Junctions
[updated]   GH#2367 What's the deal with $?BITS ?
[updated]   GH#2379 Loop variable in BEGIN block becomes a VMNull
[updated]   GH#2403 malloc(): memory corruption Aborted (core dumped)
[updated]   GH#2416 Signatures does not shows Coercion types when gisted.
[updated]   GH#2419 Nil.ACCEPTS returns False and spec says it must be Nil
[updated]   GH#2423 Bad error with too high port in IO::Socket::Async.listen
[updated]   GH#2425 Fix potential race condition in Proc::Async start
[updated]   GH#2437 .native-descriptor for async sockets
[updated]   GH#2442 Array.flat => Array, but other Iterables throw
[updated]   GH#2446 LTA error when making a subset out of a coercer
[updated]   GH#2449 `eqv` with classes that have custom `.new` and no `.perl` is now always True
[updated]   GH#2452 LTA Coercer return type coercers Nil

All new tickets (57)

    [closed]   GH#2454 Unbust t/*/*.t rule in generated Makefile
      [open]   GH#2455 Segmentation Fault discovered while running code.
    [closed]   GH#2456 Literal \ broken in tr/// and TR///
    [closed]   GH#2457 Unbust literal \ in tr///
    [closed]   GH#2458 Weirdness with 6.d switching and set ops
      [open]   GH#2459 Constant-folder does not see 6.d stuff
    [closed]   GH#2460 move pod-only code to end of their enclosing blocks
      [open]   GH#2461 Rename [Part of] Optimizer
      [open]   GH#2462 Unhandled Exceptions Handler doesn't respect PERL6_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER env var
      [open]   GH#2463 New adverbs to `start` to consider for inclusion in 6.e
      [open]   GH#2464 Figure out the deal with `.PREVIEW` versions
      [open]   GH#2465 Would be nice to have a |Z operator
      [open]   GH#2466 The example for IO::Handle.Supply has an incorrect example
      [open]   GH#2467 Callables for superscript powerops are not autogenerated
      [open]   GH#2468 Weird `Seq.ACCEPTS` with a List
    [closed]   GH#2469 add some more info
    [closed]   GH#2470 comb with Ints does not behave as expected (or maybe it does)
    [closed]   GH#2471 Method style subroutine calls insist that any string that resembles a negative number, IS
    [closed]   GH#2472 Changes variable name
      [open]   GH#2473 Are Duration operators tested?
    [closed]   GH#2474 Build hangs on 32-bit boxes
      [open]   GH#2475 Reimplement .native-descriptor for async sockets
      [open]   GH#2476 IO::Socket::Async fails to listen/connect with IPv6 addresses on the JVM
[testneeded]   GH#2477 MoarVM panic: Register types do not match between value and node
      [open]   GH#2478 Implement .set-option/.get-option for async and INET sockets
      [open]   GH#2479 tools/build/install-core-dist.p6 coredumps on OpenBSD 6.4
[testneeded]   GH#2480 Array built with hyper operations becomes immutable
    [closed]   GH#2481 Remove redundant smartmatch usage in IO::Socket::Async
[testneeded]   GH#2482 Slip and hyper operations interact to cause immutable values
      [open]   GH#2483 the ability to check if an argument was provided in the call
      [open]   GH#2484 Pair interference in dispatch between Associative / Iterable
    [closed]   GH#2485 head arg
[testneeded]   GH#2486 New SEGV issue in Moar
      [open]   GH#2487 Make "Malformed double closure" a warning
      [open]   GH#2488 Multi-dimensional slice with Callable returning Iterable
      [open]   GH#2489 Feature request: easy oneliner data reporting.
[testneeded]   GH#2490 Assignment to hash via array subscript fails
    [closed]   GH#2491 LTA $! variable is not set on failure for file open / create operations
      [open]   GH#2492 LTA: Certain methods on Failure don't explode it
      [open]   GH#2493 Fix is-lazy propagation bug in List::Reifier
      [open]   GH#2494 LTA Defined and undefined should be displayed in unmatched signature error
      [open]   GH#2495 Add the definition of arguments in Multi::NoMatch exception
      [open]   GH#2496 No concretization found with role-qualified method call when doing a role from another role
      [open]   GH#2497 Reduction metaop does not honor `is assoc` on mere subs
      [open]   GH#2498 Tinky and Tinky::JSON “P6M Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol NoState”
      [open]   GH#2499 Failures in Perl6::Parser module
    [closed]   GH#2500 makefile warnings
      [open]   GH#2501 unexpected behavior from cglobal pointers
      [open]   GH#2502 1e0 / 0e0 should return Inf
      [open]   GH#2503 Can't assign Nil to an attribute from a role
      [open]   GH#2504 Rational number slowdown
      [open]   GH#2505 Change in FatRat to string and back again behaviour
      [open]   GH#2506 Stringifying zero-denominator rationals explodes
      [open]   GH#2507 Regex inside structure not giving the same result as raw regex
    [closed]   GH#2508 Fix shaped dynamic var (my %*a{Int})
    [closed]   GH#2509 my @a is Buf / Blob doesn't work
    [closed]   GH#2510 thread
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