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Created January 21, 2017 08:04
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Export All Text Layers.jsx
* Export All Text Layers
* 1.1.4
* Pavel Ivanov
// enable double-clicking from Mac Finder or Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// bring application forward for double-click events
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var fileLineFeed = ($ != -1 ? "windows" : "macintosh");
var openFile = true; // Open file when done (true/false)
var separator = "====================================================================================================";
var semiColon = ';';
var progressWindow = createProgressWindow("Please wait...");
var progressStep = Math.round(100 / doc.layers.length);
var data = [];
var count;
function init() {
// do we have open document?
if (app.documents.length === 0) {
alert("Please open a file", "TextExport Error", true);
// open the progress;
// close the progress
function ExportText(el) {
// Get the layers
var layers = el.layers;
// get layer lenght
var count = layers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// curentLayer
var currentLayer = layers[i];
if (currentLayer.typename == "LayerSet") {
} else {
// is Text layer visible
if (currentLayer.visible && currentLayer.kind == LayerKind.TEXT && currentLayer.textItem.contents) {
doc.activeLayer = currentLayer;
// font-size
try {
var fontSize = parseInt(currentLayer.textItem.size);
} catch(e) {
// color
try {
var color = currentLayer.textItem.color.rgb.hexValue;
} catch(e) {
var color = '000000';
// font-family
try {
var fontFamily = currentLayer.textItem.font;
} catch(e) {
// font-style
try {
var fontStyle = currentLayer.textItem.fauxItalic;
} catch(e) {
var fontStyle = false;
// font-weight
try {
var fontWeight = currentLayer.textItem.fauxBold;
} catch(e) {
var fontWeight = false;
// check for
try {
var fontFamilyStyle = app.fonts.getByName(fontFamily).style;
} catch(e) {
// text-transform
try {
var textTransform = currentLayer.textItem.capitalization;
if (textTransform && textTransform != 'TextCase.NORMAL') {
var textTransform = true;
} catch(e) {
var textTransform = false;
// letter-spacing
try {
var letterSpacing = currentLayer.textItem.tracking;
} catch(e) {
var letterSpacing = 0;
if (letterSpacing != 0) {
var letterSpacing = ((letterSpacing * fontSize) / 1000);
// line-height
try {
var lineHeight = parseInt(currentLayer.textItem.leading);
catch (e) {
var lineHeight = 0;
// check for fontExist
try {
var fontExist = app.fonts.getByName(fontFamily).name;
} catch(e) {
var fontExist = false;
if (fontExist) {
var fontFamily = fontExist;
var opacity = currentLayer.opacity;
var fillOpacity = currentLayer.fillOpacity;
var effects = activeLayerHasEffects();
var obj = {
name :,
content : currentLayer.textItem.contents,
fontSizePx: fontSize,
fontSize : fontSize / 10, // from px/pt to rem,
color : '#' + color.toLowerCase(),
fontFamily : fontFamily,
fontExist : fontExist,
fontStyle : fontStyle,
fontWeight : fontWeight,
fontFamilyStyle : fontFamilyStyle,
textTransform : textTransform,
letterSpacing : letterSpacing / 10, // calculate to rem
lineHeight : lineHeight / 10, // from px/pt to rem
opacity : opacity,
fillOpacity : fillOpacity,
effects : effects
// Update progress bar value = (100 / (progressStep / i));
// get Descriptor
function getDescriptor(psClass, psKey) { // integer:Class, integer:key
var ref = new ActionReference();
if(psKey != undefined) ref.putProperty(charIDToTypeID("Prpr"), psKey);
ref.putEnumerated(psClass , charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
return executeActionGet(ref);
// check layer for effects
function activeLayerHasEffects() {
var hasEffect = getDescriptor(charIDToTypeID('Lyr ')).hasKey(stringIDToTypeID('layerEffects'));
return hasEffect;
// progress bar
function createProgressWindow(title, message, min, max) {
var win;
win = new Window('palette', title); = win.add('progressbar', undefined, min, max); = [180, 18];
return win;
// Save the Results
function saveResults() {
// save dialog
var file = File.saveDialog("Please select a file to save the results");
// if file is not selected
if(file == null)
// set filePath
var filePath = file.path + "/" +;
// create outputFile
var outputFile = new File(filePath);
// set linefeed
outputFile.linefeed = fileLineFeed;
// open for write"w", "TEXT", "????");
// Append title of document to file
outputFile.writeln('All visible Text Layers from "' + + '"');
// put data to file
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var object = data[i];
outputFile.writeln('name' + ': ' + + '\n');
outputFile.writeln('content' + ': ' + object.content + '\n');
outputFile.writeln('font-size' + ': ' + object.fontSizePx + 'px' + semiColon);
outputFile.writeln('font-size' + ': ' + object.fontSize + 'rem' + semiColon);
outputFile.writeln('color' + ': ' + object.color + semiColon);
outputFile.writeln('font-family' + ': ' + object.fontFamily + semiColon);
if (object.fontStyle) {
outputFile.writeln('font-style: italic' + semiColon + ' /* fauxItalic */');
if (object.fontWeight) {
outputFile.writeln('font-weight: 700' + semiColon + ' /* fauxBold */');
if (object.textTransform) {
outputFile.writeln('text-transform: uppercase' + semiColon);
if (object.letterSpacing != 0) {
outputFile.writeln('letter-spacing' + ': ' + object.letterSpacing + 'rem' + semiColon);
if (object.lineHeight != 0) {
outputFile.writeln('line-height' + ': ' + object.lineHeight + 'rem' + semiColon);
if (object.fontExist) {
outputFile.writeln('* Important' + ': ' + 'Font Family Style is "' + object.fontFamilyStyle +'"');
} else {
outputFile.writeln('* Important' + ': ' + 'The following font is missing: ' + object.fontFamily);
if (object.effects) {
outputFile.writeln('* Important: This layer have some Blending Options');
if (object.opacity != '100' || object.fillOpacity != '100') {
outputFile.writeln('* Important: This layer have ' + '"Opacity: ' + Math.round(object.opacity) + '%" and "' + 'Fill: ' + object.fillOpacity + '%"');
// close the file
// Give notice that we're done or open the file
if (openFile === true) {
} else {
alert("File was saved to:\n" + Folder.decode(filePath), "TextExport");
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