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Last active November 12, 2022 19:34
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  • Save WheretIB/aced2e6811eb9d5d3cf54ac6005391a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WheretIB/aced2e6811eb9d5d3cf54ac6005391a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local function seachRepeats(str: string, off: number, symbolToCheck: string)
local count = 0
while str:sub(off, off) == symbolToCheck do
count += 1
off += 1
return count
local function generateFunction(code)
local seqStr = code
local blkArr : {{string}} = {}
table.insert(blkArr, "")
blkArr[1] ..= "local out = ''\n"
blkArr[1] ..= "local tapePos = 1\n"
blkArr[1] ..= "local tape = table.create(1000000, 0)\n"
local cyclePatternChecker: string = ""
local count
local i = 1
while i <= #seqStr do
local sym = seqStr:sub(i, i)
if sym == '+' then
count = seachRepeats(seqStr, i, '+')
cyclePatternChecker ..= string.rep('+', count)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tape[tapePos] += " .. count .. "\n"
i += count - 1
elseif sym == '-' then
count = seachRepeats(seqStr, i, '-')
cyclePatternChecker ..= string.rep('-', count)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tape[tapePos] -= " .. count .. "\n"
i += count - 1
elseif sym == '>' then
count = seachRepeats(seqStr, i, '>')
cyclePatternChecker ..= string.rep('>', count)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tapePos += " .. count .. "\n"
i += count - 1
elseif sym == '<' then
count = seachRepeats(seqStr, i, '<')
cyclePatternChecker ..= string.rep('<', count)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tapePos -= " .. count .. "\n"
i += count - 1
elseif sym == '.' then
cyclePatternChecker ..= sym
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "out ..= string.char(tape[tapePos])\n"
elseif sym == ',' then
cyclePatternChecker ..= sym
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "error('no')\n"
elseif sym == '[' then
table.insert(blkArr, "")
cyclePatternChecker = '['
elseif sym == ']' then
cyclePatternChecker ..= ']'
if cyclePatternChecker == '[-]' then
table.remove(blkArr, #blkArr)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tape[tapePos] = 0\n"
elseif cyclePatternChecker == '[->+<]' then
table.remove(blkArr, #blkArr)
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tape[tapePos + 1] += tape[tapePos]\n"
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= "tape[tapePos] = 0\n"
local last = blkArr[#blkArr]
table.remove(blkArr, #blkArr)
local whileExpr = [[
while tape[tapePos] ~= 0 do
]] .. last .. [[
blkArr[#blkArr] ..= whileExpr
else end
i += 1
blkArr[1] ..= "return out\n"
return blkArr[1]
local out: string = ""
local function run(code: string, tape: {number}, codePos: number, tapePos: number, skip: boolean): (boolean, number, number)
while tapePos > 0 and codePos <= #code do
if tapePos > #tape then table.insert(tape, 0) end
local sym = string.byte(code, codePos)
if sym == string.byte('[') then
codePos += 1
local success, newTapePos, newCodePos = run(code, tape, codePos, tapePos, tape[tapePos] == 0)
tapePos = newTapePos
if not success then codePos = newCodePos end
until not success
elseif sym == string.byte(']') then
return tape[tapePos] ~= 0, tapePos, codePos
elseif not skip then
if sym == string.byte('+') then tape[tapePos] += 1
elseif sym == string.byte('-') then tape[tapePos] -= 1
elseif sym == string.byte('>') then tapePos += 1
elseif sym == string.byte('<') then tapePos -= 1
elseif sym == string.byte('.') then out ..= string.char(tape[tapePos]) print(out)
elseif sym == string.byte(',') then error("no")
else end
codePos += 1
return false, 0, 0
local function interpret(code: string, useLoadString: boolean)
local start = os.clock()
if useLoadString then
local c = generateFunction(code)
local f = loadstring(c)
print("generated function in " .. (os.clock() - start) .. " sec")
local tape: {number} = {}
local codePos: number = 1
local tapePos: number = 1
run(code, tape, codePos, tapePos, false)
local totalDt = os.clock() - start
print("total " .. totalDt .. " sec")
]==], true)
-- VM useLoadString: total 27.06977099995128 sec
-- Codegen useLoadString: total 26.72809259989299 sec
-- VM useLoadString + repeats: total 11.87279310007579 sec
-- VM useLoadString + repeats + patterns: total 11.24207389983348 sec
-- Codegen useLoadString + repeats + patterns: total 6.15317820012569 sec
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