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Created July 3, 2018 15:02
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<a class="link" style="top: 349px;" href="">more favorites</a>
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<div class="tooltip"><$BlogTitle$>
<span class="tooltiptext">
i'm an editor for <b></b>, an anime tracker that is great to use. i also use <b>anilist</b> pretty frequently. i use <b>discord</b> to chat with people, so contact me there I guess. i <b>tweet</b> uncool stuff. i also occasionally use <b>steam</b>. my grammar <b>sucks</b>, so pardon me if i make mistakes. favorite anime includes <b>clannad</b>, <b>hyouka</b> and <b>ouran</b>. that music embed sure describes my taste of music.
<br><br><b>random thoughts</b>: <blogger><$BlogItemTitle$> <BlogItemCommentsEnabled><a href="<$BlogID$>&postID=<$BlogItemNumber$>&isPopup=true" onclick="'<$BlogID$>&postID=<$BlogItemNumber$>&isPopup=true', 'bloggerPopup', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=450');return false;">+</a></BlogItemCommentsEnabled></blogger>
<div class="subtitle">also known as yoshioka</div>
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<a class="creditbox" title="layout by me" href="/">©</a>
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<div class="image">♪</div>
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