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Created May 7, 2021 04:37
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Congener js test framework
CONGENER - a really simple js testing framework with a weird
name that I wrote for no real reason. As presented here it's
set up to test your next crazy implementation of FizzBuzz.
Written by @WhiskeyTuesday
This project is libre, and licenced under the terms of the
as published by dtf, July 2019.
See for more details.
// supply the function to test
const fizzbuzz = require('./fbz');
// this is the part you'd have as a 'setup phase' or something
// like a beforeAll() in jest kind of
const range = [...Array(100)].map((_, idx) => idx + 1);
const output = => fizzbuzz(n));
// tests is an array of test functions and descriptions, provided by parameter
// each function returns true if its description proves true
const tests = [
'this test fails no matter what lol',
() => false,
'this test passes no matter what lmao',
() => true,
'every result is "Fizz", "Buzz"", "FizzBuzz", or a string of idx + 1',
(results) => !, idx) => (
result === 'Fizz'
|| result === 'Buzz'
|| result === 'FizzBuzz'
|| result === (idx + 1).toString()
'numbers which divide evenly by 3 but not 5 return "Fizz"',
(results) => !, idx) => (
!((idx + 1) % 3)
&& (idx + 1) % 5
&& result !== 'Fizz'
'numbers which divide evenly by 5 but not 3 return "Buzz"',
(results) => !, idx) => (
!((idx + 1) % 5)
&& (idx + 1) % 3
&& result !== 'Buzz'
'numbers which divide evenly by both 3 and 5 return "FizzBuzz"',
(results) => !, idx) => (
!((idx + 1) % 3)
&& !((idx + 1) % 5)
&& result !== 'FizzBuzz'
'numbers which do not divide evenly into 3 or 5 return string of number',
(results) => !, idx) => (
(idx + 1) % 3
&& (idx + 1) % 5
&& result === (idx + 1).toString()
const testResults =[description, fn]) => {
const testResult = fn(output);
return [description, Boolean(testResult)];
const REDSTRING = '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m'
const GREENSTRING = '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m';
const printGreen = (str) => console.log(GREENSTRING, str);
const printRed = (str) => console.log(REDSTRING, str);
const passedTests = testResults.filter(r => r[1] === true).length;
const failedTests = testResults.filter(r => r[1] === false).length;
if(!(passedTests + failedTests === tests.length)) {
throw new Error('something terrible has happened');
const consoleNewline = () => console.log();
if (passedTests) { printGreen(`passed tests: ${passedTests}`); }
if (failedTests) { printRed(`failed tests: ${failedTests}`); }
testResults.forEach(([description, passed]) => passed
? console.log(GREENSTRING, description)
: console.error(REDSTRING, description));
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WhiskeyTuesday commented Aug 24, 2023

const fb = (n) => ([
  !(n % 3) && 'fizz',
  !(n % 5) && 'buzz',
].filter(x => x).join('') || n);

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const fb = n => `${({ true: 'Fizz', false: '' })[n % 3 === 0]}`
  + `${({ true: 'Buzz', false: '' })[n % 5 === 0]}` || n;

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