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Created March 18, 2019 13:29
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2019-03-11T12:00:00Z 2019-03-18T00:00:00Z

From ≈2019-03-11T12:00:00Z to ≈2019-03-18T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 2308
Open tickets after: 2313
Number of tickets touched: 308

Resolved tickets (6)

[closed]   GH#2729 Better error message for `map: * xx 2`
[closed]   GH#2733 IO::Socket::Async.listen only tappable once. Binding address on tap inhibits use of Supply methods
[closed]   GH#2752 $?PACKAGE.^ver does not exist
[closed]   GH#2762 IPv6 is broken
[closed]   GH#2763 Failed Text::CSV zef install with rakudo-star-2019.03-RC
[closed]   GH#2770 Refactor $*KERNEL internal use of uname

Half-resolved (tests needed) (0)

Updated tickets (294)

[updated]   GH#1200 HyperIterables ignore loop phasers
[updated]   GH#1203 Would be nice to have an easy way to work with SetHashes and its kin
[updated]   GH#1205 Compound junction-assignement operators cause a hang
[updated]   GH#1206 Can’t override !~, =~, >>, << 
[updated]   GH#1210 doesn't like big Iterables
[updated]   GH#1214 Incorrect KEEP / UNDO gets fired under certain exit conditions
[updated]   GH#1222 Regex bug on custom <ws>
[updated]   GH#1224 Range.sum() on infinite Ranges
[updated]   GH#1226 Broken default value assignment on shaped array attributes
[updated]   GH#1227 "trans" method does not remove complement characters in some cases
[updated]   GH#1235 Caller-$/-setting is too invasive
[updated]   GH#1237 Overriding precedence of ops silently fails for existing ops
[updated]   GH#1256 Test failure on ARM (32 bits)
[updated]   GH#1257 Rakudo 2017.10 fails to build on Debian big endian systems
[updated]   GH#1262 t/04-nativecall/12-sizeof.t flaps
[updated]   GH#1263 Unhandled exception: This representation (VMException) does not support attribute storage
[updated]   GH#1268 Lazy slicing should not stop on the first hole, or something (say @a[lazy 3..*])
[updated]   GH#1288 Binding to attributes could be improved
[updated]   GH#1290 KEEP does not set $_ to the return value
[updated]   GH#1293 Proposal: easier syntax for multiple param aliases
[updated]   GH#1296 Another butting issue on Str and Enum
[updated]   GH#1297 Indices for shaped arrays need manually coerced to numbers
[updated]   GH#1311 .perl should produce curly quotes
[updated]   GH#1324 '#' literals in Grammars: syntax error
[updated]   GH#1325 Shell quoting is wrong on Windows
[updated]   GH#1354 Some operations with zero-denominator Rationals are broken
[updated]   GH#1355 +@a/+a slurpies produce inconsistent results
[updated]   GH#1358 Signature.perl incorrectly handles coercers
[updated]   GH#1370 .assuming in sub EXPORT breaks if module is precompiled
[updated]   GH#1383 Type capture in parametarization NYI
[updated]   GH#1388 `enum Foo <x y z> does Bar` doesn't DWIM
[updated]   GH#1398 Single-argument-rule slurpy `+foo` leaks memory when passed a `Range`.
[updated]   GH#1399 Sequence operator `...` leaks memory
[updated]   GH#1414 Class attribute constraints applied on elements of array attribute, not the attribute itself
[updated]   GH#1415 Suspicious 3.5x perf loss in a loop when BEGIN/CHECK phasers used in outer scope
[updated]   GH#1426 Inconsistent behaviour with defaults on required parameters/attributes
[updated]   GH#1427 Inconsistent syntax for declaring required params/attributes
[updated]   GH#1433 `let`/`temp` fail to restore holes in arrays
[updated]   GH#1434 Array.clone does not clone holes correctly
[updated]   GH#1436 Path operations are not threadsafe on Windows
[updated]   GH#1440 Memory leak with NativeCall
[updated]   GH#1444 Array.reverse with holes creates Mu holes, rather than Any
[updated]   GH#1445 We do need signal(SIGINT) supplies to work together somehow
[updated]   GH#1450 Signals ignored after signal taps are closed
[updated]   GH#1456 Review codebase for bugs with `none` Junctions
[updated]   GH#1463 Bogus (inconsistent?) 'useless use' warning on `eager`ed Ranges
[updated]   GH#1470 Malformed UTF-8 error when failing to write to utf8-c8 paths
[updated]   GH#1490 Missing serialize REPR function for BOOTException / LTA bug hunt
[updated]   GH#1520 Frequent segfaults when compiling moarvm
[updated]   GH#1524 "does" loses "handles"
[updated]   GH#1530 Require explicit protos when shadowing an `only` sub with a multi
[updated]   GH#1536 "Cannot invoke this object" while using custom trait that uses export trait, imported from another file
[updated]   GH#1537 $<...> inside ?<{...}> in slang gives mysterious NoMatch error.
[updated]   GH#1544 LTA message in Exception.resume
[updated]   GH#1551 Smartmatch with TR/// is not useful
[updated]   GH#1554 Already running instances of rakudo crash during rakudo upgrades
[updated]   GH#1566 multi built-ins are not assignable to Callable
[updated]   GH#1569 Need CStruct/NativeCall support for C "int" (and other currently-unsuported legacy C types)
[updated]   GH#1581 range with large Rat as bound returns Nil for .pick()
[updated]   GH#1584 NativeCall routine to load an external library without a symbol.
[updated]   GH#1588 Signals do not match host system (NativeCall kill issue)
[updated]   GH#1596 Type Captures Leaking out Sometimes
[updated]   GH#1599 An augment of Hash breaks object hashes
[updated]   GH#1616 Callables for auto-generated metaops blow up with `S` metaop
[updated]   GH#1618 perl6 --doc emits HTML blocks.
[updated]   GH#1619 NativeCall TakeUint16(0xFFFE) test fails in certain cases on FreeBSD
[updated]   GH#1632 Meta R op messes up fake infix colonpairs
[updated]   GH#1635 `/||< ... >/` still does LTM matching
[updated]   GH#1655 Inconsistency: can bind wrong type to typed Hash but not typed Array's value
[updated]   GH#1659 <!after <token>> (mis)matching backwards
[updated]   GH#1675 Rolling bools is faster than with integers even if you use a small range. 
[updated]   GH#1677 REPL exit instructions don't work on Windows
[updated]   GH#1688 NativeCall varargs support is needed
[updated]   GH#1698 Some `loop`s end up as wanted even when they're not
[updated]   GH#1705 META_REDUCE_RIGHT doesn't check for 1-arg case like META_REDUCE_LEFT
[updated]   GH#1726 Baggy cross operators
[updated]   GH#1728 Can't install on Windows
[updated]   GH#1739 Unintended consequences of converting routines from `only` to `multi`
[updated]   GH#1746 Error missing declared signature if `where` clause is used in proto
[updated]   GH#1751 Bus error on armhf
[updated]   GH#1756 NativeCall wide string support
[updated]   GH#1764 Compile-time throw when adding candidates that don't match the proto
[updated]   GH#1767 Make NativeCall complain about the declaration of CPointers with attributes. 
[updated]   GH#1771 Test.pm6 subs need to avoid containerizing arguments
[updated]   GH#1782 Rat.Num does not choose the closest representable Num
[updated]   GH#1794 Using fractional numbers to set array size leads to weird errors in .gist
[updated]   GH#1798 Strange return type on &-sigilled attributes with where clauses.
[updated]   GH#1809 Range.ACCEPTS gets some things wrong
[updated]   GH#1810 Recent regression "ctxlexpad needs an MVMContext"
[updated]   GH#1811 Cannot .perl a lazy List
[updated]   GH#1815 ENTER fires twice in some(?) methods
[updated]   GH#1818 Stringified Rat has traling zeros
[updated]   GH#1827 <1i> should be a Complex literal, not ComplexStr
[updated]   GH#1830 `+=` meta op with FatRat typeobject LHS uses incorrect type
[updated]   GH#1834 Can't use native type to parametarize a role / typecheck failure when using that type
[updated]   GH#1837 TODO: remove kludge in Str.perl after null str bug is resolved
[updated]   GH#1850 ZDRs broken with `<=>` and possibly other comparator ops
[updated]   GH#1855 Rational doesn't preserve types of nu/de
[updated]   GH#1860 "looks like"
[updated]   GH#1867 Test failures on FreeBSD
[updated]   GH#1870 token name confilct with internal name ?
[updated]   GH#1872 <1/3>.base(10, *) hangs/timeout
[updated]   GH#1875 Experimental pack function return incorrect data
[updated]   GH#1881 Convert documentation to pod6
[updated]   GH#1888 Issues with signal(SIGUSR1)
[updated]   GH#1891 Signal(0) gives FreeBSD signals on Linux
[updated]   GH#1898 Array mutation sometimes ignored within a loop
[updated]   GH#1900 Weird warning about sink context in loop phaser
[updated]   GH#1905 Not able to build on Windows 7 - 64bit.
[updated]   GH#1908 $*DISTRO is missing information on some platforms
[updated]   GH#1909 Why inconsistence of internal sub MAIN
[updated]   GH#1922 Regression after +@ → nqp::elems(@) optimization
[updated]   GH#1924 LTM semantics of frugal quantifiers
[updated]   GH#1927 TCP flags cannot manually be set with IO::Socket::INET or IO::Socket::Async
[updated]   GH#1929 LTA REPL tab auto complete
[updated]   GH#1930 LTA REPL with Unicode
[updated]   GH#1931 LTA REPL not colorful
[updated]   GH#1932 Native-typed constants NYI
[updated]   GH#1937 MoarVM panic: Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler
[updated]   GH#1940 IterationEnd and fail to smart matching against Mu
[updated]   GH#1947 Multi sub with smiley creates ambiguous dispatch
[updated]   GH#1951 Improve empty hash creation performance with {}
[updated]   GH#1960 RFC: Provide methods for sending signals natively in Rakudo/Perl 6
[updated]   GH#1963 Make Junctions short-curcuit similar to how `and`/`or` do
[updated]   GH#1982 "Unknown type NativeCall::Types::void used in native call."
[updated]   GH#1985 `is required` native attributes fail to detect their init value if it's given as `0`
[updated]   GH#1986 Explosion when `R`-metaopping `||`, `//`, `&&` meta-assigns
[updated]   GH#1988 Opt opportunity in `Rop=`
[updated]   GH#1990 Opt opportunity in METAOP_ASSIGN with % and @ vars
[updated]   GH#1993 Bogus(?) Error when `is required` an attribute of CStruct repr
[updated]   GH#1997 Array.clone vs Hash.clone are inconsistent about containers
[updated]   GH#1998 No way to use Test.pm6 routines in userland Test libraries
[updated]   GH#2000 `reduce` needlessly deconts
[updated]   GH#2002 `where` in single `multi` vs. `sub` is 10x slower
[updated]   GH#2003 Should we allow identifiers with different scripts?
[updated]   GH#2011 Sporadic `make test` failures on WSL
[updated]   GH#2013 Very slow regex
[updated]   GH#2017 Test.pm6's Junction support is haphazard
[updated]   GH#2029 New warnings in Zef::Distribution
[updated]   GH#2031 Ability to ensure support for a unicode version
[updated]   GH#2034 Rat literals in signature literals cause compile time crashes
[updated]   GH#2036 NativeCall, incorrect values after call into C
[updated]   GH#2053 PRE phaser potentially not thread-safe
[updated]   GH#2056 “MVMHash representation requires MVMString keys” rescalar regression
[updated]   GH#2060 `my @foo is List` doesn't work and is reassignable
[updated]   GH#2073 Bad propspec: Enum's :D accepts Enum's :U
[updated]   GH#2080 `Cannot call method 'ACCEPTS' on a null object` in Slang::SQL
[updated]   GH#2087 Regex generates "Invalid to edge 0 in NFA statelist" error
[updated]   GH#2101 LTA NativeCall error message - "Cannot locate native library ''" has no file/line
[updated]   GH#2106 Capture in `sub MAIN` doesn't work for named args
[updated]   GH#2108 Fail to run regex repeatedly with --profile
[updated]   GH#2112 Some regex quantifiers don't work as expected
[updated]   GH#2118 Misleading error in tr/// when including a # character
[updated]   GH#2119 Possibly dead code in quote braid tweak `:cc` role
[updated]   GH#2124 Failure in t/04-nativecall/02-simple-args.t with clang
[updated]   GH#2127 Easy to mess up `is pure` on multies
[updated]   GH#2131 Behavior of match occurrence adverbs: :nth(*) and :nth(*-1)
[updated]   GH#2133 At-pos/at-key/zen slices hypered over empty List/Array crash
[updated]   GH#2135 Docs for MAIN should not be separated with -- (let's use # instead)
[updated]   GH#2137 Crash with Proxy as argument to native parameters
[updated]   GH#2150 Code review wanted: &THE_END with custom exception handlers
[updated]   GH#2151 Grammar flickering between working and not working on `:sym` rules
[updated]   GH#2152 Using `` in places throws, but changing it to `` works
[updated]   GH#2156 Shouldn't enumHOW get a "roles" method?
[updated]   GH#2160 The 'is copy' trait drops the type of Array objects
[updated]   GH#2162 IO::Socket::INET Documentation Inconsistency [PF_INET as a default]
[updated]   GH#2165 EnumHOW inner workings: creating enums without Enumeration?
[updated]   GH#2169 Assigning Nil to a scalar declared with captured type changes it's container metaclass to GenericHOW
[updated]   GH#2173 `use experimental :pack` is ignored even if it is surely called
[updated]   GH#2177 Short-circuiting of reduce metaop (e.g. [&&]) – tests, docs, etc.
[updated]   GH#2186 REPL exit message UNIX specific and doesn't work on Windows
[updated]   GH#2190 Substitute Rakudo::Internals::is-win to $* for easier (or possible) testing of code when possible.
[updated]   GH#2191 MoarVM exception with constants, so, try, and cglobal
[updated]   GH#2206 :@<foo> / :%<foo> colonpairs use value for $<foo> instead
[updated]   GH#2209 too many levels of import: Missing serialize REPR function for REPR CStr (NativeCall::CStr)
[updated]   GH#2216 Crash due to unhandled warning when using custom exception handlers
[updated]   GH#2220 builtin operators should be referenceable
[updated]   GH#2221 duration ctor or addition with duration sensitive to rat/num rand (?)
[updated]   GH#2241 Feature requset: coalesce role BUILD/TWEAK/DESTROY
[updated]   GH#2243 Using modifiers on exiting phasers
[updated]   GH#2245 In REPL, user defined operators do not persist between lines operator
[updated]   GH#2246 Change order in USAGE when %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS<named-anywhere> is set
[updated]   GH#2247 Role with stubs in a file without a package declation
[updated]   GH#2249 Rakudo fails to build on OpenBSD
[updated]   GH#2250 Use of submethods in roles causes compiler to freeze
[updated]   GH#2254 Feature request: IO::Socket sendto/recvfrom methods
[updated]   GH#2255 A method installed by an Attribute object during compile time doesn't preserve it's closure.
[updated]   GH#2258 Test::isa-ok can't handle a Junction:D as $expected
[updated]   GH#2284 .WHAT bug; REPL only
[updated]   GH#2297 Crash when parametarizing enums with DefiniteHOWs
[updated]   GH#2298 :U parametarized@,%,& parameters are incorrectly parametarized
[updated]   GH#2305 LTA error/behaviour in `.trans` with Cool substitutors
[updated]   GH#2312 regex tips : Apparent subscript will be treated as regex [remove tips ?]
[updated]   GH#2317 atomicint.Range lies
[updated]   GH#2318 Size doesn't matter for native assignment when deciding to throw
[updated]   GH#2322 Type capture in role parametarization doesn't work with natives and defaults
[updated]   GH#2323 LTA error for X::Comp::FailGoal using JSON exceptions handler
[updated]   GH#2327 Warnings ignore PERL6_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER unless there is also an error
[updated]   GH#2328 Problem with typed Arrays of roles
[updated]   GH#2335 Heisenbug? `isa-ok` has oddly inconsistent recognition of strings
[updated]   GH#2338 "is required" and "is something" on attribute loses the "is required"
[updated]   GH#2349 "Cannot unbox to a native string" error on joining Seq of Junctions
[updated]   GH#2354 uintN handles signature bit differently for scalars and attributes
[updated]   GH#2360 my %*FOO is Set = <a b c> dies
[updated]   GH#2364 throws-like should die on Bool:D matchers
[updated]   GH#2365 tr/// doesn't allow number sign (#)
[updated]   GH#2373 LTA `.=` metaop is sensitive to whitespace when using on implicit $_
[updated]   GH#2379 Loop variable in BEGIN block becomes a VMNull
[updated]   GH#2380 `return`-ing out of a block and LEAVE phaser (“identity”‽)
[updated]   GH#2384 LTA: roles enforce method signatures only with `multi` methods
[updated]   GH#2414 Native attrs compile into an attrref instead of attr
[updated]   GH#2417 Multies do not use Coercion types constraints to decide what candidate to call
[updated]   GH#2419 Nil.ACCEPTS returns False and spec says it must be Nil
[updated]   GH#2423 Bad error with too high port in IO::Socket::Async.listen
[updated]   GH#2430 Wrong Signature.ACCEPTS after add CALL-ME method in a Sub
[updated]   GH#2432 Optimizer likely doesn't consider 6.d setting's symbols as core
[updated]   GH#2445 Captures in sub MAIN params don't capture named args
[updated]   GH#2448 Custom .new method is not reflected in standard .perl
[updated]   GH#2455 Segmentation Fault discovered while running code.
[updated]   GH#2461 Rename [Part of] Optimizer
[updated]   GH#2465 Would be nice to have a |Z operator
[updated]   GH#2468 Weird `Seq.ACCEPTS` with a List
[updated]   GH#2473 Are Duration operators tested?
[updated]   GH#2476 IO::Socket::Async fails to listen/connect with IPv6 addresses on the JVM
[updated]   GH#2479 tools/build/install-core-dist.p6 coredumps on OpenBSD 6.4
[updated]   GH#2483 the ability to check if an argument was provided in the call
[updated]   GH#2489 Feature request: easy oneliner data reporting.
[updated]   GH#2497 Reduction metaop does not honor `is assoc` on mere subs
[updated]   GH#2501 unexpected behavior from cglobal pointers
[updated]   GH#2503 Can't assign Nil to an attribute from a role
[updated]   GH#2504 Rational number slowdown
[updated]   GH#2505 Change in FatRat to string and back again behaviour
[updated]   GH#2506 Stringifying zero-denominator rationals explodes
[updated]   GH#2507 Regex inside structure not giving the same result as raw regex
[updated]   GH#2513 tests fails on armv6
[updated]   GH#2516 BEGIN phaser causes confusing error
[updated]   GH#2518 bombs if the --prefix dir doesn't exist when building in a fresh checkout on Cygwin
[updated]   GH#2541 Post-incrementing native integers across overflow boundary
[updated]   GH#2542 A native variable definition + initialization is **not** a left value
[updated]   GH#2545 LTA error message when declaring a PrecompStore with default values
[updated]   GH#2554 Difference between Int @a and @a[Int]
[updated]   GH#2555 &[op] is broken in precompiled code
[updated]   GH#2560 Smartmatch dies with a sub and a hash
[updated]   GH#2562 LTA error when a macro does not return a quasi
[updated]   GH#2579 smallnatives are neither tested nor working
[updated]   GH#2580 Is the dynamic variable $*FULL-PRECISION a good solution to Rat -> float/FatRat discussion?
[updated]   GH#2581 Cannot bind to an attribute from a role
[updated]   GH#2588 Double call with --doc
[updated]   GH#2592 Calls to `say` somehow get lost(?) when using precompilation with a module inbetween
[updated]   GH#2595 Return type check using captured type.
[updated]   GH#2596 Signature smartmatch against capture operator | fails if it contains slurpy hash
[updated]   GH#2598 Trait doesn't know if it is applied to a multi-dispatch method
[updated]   GH#2602 Smartmatch doesn't produce correct result on a run-time created class stored in a Scalar container
[updated]   GH#2603 Errors for "[[-" While Constructing Array
[updated]   GH#2610 IO::Path::x() on Windows is broken?
[updated]   GH#2619 trait excepting an Attribute and a &callable works on a classes but doesn't work on roles
[updated]   GH#2620 Wrapped method fails when precompiled
[updated]   GH#2622 Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value on RW class attribute
[updated]   GH#2624 Should we remove/deprecate :P5 regexes?
[updated]   GH#2625 Installing Zef with rakudobrew on Mac sometimes fails with  Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)
[updated]   GH#2629 Feature request: make compiler report all modules involved into a circular loadin
[updated]   GH#2633 Using explicitly-manage with NativeCall strings is not possible when bound to a variable with type Str
[updated]   GH#2650 IO::Path.dir failure listifies not-fatally on error
[updated]   GH#2656 isa-ok does not work with parametrized types
[updated]   GH#2664 Precompilation should *not* run the INIT phaser / mainline when -use-d?
[updated]   GH#2665 MoarVM panic when testing Red (CONTROL blocks)
[updated]   GH#2666 implement a new var @*ARGFILES listing paths for @*ARGS that are existing files
[updated]   GH#2667 Error on .resume
[updated]   GH#2668 CArray[A] type constraint doesn't work and it somehow detects CArray[A].new
[updated]   GH#2669 Remove all AdHoc exceptions from core
[updated]   GH#2672 Exception message doesn't follow doc style guide
[updated]   GH#2673 Cannot parameterize NativeCall Pointer using ::?CLASS within a CStruct/CPointer REPR class
[updated]   GH#2676 Do we need an overhaul of .ACCEPTS methods wrt Any / Mu?
[updated]   GH#2677 Uncertainty about submethods in roles
[updated]   GH#2678 BUILD and TWEAK declared as a method gets called for each class child unless it has its own BUILD/TWEAK
[updated]   GH#2692 Accessing native attributes discards sign information
[updated]   GH#2694 Role consumption by multiple roles
[updated]   GH#2697 Rakudo stopped matching a regex, related to | vs. || (in 2015; better late than never)
[updated]   GH#2698 Typecheck against a curried role dies
[updated]   GH#2699 Labeled last/next doesn't work with FIRST/LAST/NEXT phasers
[updated]   GH#2700 Problem with parsing a large file
[updated]   GH#2702 @ symbol'd array interpolation doesn't backtrack (from rt #127906)
[updated]   GH#2711 Pod::To::Text is mishandling footnotes.
[updated]   GH#2716 BUILD, TWEAK not invoked on Hash subclass stantiation
[updated]   GH#2719 Change in behavior when (starts-with|ends-with|substr-eq|contains)ing a Junction
[updated]   GH#2723 Automate a nightly docker release via CircleCI
[updated]   GH#2730 Deprecate and remove Exceptions::JSON
[updated]   GH#2735 %h{$a}{$b}{$c} = True in a loop with different abcs is really slow
[updated]   GH#2739 Certain compile-time errors cause 'No exception handler located for catch' error
[updated]   GH#2748 The newly implemented R:I:JSON code can't be built on the JVM
[updated]   GH#2753 MoarVM panic when returning outside of a Routine with await/start
[updated]   GH#2757 Wrapping a multi candidate causes 'Cannot invoke object with invocation handler in this context'
[updated]   GH#2758 REPL: The Readline history file is not created when absent.
[updated]   GH#2759 REPL: Internal error: unhandled encoding (Readline)

All new tickets (11)

  [open]   GH#2760 watch-path spectest failing on macOS
  [open]   GH#2761 argsfiles ?
[closed]   GH#2762 IPv6 is broken
[closed]   GH#2763 Failed Text::CSV zef install with rakudo-star-2019.03-RC
  [open]   GH#2764 Calling with a Failure:D as invocant should throw the invocant.
  [open]   GH#2765 :sigspace on substitute expands accents
  [open]   GH#2766 lives-ok and throws-ok both fail for the same code
  [open]   GH#2767 Test::fails-like's string form doesn't lookup the right context PseudoStash
  [open]   GH#2768 What is the use of "is dynamic" ?  Maybe we should deprecate it?
  [open]   GH#2769 Rakudo loading incorrect shared library file on Linux.
[closed]   GH#2770 Refactor $*KERNEL internal use of uname
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