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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Save Whelton/1f1e66b1767d8cd737f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
James' ghetto year-binary-palindrome thing
// James' ghetto year-binary-palindrome thing
// Damn it @joemccann
// Changed from crazy decimal to binary function to .toString(2)on Mike McNally's most excellent tip:
// Loop through years, starting at 0 all the way to 2015 (happy new year)
for(var i = 0; i <= 2015; i++){
// Get it's binary representation (it'll be a string yo) (thank you @m5)
var binaryYear = (i).toString(2);
// Check if odd, make appropriate offset of 0.5 if so
var offset = 0;
if(binaryYear.length%2==1) {
offset = 0.5; // Shock horror
// If it's an even, check if everything to left of center character matches the reverse of everything to right of center character
var left = binaryYear.substring(0, (binaryYear.length / 2 ) - offset);
var right = binaryYear.substring((binaryYear.length / 2 ) + offset);
// Reverse and compare, if matches, log that sucker
if (left === (right.split('').reverse().join('')) ) {
console.log( i+" : "+binaryYear );
1 : 1
3 : 11
5 : 101
7 : 111
9 : 1001
15 : 1111
17 : 10001
21 : 10101
27 : 11011
31 : 11111
33 : 100001
45 : 101101
51 : 110011
63 : 111111
65 : 1000001
73 : 1001001
85 : 1010101
93 : 1011101
99 : 1100011
107 : 1101011
119 : 1110111
127 : 1111111
129 : 10000001
153 : 10011001
165 : 10100101
189 : 10111101
195 : 11000011
219 : 11011011
231 : 11100111
255 : 11111111
257 : 100000001
273 : 100010001
297 : 100101001
313 : 100111001
325 : 101000101
341 : 101010101
365 : 101101101
381 : 101111101
387 : 110000011
403 : 110010011
427 : 110101011
443 : 110111011
455 : 111000111
471 : 111010111
495 : 111101111
511 : 111111111
513 : 1000000001
561 : 1000110001
585 : 1001001001
633 : 1001111001
645 : 1010000101
693 : 1010110101
717 : 1011001101
765 : 1011111101
771 : 1100000011
819 : 1100110011
843 : 1101001011
891 : 1101111011
903 : 1110000111
951 : 1110110111
975 : 1111001111
1023 : 1111111111
1025 : 10000000001
1057 : 10000100001
1105 : 10001010001
1137 : 10001110001
1161 : 10010001001
1193 : 10010101001
1241 : 10011011001
1273 : 10011111001
1285 : 10100000101
1317 : 10100100101
1365 : 10101010101
1397 : 10101110101
1421 : 10110001101
1453 : 10110101101
1501 : 10111011101
1533 : 10111111101
1539 : 11000000011
1571 : 11000100011
1619 : 11001010011
1651 : 11001110011
1675 : 11010001011
1707 : 11010101011
1755 : 11011011011
1787 : 11011111011
1799 : 11100000111
1831 : 11100100111
1879 : 11101010111
1911 : 11101110111
1935 : 11110001111
1967 : 11110101111
2015 : 11111011111
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