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Graded rings and the irrelevant ideal
import data.finsupp
import data.dfinsupp
import data.polynomial
import algebra.module
import algebra.direct_sum
import tactic.equiv_rw
universes u v
variables (M : Type v) (α : Type u)
variables [add_monoid M] [decidable_eq M]
section graded_abelian_group
class graded_abelian_group [add_comm_group α] :=
(piece : M → Type u) (group : ∀ m : M, add_comm_group (piece m))
(iso : α ≃+ direct_sum M piece)
open graded_abelian_group
variables [add_comm_group α] [graded_abelian_group M α]
instance group_instances (m : M) : add_comm_group (piece α m) := group m
def embed_piece {m : M} (r : piece α m) : α :=
add_equiv.symm iso (direct_sum.of (piece α) m r)
def grade (m : M) : set α := λ a, ∃ s : piece α m, a = embed_piece M α s
lemma embed_piece_grade {m : M} (r : piece α m) : embed_piece M α r ∈ grade M α m := by use r
def embed_piece' {m : M} (r : piece α m) : grade M α m := ⟨embed_piece M α r, embed_piece_grade M α r⟩
def homogeneous_element (r : α) := ∃ m : M, r ∈ grade M α m
def proj_on_degree (m : M) : α →+ piece α m :=
{ to_fun := λ r, iso r m,
map_zero' := by { rw add_equiv.map_zero iso, refl },
map_add' := by { intros x y, rw add_equiv.map_add iso x y, simp }
def proj_on_degree' {m : M} (r : grade M α m) : piece α m :=
proj_on_degree M α m r
def binary_op_respects_grading (β γ : Type*)
[add_comm_group β] [add_comm_group γ] [graded_abelian_group M β] [graded_abelian_group M γ]
(op : α → β → γ) :=
∀ (m m' : M) (r : grade M α m) (r' : grade M β m'),
op r r' ∈ grade M γ (m + m')
-- todo: morphisms, quotients
end graded_abelian_group
section graded_ring
variable [ring α]
class graded_ring extends graded_abelian_group M α :=
(mul_respects_grading : binary_op_respects_grading M α α α (λ x y, x * y))
open graded_abelian_group
def mul_on_pieces [graded_ring M α] {m m' : M} : piece α m -> piece α m' -> piece α (m + m') :=
λ r r', let H := graded_ring.mul_respects_grading m m' (embed_piece' M α r) (embed_piece' M α r')
in proj_on_degree' M α ⟨_, H⟩
lemma mul_on_pieces' [graded_ring M α] {m m' : M} (r : piece α m) (r' : piece α m') :
(embed_piece M α r) * (embed_piece M α r') = embed_piece M α (mul_on_pieces M α r r') :=
end graded_ring
section homogeneous_module
variables [ring α] [graded_ring M α]
class homogeneous_module (m : Type u) [add_comm_group m] [module α m] [graded_abelian_group M m] :=
(mul_respects_grading : binary_op_respects_grading M α m m (λ x y, x • y))
end homogeneous_module
instance graded_ring.to_module [ring α] [graded_ring M α] : homogeneous_module M α α :=
{ mul_respects_grading := graded_ring.mul_respects_grading }
section homogeneous_submodule
variables [ring α] [graded_ring M α]
variables (N : Type u) [add_comm_group N] [module α N] [graded_abelian_group M N] [homogeneous_module M α N]
-- a submodule is homogeneous if x ∈ N => x^(m) ∈ N
structure homogeneous_submodule extends submodule α N :=
(has_hom_parts : Π m n, n ∈ carrier → embed_piece M N (proj_on_degree M N m n) ∈ carrier)
def homogeneous_ideal [decidable_eq α] := homogeneous_submodule M α α
end homogeneous_submodule
section irrelevant_ideal
variables [ring α] [graded_ring ℕ α] [decidable_eq α]
open graded_abelian_group
def smul_mem_helper : ∀ (c : α) {x : α}, iso x 0 = 0 → iso (c * x) 0 = 0 :=
-- massage the goal
equiv_rw add_equiv.to_equiv (@iso ℕ α _ _ _ _), intros r r',
have H : ∀ x, ((id iso.to_equiv).symm) x = iso.symm x, { intro x, refl }, rw [H r, H r'], clear H,
-- is there an easier way to the previous two lines?
rw add_equiv.apply_symm_apply,
apply dfinsupp.induction r',
-- base case is essentially trivial, is there a tactic that can deal with this?
{ rw [add_equiv.map_zero (add_equiv.symm iso), mul_zero, add_equiv.map_zero iso], tauto },
intros d b f Hfd Hb Hrf H,
-- need f 0 = 0 to remove f from H and as an assumption for Hrf
have Hf0 : f 0 = 0, { simp at H, split_ifs at H, rw h at Hfd, assumption, simp at H, assumption },
simp [Hf0] at H,
-- need this for later
have Hd : d ≠ 0, { intro H', cases d, simp at H, apply Hb H, injection H' },
-- we can now get rid of f in the goal
simp [add_equiv.map_add (add_equiv.symm iso), left_distrib, add_equiv.map_add iso, Hrf Hf0],
clear' f Hfd Hb Hrf Hf0 H,
apply dfinsupp.induction r,
-- almost the same base case
{ rw [add_equiv.map_zero (add_equiv.symm iso), zero_mul, add_equiv.map_zero iso], tauto },
intros d' b' f' Hf'd' Hb' Hf'b, clear Hf'd' Hb', -- don't need Hf'd' and Hb'
-- this time we can get rid of f' right away
simp [add_equiv.map_add (add_equiv.symm iso), right_distrib, add_equiv.map_add iso, Hf'b],
clear Hf'b f',
-- rewrite the product as a single element of degree d' + d
have H := mul_on_pieces' ℕ α b' b, simp [embed_piece, direct_sum.of] at H, rw H, clear H,
rw [add_equiv.apply_symm_apply],
-- conclude because d' + d ≠ 0
simp, split_ifs, { exfalso, apply Hd, tauto }, refl
def irrelevant_ideal : homogeneous_ideal ℕ α :=
{ carrier := λ x, proj_on_degree ℕ α 0 x = 0,
zero_mem' := by simp [has_mem.mem, set.mem],
add_mem' := by { simp [has_mem.mem, set.mem], intros x y Hx Hy, simp [Hx, Hy] },
smul_mem' := by { simp [proj_on_degree], apply smul_mem_helper },
has_hom_parts :=
simp [has_mem.mem, set.mem, proj_on_degree, embed_piece], intros n r H,
cases n, { rw H, refl }, refl
end }
end irrelevant_ideal
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