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Last active January 18, 2020 06:05
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import math
import time
import gremlin
from gremlin.user_plugin import *
mode = ModeVariable("Mode", "The mode in which to use this mapping")
axis = PhysicalInputVariable(
"Input axis",
"Axis to treat as throttle input",
inc_out = StringVariable(
"Increment throttle",
"Key pressed to increment the throttle",
dec_out = StringVariable(
"Reduce throttle",
"Key pressed to reduce the throttle",
step_size = FloatVariable(
"Step size",
"Amount of change per step",
# Decorators for the two physical axes
decorator = axis.create_decorator(mode.value)
# Storage for axis values
g_last_value = 0.0
# Increment macro
inc_macro = gremlin.macro.Macro()
inc_macro.exclusive = True
inc_macro.repeat = gremlin.macro.CountRepeat(1, 0.01)
# Decrement macro
dec_macro = gremlin.macro.Macro()
dec_macro.exclusive = True
dec_macro.repeat = gremlin.macro.CountRepeat(1, 0.01)
# Handle to the macro manager
macro_manager = gremlin.macro.MacroManager()
def throttle_to_keyboard(event, vjoy):
"""Sets the throttle to the desired value ensuring a consistent amount
of key presses are sent, i.e. one per 5% of change in an axis.
global g_last_value
cur_value = event.value
delta = cur_value - g_last_value
count = math.floor(abs(delta) / step_size.value)
action = inc_macro if delta > 0 else dec_macro
if count > 0:
g_last_value = cur_value
action.repeat.count = count
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