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Last active May 28, 2021 05:33
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VueJS + CountUp Component w/ Abbreviation (K,M,B)
const getDecimal = (num) => {
if (num.toString().length >= 4) {
return 1
else {
return 0
module.exports = getDecimal
const numRound = (num) => {
//performing checks in descending order to utilise if-immediate as this use case is simple
// check if number is equal to or over a billion
if (num.toString().length() >= 9) {
const Mnum = Math.round((num / 1000000000)*100)/100;
return Mnum
// check if number is equal to or over a million
if (num.toString().length >= 7) {
const Mnum = Math.round((num / 1000000)*100)/100;
return Mnum
// check if number is equal to or over a thousand
if (num.toString().length >= 4) {
const Mnum = Math.round((num / 1000)*100)/100;
return Mnum
else {
return num
module.exports = getRoundNum;
const setSuffix = (num) => {
//performing checks in descending order to utilise if-immediate as this use case is simple
// check if number is equal to or over a billion, return the letter "B"
if (num.toString().length >= 9) {
return "B"
// check if number is equal to or over a million, return the letter "M"
if (num.toString().length >= 7) {
return "M"
// check if number is equal to or over a thousand, return the letter "K"
if (num.toString().length >= 4) {
return "K"
module.exports = setSuffix;
:options="options" />
// use a question mark until the number loads, a loading animation would be cool also
<div v-else>?</div>
<script type="text/babel">
// run imports
import ICountUP from "vue-countup-v2";
import getSuffix from "./getSuffix.js"
import getRoundNum from "./getRoundNum.js";
import getDecimal from "./getDecimal.js";
// create our component
export default {
name: "countup-example",
components: {
data() {
return {
//wait until we change loaded to true before running component, set it as false initially
loaded: false,
//store number as string
count: null,
tempNum: null,
//initialise as null, we will set this once we have determined it's size
shortNum: null,
// refer to vue-countup
delay: 500,
options: {
useEasing: true,
useGrouping: true,
seperator: ",",
decimal: ".",
decimalPlaces: 0,
duration: 5,
suffix: ''
async created() {
// get a number from your API
const response = await fetch("http://yourdomain/api/givemeanumber");
const json = await response.json();
//this is based on my component, your JSON may be structured differently, change as needed - this is an example
this.tempNum = json[0].Number;
// shorten number based on number length
this.shortNum = getRoundNum(this.tempNum);
// set the suffix in options based on number length
this.options.suffix = getSuffix(this.tempNum);
// set the decimal places in options based on number length
this.options.decimalPlaces = getDecimal(this.tempNum);
this.loaded = true;
:options="options" />
<script type="text/babel">
// run imports
import ICountUP from "vue-countup-v2";
import getSuffix from "./getSuffix.js"
import getRoundNum from "./getRoundNum.js";
import getDecimal from "./getDecimal.js";
// create our component
export default {
name: "countup-example",
components: {
data() {
return {
//store number as string
count: "666666666666666",
//initialise as null, we will set this once we have determined it's size
shortNum: null,
// refer to vue-countup
delay: 500,
options: {
useEasing: true,
useGrouping: true,
seperator: ",",
decimal: ".",
decimalPlaces: 0,
duration: 5,
suffix: ''
created() {
// shorten number based on number length
this.shortNum = getRoundNum(this.count);
// set the suffix in options based on number length
this.options.suffix = getSuffix(this.count);
// set the decimal places in options based on number length
this.options.decimalPlaces = getDecimal(this.count);
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