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Created August 27, 2017 13:23
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My completed todo list over the last few months

– Completed / work log

8/27/2017 9:14:06 AM

[X] Haven’t updated this in a while but work was done.

[X] New bridge!

[X] Add a way to take super high res screenshots for the website [X] Capture some new screens.. Backgrounds and characters would be good [X] Ship environment

[X] TrackerPuppet2 - much improved code / workflow [X] Worked on website, have something approaching a good design now.

[X] New song [X] updated many sound effects

[X] updated to unity 2017.1.. still debugging [X] Fixed issues with recording planet scenery (unity update)

[X] Human character added

7/30/2017 10:00:48 AM

[X] Idea: When using the ‘warp’ to ship.. create particles around your face. [X] Added glitch effect back in

[X] Fix music player so it doesn’t play song if it’s already playing. [X] Fix double – signs on debuff desc

[X] Two asteroids are almost always in the same spot.. This must be a bug

  • Made numerous adjustments to the find random empty location func.. TEST

[X] CHECK: Fix hover warnings for flagship bridge.. how?

[X] Fix torpedo explosion materials

[X] Music - have victory music start when mission complete appears, don’t play music upon returning to bridge until you close the tally.

[X] Starbase 3 - created.

[X] Fixed highlit issues

  • add NoHighlight tag

[X] BUG: What is causing this no UI bug? Why is it worse now? - scenario was marked as completed [X] Remove GalaxyManager, create linear scenario manager (sectormanager) [X] GalaxyManager replaced by SectorManager [X] x GalaxyStar [X] Sector scriptable object? holds list of scenarios in order that you will complete them. [X] Random int seed for sector, determines seeds for scenarios.. [X] Travel screen will just confirm jump to next scenario.. no map. [X] x GalaxyMap [X] Let’s be sure to save the galaxy map stuff somewhere. It may come in handy for a ‘conquest’ mode like SC1

7/29/2017 6:38:59 AM

[X] Made big decisions about story and mission structure

[X] Made some new music and sounds

[X] Make a human model. ?Man or woman? [X] Sketch for model? [X] Model it [X] Make title logo [X] Scan beams - position must not be initially set.. they are blinking.

[X] Have the buttons make the click sounds, not the controllers.. [X] Check out new sci fi arsenal beams - start a new project? [X] Upgraded to new sci-fi assets. [X] Added muzzle flashes and beefed up beams [X] made lightning look better..

7/23/2017 11:02:39 PM

[X] Make it so scenarios can have pre-made ‘scenes’

[X] Tutorial [X] Need a way to pop up text temporarly - a modal with an ‘ok’ button? Or maybe the whle thing is a button. [X] Some kind of tutorial handler [X] Tell player to press both grip buttons and show zooming in motion.. Show directly on controllers with arrows? [X] that checks for player Scale > 500.. [X] tell player how to move around using one or more grips [X] Check to see if they’ve moved past the starting position [X] Keep track of current tutorial step.. take appropriate action on reaching next step. [X] ?what ships should the player start with.. This will have implications for the tutorial. [X] The tutorial may be a special case.. [X] Ability to have multiple popups appear with more than one tip.. [X] Moving a ship step [X] Investigating cargo ship step. [X] Attacking an asteroid step [X] Using items step [X] Asteroid has too much health

7/12/2017 10:31:21 PM

[X] Worked on WebVR website

[X] Chargers will be space units.. They will charge any ship that passes into their radius then go into cooldown for a decently long period of time. [X] They can be destroyed and make a big boom. [X] They should stop glowing once used.. [X] Let the heal be an item.. charge ships shields, power and reduce cooldowns?

7/10/2017 11:05:12 PM

[X] Item UI - there should be a minimum radius / curvature.. too close is too small / round

[X] Should flagships mostly target other flagships? [X] Kraya [X] Blind cloud - bigger visible AOE, shorter effect? [X] Weaker main weapon, some kind of special? [X] Kraya - needs side / back guns.. [X] Is kraya using specials properly? What about nuke?

[X] don’t show crit hits on missile [X] hemichunx

7/9/2017 10:54:56 PM

[X] BUG? Akudat dow NEVER uses nova.. why? Not marked as special. :(

[X] Kraya Medium - not firing as many missiles as it should?

[X] Warp transition [X] What if we add all player ships to some temporary empty game object and move that in (stop physics on all ships too..) then deparent..

[X] Kraya fleet work [X] Added kraya medium [X] tweaks to kraya and fighters

7/5/2017 10:56:34 PM

[x] worked on charge animation [X] Hid hands and other rendermodels [X] Big Bug - increase cooldown of front guns? too devastating..


[X] I may want to do something more automatic than the manual Physics.Ignore collider thing I did. Maybe a new layer type for ‘finger poke’ ui items vs hand grab ui items..

  • made two colliders for hand and changed hover depending on type of button.

[X] Improve watcher [X] Idea: Watcher as a ‘Tower defense’ mini game.. What if the watcher makes tons of drone fighters that you need to defend against.. Maybe just have it be a chain attack that makes like 10 drones.. with a pause.

[X] Allow map to be scaled down further for more comfortable path drawing..

[X] FIXME: make SetVRControllerVisiblity(false); more efficient.. don’t want to do every update [X] Can I just remove the rendermodel?

[X] Flying J movement slow - not cumulative.. Is slow too strong? [X] Fix status text to just be created when buffs are added / removed.. [X] Currently showing incorrect / unintelligible values (movement slow -5) [X] Status on ship ui - show time left! [X] Fixed DeathThroes for Eye [X] Akudat dow’s movement is weird.. should we lock rotation? [X] Don’t look at target..

[X] Mission explosion force is still too much on big ships [X] Flagship - don’t target small objects with the big laser. [X] Hiding render models - possibly to attach an event listener to hide them whenever they appear? [X] Stars, item upgrade things need to be fingers.

[X] Beam - if a miss, no light..

[X] Mini saucer - fixed torpedo [X] Medium saucer ship

7/3/2017 1:57:00 PM

[X] Hand models [X] Hand animations - unscaled time? [X] Maybe hit sphere should be smaller and closer to index finger.. Hard to tell what you’re selecting [X] Pointer should come out of finger [X] Hands change color when you hover something? Necessary? Could we maybe do a particle effect or something? Should hologram hover shader be above hand shader? [X] Hand material should change between skin and wireframe [X] Add a burst effect when you stop time - radar ping? Maybe even an animation.. [X] Began hand menu

[X] snub - add option on projectile to always show full explosion not shield explosion. [X] buggy - blowing up own missiles too much? TEST [X] Make repair bot more liek shield drones? Those things seem to work at least [X] Scavenger - make main weapon longer ranged.. Should we do something interesting with it’s missiles? Disruptor torpedo? [X] Scavenger fighters - can’t turn fast enough?

7/1/2017 7:18:28 AM

[X] Critical hits should all be the same size now [X] Fold hurts you too now (TEST)

[X] Laser beam disappering - TEST


6/30/2017 11:11:17 PM

[X] Danger icon is backwards. ;)

[X] new hitpoint stuff.. can we just make it part of the ShipUI?

  • needs to be big and readable at a distance..

[X] Hitpoint damage - bounce it when damage occurs..

[X] Merge HealBeam and BeamItem.. very little reason to have two. - TEST

[X] Hulk - inherit velocity - TEST [X] Item idea - blind missile. Bug? Dionoid? Kraya? Blind missile that makes debris cloud? [ ] TEST

[X] Flying J didn’t see it using the shield steal very much.. - TEST

6/25/2017 10:50:01 AM

[X] Nova did not kill Missiles - TEST [X] Revamped layers / physics code. Hopefully cpu improvements? Bugs possible.

[X] Rewrite fighter AI.. make states cleaner.. new state for moving (not ‘returning’) [X] Fighters not listening to ‘set target’ [X] Bubble improvements. [X] Ship UI - alert icon

[X] Fighters are not starting out defending [X] Start player in the position such that their fleet is in front of their face

[X] Folding through an enemy should do damage [X] Still not working - debug findonpath? [X] arbiter shot - bigger hit sphere?

[X] Kakkoo [X] I don’t want bubbles to behave too much like missiles.. [X] bubbles not going anywhere [X] Not firing all the bubbles? [X] Bubble explosion is messed up - radius too small.

[X] What was up with huge reticle? [X] Ship status is not big enough

6/24/2017 11:02:27 PM

[X] More hand animation [X] Code new collision avoidance routine. Bad guys flew right into asteroid.. definitely need this. [X] Make asteroids immune to engine damage / shield damage.. [X] Shields down effect may be too extreme.. [X] Try a lower recharge rate for all ships - TEST

  • I like it but it may need more balancing for different abilities.

[X] Y fighters no listen when I assign a target [X] Make some area damage non position - spacewarp, debris field

6/22/2017 10:20:22 PM

[X] Hull fire improvements [X] More status effects - engine damage? (hit to aft) [X] Shield / Generator damage? Hit to top / bottom [X] shield recharge tweaks

6/21/2017 11:28:18 PM

[X] Kakkoo improvements - specials, etc [X] hand model work [X] Collision avoidance should include the size of the object we’re avoiding not just the size of my ship.. big asteroids too close - TEST

6/19/2017 9:48:48 PM

[X] Always use shield hit unless it penetrated the shield [X] Idea: Different explosions for shield hits vs regular ones? [X] Slow laser tweaks

[X] Do same push on regular nova [X] Shield Nova - modify AI try use to not use it unless shields are low or there is more than one other ship nearby with lower shields.. [X] Inflector beam.. maybe it’s more of an instanteous force instead of a sustained one, and maybe it should be affected by mass.. case in point - huge asteroids.

6/18/2017 10:04:50 PM

[X] Created disruptor torpedo item- ?which ship should have it? [X] Shields regenerate too slowly. [X] New shield mechanic: shield regen rate increases over time - like Halo? Get to safety? [X] More effective shields means focusing on specific enemies is an important tactic.. [X] Bumped up shield recharge rates overall [X] Make a sound if you try to use an item on someone you can’t (out of range, etc..) [X] Fixed beam animation [X] Fixed issues with fighters not shooting [X] Add big bug, big dionoid [X] Big bug idea - nova effect that charges all friendly shields nearby ]


[X] Added new flagship

6/16/2017 10:02:05 PM

[X] Upgrade ui - upgrades to energy / shield / hull not reflected in text. [X] Upgrade ui - range upgrade display looks wrong.. [X] upgrade ui - damage% showing at end

[X] Make more turrets

[X] Swarm missile is totally borked now. [X] What did I change? spaceunit ai?

6/11/2017 8:09:48 AM [X] Finish experiment with having you start to the side of your ships instead of behind them [X] Spacewarp.. not enough damage? [X] Nova is damaging me still.

[X] Stats - upgrading torpedo doesn’t show extra volley [X] Stats view - make sure all values are rounded to integers

[X] Big xplosion - chunks not centered [X] Spectator head cam - angle down slightly?

[X] fixed longstanding bug with hovering [X] Worked on new ships

[X] Experiments in beefing up capital ship / longer range lasers

6/10/2017 10:40:28 PM

[X] !ships crash into each other way too much.. [X] Finally fixed issue with unreliable ‘colliding objects list’ in unit grabber controller. [X] Missiles definitely doing damage twice [X] My stuff with nearestobject seems to have broken some hover stuff.. fix [X] Simplified item usage AI [X] Waypoints - add a ‘line renderer’ to connect them. [X] Have fighters follow the waypoints of the main ship, at their current offset [X] If a direct path, apply similar offset..

6/8/2017 10:50:28 PM [X] Make asteroids immune to lightning [X] Only make asteroids seeking if player did it. [X] asteroids getting knocked around too much? TEST [X] Ships turning oddly.. too much orientation limits? Changed - TEST [X] Balance tweaks [X] Tilt fixes [X] Add limited turn rate on all ships?

6/7/2017 11:07:59 PM

[X] fun asteroid explosions.. [X] Debris fields [X] Adjust starting position so you’re bigger and above [X] Make asteroids immune to debris fields [X] Make it so only medium / small asteroids are reasonably destroyable. [X] Asteroid health bar wrong. [X] Big asteroid had 1 health? Is it somehow getting set smaller?? do I have enough asteroid prefabs?? [X] Fix PCG distribution issues with asteroids [X] Why is asteroid hit sphere so small?

[X] FIXME: don’t start mines or asteroids too close to ships.. they can be close to each other though. [X] Allow mines and asteroids to be targeted [X] Not sure why they aren’t targetable.. [X] Make it so destroying an asteroid creates smaller asteroids that fly towards bad guy ships? [X] Implement / allow for limited turn rate on ships.. TEST

5/29/2017 11:08:46 AM

[X] Make a Ulanni derelict ship..

[X] Map generation [X] Create a few big asteroids in the middle that you can use strategically.. [X] For mines, create clumps of mines that you would need to avoid - TEST

[X] Item UI - show damage dones, any buffs, energy cost [X] Add item stats text for Pull/push beam, others?

[X] Idea: Both grips + triggers to fly in that direction [X] Could also do with one grip + trigger.. [X] Distance between controllers is speed?

5/28/2017 8:18:21 PM

[X] Smoothed head follower for recording videos

[X] Revamp your control panel. [X] Passive things arranged circularly around me [X] Main screen should be square since curved things are hard. [X] Make it a separate model from the bridge.

[X] New tab based UI system for ship [X] ripped out existing galaxy map transitions

5/26/2017 10:24:43 PM

[X] Ship upgrading! [X] Implement various mods on ship items [X] Make Max shields / Max energy mods work.. [X] Add a ‘get mod level descriptor’ to shipitem [X] Make UpgradeUI show the rest of the text, cost, etc. [X] actually deduct cost..

[X] ? What data structures to use for upgrade / level stuff.. [X] Ice asteroid - playing with shaders.

5/25/2017 9:13:16 AM


[X] ? Will you be able to upgrade between missions or just at starbases?

  • Can you upgrade between missions.
    • Yes. I do like some ship management and strategizing..

[X] Will you be able to repair?

  • No you will not be able to fully repair. I want to make sure there is a rise and fall of tension.

[X] Will it be too easy or too hard if you can’t? [X] Starbases could just be for specialty items / free repairs?


[X] Wrote and promoted Blog post

5/21/2017 9:20:37 PM

[X] Mess around with trackers, final IK [X] Coded basic IK system for trackers + tested [X] Fixed bone weight issues on Vistian model [X] Try recording animation of trackers

5/20/2017 3:06:05 PM

[X] see if I can put a screw through one of my elbow pads for the trackers.. [X] Re-added ‘leading’ placed cap on time variable [X] Ships should face target position with leading, not current position? [X] Ships - instead of always orienting ‘up’, tilt as you turn? [X] Ships - slowed down all capital ships by 50% [X] Random chance mode (set split - 50 default) [X] How about a ‘set music’ node? Either that or allow combat node / start node to have music settings.. [X] add Victory music for mission complete screen.. [X] If already playing the same song, don’t restart it

5/17/2017 10:19:33 PM

[X] Found good wireframe shader [X] Thought about UI for ship management

5/13/2017 11:21:40 PM

[X] Added mining robot [X] Added Snub-fighter [X] Added three story missions (dialogue needs to be refined..).

  • 2x Pirates, mining robot

[X] added merge node

5/11/2017 10:27:20 PM

[X] Remove NPC’s upon ending scenario.. Are they? TEST [X] BUG: Player’s fleet not arranged at second star - TEST FIX

[X] Make a ‘mine field’ [X] First, make a mine space unit.. [X] ? What AI? missile ai just very slow? or no ai? - try it.. [X] ? Is a mine field a fleet or a Background thing like Asteroids.. [X] Fleets would be less custom coding.. just need to add a ‘randomly distributed’ formation.. also have them not counted towards victory condition.. [X] update ai for mine

5/9/2017 10:14:47 PM

[X] FIXME: IF I target a friendly ship with the laser pointer, have my ship go to it? Or follow it? especially if it’s a scannable ship..

[X] DO THIS: IDEA: cancelling a itembutton target could be as simple as having a cancel icon right where you start dragging the icon (item button turns into cancel token..)

[X] Make an ‘investigate object’ type mission [X] Add ‘scan’ effect to show you’re capturing it.. [X] Use same scan graphic from 2d game? [X] require capital ship? Need to do some gameplay tests on this..

5/8/2017 9:53:02 PM

[X] Scan Effect

5/7/2017 10:32:30 PM

[X] Fighters can now be assigned to a location

[X] Make ‘endlessly spawning’ fleet option (for escape or investigation missions) [X] Move infinite spawning from combat node to fleet ref.. [X] On destroyed, check fleet ref.., if it’s checked, respawn after a few seconds? [X] Warp drive effect for when new ships enter? Check how I did ‘fold’..

4/30/2017 8:33:42 AM

[X] FIXME: don’t allow NPC’s to be issued orders (just like enemy ships.. Go by NPC not team).

[X] Ships by team bugfix [X] FIXED lightspeed animation [X] added ShipLifetime component, applied to repair drone so far. [X] Arbiter - idea: make repair drone time limited [X] Bug: when round ended, head following text spun out of control. (bug was due to death cam scale)

[X] Why does cargo ship keep spinning - can’t reach waypoint??

[X] Why does human’s fighters move initially.. Can we have them be more cognizant of each other when moving?

[X] Fighter AI tweaks


[X] Change hostiles elimited message to follow head instead of being attached to it. [X] Scenario: Failing mission doesn’t take you to the correct node.

[X] Cargo ship - engine glow [X] Progress bar - if value < 0.01 then hide bar. Overglows.

[X] Make a ‘defend the cargo ship’ mission [X] Need a way to make something as a critical asset.. Should I do that through the fleet node?

[X] FIXME: we need to rewrite GetFormationPosition to be more flexible.. Allow angle offsets and positioning stuff..

[X] Remove ArrangeFighters, automatically handle in position fleet? Or at least add proper centering..


[X] Map: Hide or make inactive. until scenario is over. [X] use Tripletbeep1.wav - map appear

[X] Add spectrum analyzer for music.

[X] ship ui - still getting that little lerp issue when first shown. [X] Fix overglows on ShipUI [X] How to fix..remove edges? only show edges if size is <… less thickl?

[X] Flanking - should we always make sure we move you somewhere different than where you are now? [X] Dionoid always do a 100% full flank? not a side flank? when cloaking.

[X] Disabling someone should totally remove any buffs..

[X] Combat.. Should there be more weaker ships and capital ships with special abilities? I do want it to feel more like you are commanding a big battle. But I want to keep a balance of not being too overwhelming [X] each cap ship has a # of support ships.. you can buy more. [X] Support ships always attack who cap ship is attacking? [X] Maybe I can make ships bigger then? [X] Fighters: should there be attack / defend or recall actions?

[X] Dionoid AI - cloak should immediately trigger them to try to flank.. [X] lasers - don’t turn to white at the end check shader [X] Should I make a button for doing a cam ride along for a ship? could be fun (or nauseating)

[X] We probably should differentiate your ships and enemies ships [X] When you first enter combat? [X] Name on ShipUI could be red or blue..

[X] Idea: AI trigger - when health is low use defensive buffs. sounds [X] Activate laser select sound - lightsaberish? [X] And deactivate sound

misc [X] Buy website domain.. starlightvr?

[X] Pointer [X] Pressing laser if already dragging item.. should this work differently? [X] Don’t set token position to zero if laser select is not active [X] token position - move up a bit

[X] Cloaking should break missile locks..

[X] Play with a pointing mechanic for setting targets.. [X] Could it be automatic? just point at target and pull trigger? [X] Reticles - too tiny now

[X] Didn’t see warning reticle?

[X] Make ‘markedTargets’ from ItemButton it’s own component, or move target highlighting stuff owned by SpaceUnit (ship.setTargetted())

[X] Should clouds be drawn under glows?

[X] Asteroid target ui’s have the wrong scale [X] Item button - regular click and drag shouldn’t unpause immediately.

[X] Set sun color / angle per scenario [X] Set angle to main star [X] If nebula set to nebula color? [X] Otherwise - set to same color as sun?

[X] create nebula handler - [X] Allow random variation of nebula color, [X] Randomize orientation

[X] When a scenario has ‘is nebula’ checked, show nebula component..

[X] Ion Storm - random lightning areas [X] ion storm - trigger disable area effect..

[x] Read about unity performance improvements.. [X] Get this up to 90 fps for all circumstances.. (BRIDGE ESP) [X] Lower framerate on bridge cameras to save CPU [X] How can I avoid cloning materials for selection? [X] Use instancing for asteroids.. [X] 3d scenery - should I render that to a cubemap? nah [X] Bake planets.. [X] Anything we can do to get triangle counts lower in bridge view.. is it the 3d scenery?

[X] See about lowering draw calls, materials [X] Can things like asteroids be instanced?

[X] Nova item - shouldn’t have been instant.. fixed. Instant items never should ignore team.

[X] Missile swarm - it’d be so cool if it showed all the targets like area effect items do now when you hover the item button..

[X] Add sound for target animations.. something subtle? woosh [X] Added animations for setting targets of things..

[X] Dionoid regrow - have it last longer.. 3x? [X] RETICLE - weird that it changes size when you zoom in / out..

[X] Fix initial hiccup with ship ui bars.. Any way to set it after creation? [X] Ships with no shields don’t always have correct label (says 15) on ship ui

[X] ItemButton - target area sphere doesn’t appear to be the right size..

[X] Make a warning reticle

[X] Add a cost to unlock for items

  • Drones: [X] Add a max-spawn thing so you can’t have more than N drones per ship [X] add a ‘dies’ when parent dies flag for DroneAI? [X] Arbiter Repair drones worth $50, hard to kill!

[X] Red reticle for your ships that have low health.


[X] Add the occasional large asteroid or destroyed hull? Use for cover? It would have to be immune to the push beam.. [X] Check audio channel for visualizers.. doesn’t seem correct. Or is music too quiet.

[X] Human2 / beam - range that it fires at doesn’t seem to match actual range.. can’t reach enemies.

  • Can’t see any issues with it yet.. Maybe an AI issue?

[X] Hull Fire: Create these at vertex positions like I did for exploding ship.. Maybe vertex position..

[X] IN PROGRESS: Finish bar changes (oldValue) [X] Ship UI - Have bar turn blink red in danger zone? [X] Ship UI - Animate out [X] Ship UI - don’t disappear instantly ever? animate out..

[X] Add starbases as ‘ships’ so they can be there when you arrive at those systems..

[X] Starbase - should it be a subclass of SpaceUnit - [X] No movement, just spins slowly? No.. Added ‘stationary’ flag.

[X] ShipUI - can we have it appear when a ship takes damage.. Only if you’re kinda looking at it already?

[X] Update PostProcFX to latest [X] Switch between enemy ships on ship view screen

[X] Arbiter shots - hit box too small.. Why are they so goddamn inaccurate? [X] Visualizer - oscilloscope too

[X] Have UI appear centered underneath the ship instead of next to it.. Currently it can be a drop awkward. Either that or in front of the ship closer to you.

[X] Explorer - Torpedo seems really spammable right now.. [X] No choice between torp and EMP right now because you can use both [X] Does energy recharge too fast right now?

[X] Added armor for Snub [X] Shell: was not blocking damage..

[X] Missle explosion - force of impact doesn’t do anything [X] Fighters should be really affected by the force of impacts - impart spin?

[X] improve charging particles. [X] Fighters - start flying right away when you assign target..

[X] How can I make it so I can capture screenshots from the headset (not from another camera - missing scenery) [X] Can I use fraps? Any way to record screenshots externally? or will I just record video all the time.

[X] Scenery - add way to randomize materials

[X] nebulas - prewarm

[X] space nebulas.. is there any way I can do this better? should I make my own particle system that doesn’t move around so weirdly? Or is this something unity will fix? Many particles, smaller particles? Create some way to generate these better? Nebulas are probably best accomplished with skyboxes, volumetric lighting (light streaks) and ‘fog’ post processing effects We’ll upgrade to the new unity post processing stack soon which has fog (unity 5.5 req’d) [X] Human ship - bigger ship radius.. [X] All shields bigger?

[X] Is it weird to have all your abilities come online more or less at once? Should there be a cost to using them that means you can only use one at a time (like energy?).. [X] Flak cannon, still doesn’t feel good.. maybe too powerful?

[X] ? Should AI behavior be on all items.. no

[X] TEST FIX: Energy has now messed up swarm missiles somehow.. [X] Do explosions make a sound (fighters and stuff) [X] More explosion sounds? [X] Prototyping: Re-add energy. [X] Flak Damage radius not large enough? [X] Make explosion appear bigger too? [X] Deep surveyor hitbox is off [X] Finish debugging fighter defend mode.. [X] Make sure fighters stay in front of a moving ship they are defending. [X] Prototype: Ability to order fighters to attack a ship or defend [X] Should I just have them automatically attack the same ship as owner? [X] Add camera screen that shows enemy ship(s) [X] Recentering is wrong - breaks when ship changes orientation

[X] Vulcan sound [X] Target reticle appear sound [X] Delay reticles so they don’t appear all instantly..

[X] Shield drones - no collisions [X] Snub ship - add ‘flank percentage’ to AI? It will need to flank more.. [X] Flak cannon - random warmup time? [X] Add snub ship.. [X] Add scavenger ship [X] Saucer - make health full [X] Fighters just seem to sit there not attacking sometimes.. possibly fixed this? settarget issue?

[X] Seated: Can I center bridge around player position (this would be optional..) [X] Fixed alert sound playing for everyone

[X] Consistent sound for gaining money (like from add resources, ships exploding)

[X] Try making an item that controls fighter attack target.. [X] Fighter AI - implement defend mode.. [X] Default fighters to defense.

[X] Bridge ambience sounds

[X] Make shield glow lighter [X] Make enemy name label be red so we can tell them apart. [X] Fighters have too much health and give too much money [X] Flying j fighters seem too hard to hit.. make bigger? [X] fighters - ship radiuses are probably wrong. make sure ship size is right. [X] Flying J bubbles.. are they doing anything useful?? does AI use them effectively?? [X] ? What if I automatically have the ship circle around their target after firing (flank?) if it’s an AI ship. [X] Projectile Item - trigger AI on fire? [X] Fleet icon looks terrible, facing wrong way, positioned badly.. fix

[X] Create an iron man esque 3d target highlight object.. Use it to highlight enemy cap ships when battle starts [X] Idea: Death cam for last capital ship - zoom in to max zoom..

[X] Keep fighters from crashing into each other [X] Space out more [X] better obstacle avoidance

  • added fighters for the major races
  • How will these newfangled fighters work.. Will they be removed

a the end of the round and re-launched? Do we need to remove them? We could just re-arrange them every time around their parent ship..

  • map
    • A way to close the star map
    • Black out outside of starmap so that we can see it better
    • Don’t let stars get too close to edge
    • Make galaxy generation a function so that we can reject entire galaxyies based on quality
      • Reject galaxies:
        • Start too close to edge?
        • Stars don’t cover enough area (too clumped together)?
        • Stars not fully connected..
    • Only reveal stars when you’re close enough?
    • Need to know whether stars will be safe or not before I go there.. some decision making on the map. (ships detected, store, empty)
      • Think about how to present this.. will it just be icons around the star?
        • May need to model those..

    – Bigger map? Probably yes.. or more densely packed..

[X] fixed stupid skybox seams

[X] Specify in End node whether this completes the scenario.. For stores and things that can be repeated [X] WHY THE FUCK DOESN’T THE MAP SHOW YOU WHERE YOU ARE [X] debug breakpoint this..

[X] fix the standard highlight behavior to highlight text properly? better than custom coding highlighting for things with text. going to be a bit tricky here.. Since text stuff has a separate set of materials. but probably doable. ChangeMaterial(mainMat, textMat)? [X] Test in combat

[X] Swarm missiles not targetting all nearby.. really debating turning that off. Second set fired just sits there. [X] If a scenario is completed at a star, don’t do anything [X] Cleanup (destroy) buttons.. [X] Animate button appearance [X] Tie store interface appearance to store note [X] test [X] Actually give the player a new ship when you click button, deduct money.. [X] Play a sound too [X] Need a way to get to the next node in the scenario too.. Next button?

[X] drones need to have addship [X] FIX expanded position and orientation of galaxy map [X] Purchased ship - doesn’t have player AI set up correctly.. [X] Store Node? you can buy any ship as long as you are on good terms [X] Create a StoreItemButton class. [X] Inherits from grabbable object.. [X] StoreInterfaceManager - handles creating and destroying store buttons/ [X] Give it a reference to a prefab and it will create ship object + price. [X] Idea: try turning off physics on flagship to see if it prevents jitteryness..

[X] When zooming, Target Area token stays the same size (gets huge..).. Do we need to parent it to something else? [X] FIXME: reset positions of player’s ships (formation) every time you warp.. [X] Bridge position must be fixed if warping, and when beginning to enter combat.. [X] Item button - text width is too long [x] Shields - make bigger in general

[X] arbiter - make firing sound louder further away [X] remove fractions from bars [X] after battle report - missing carriage return [X] post battle scenario - pressing ok on last screen doesn’t hide ui, bring up map.. [X] ship ui - add shield / hull labels to bars [X] Leading the target seems way off (esp arbiter)

[X] Ship dialog choice buttons look the same as labels.. Need to differentiate and make actionable. [X] Ship choices very close together..

[X] Cap ships will need to be much stronger [X] Write code for Modify Resources (ScenarioManager)

[X] money [X] Keep track of number of ships destroyed, give money based on their value.. [X] Need a special Viewscreen results for combat results.. Battle report [X] idea: show # ships lost

[X] Visual effect when paused [X] on battle begin - zoom to a location behind your ships.

[X] Arbiter - ship radius bigger [X] Human2 - why does it get so close?

[X] Do large area damage when a ship explodes. [X] ship hitpoints.. not set to max initially

[X] increase shields [X] fix hexwing speed [X] make items not cooldown at start

[X] UX: indicator that time is paused.. [X] glow? UI effect? [X] UX: Need to limit scale changes and start you out at a reasonable scale to begin with

[X] Ships created by other ships (fighters) aren’t counted towards final count (round ends early) (just add to allShips?) [X] Swarm missile - WTAF is going on here.. is this a movement issue more than a targetting issue? maybe the high drag? [X] Scenario - went immediately to post combat.. is there a nextNode thing being called? Seems ok? [X] Option button [X] last one cannot be highlighted? [X] Sometimes one stays highlighted? [X] Fix option button hover states.. [X] FIXME: option buttons aren’t parented to anything (float away)?? [X] Kill ship angular velocity too at end of mission [X] FIXME: add a script to lock bridge position to ship, instead of just setting and forgetting. [X] Begin scenario when white flash is at max, not when faded out complately.. [X] Buguloid fighters are hitting parent ship [X] FIXME: I should be put back on the ship when the flash reaches max at end of battle.. instead still in space..` [X] Make sure user can’t grab while animations are taking place..

[X] Finish debugging why BattleCompleted isn’t showing final choice.. [X] Update asset but don’t replace it if it exists (scenarios) [X] Also set bridge position if animation == left battle [X] FIXME: don’t create player’s fleet again.. Only do this once? [X] Make text respect z [X] Disable map until conversation is over [X] FIXME: why does label disappear immediately.. shader changed? [X] FIXME: Make a light to call attention to the map. [X] Character - set left and right hands using steamVR, not just index.. [X] Add star names to galaxy manager.. Get names from isotest? [X] Label with star name.. [X] Stars have a scenario. [X] Don’t swipe while map is animating [X] Require swiping across the whole map, horizontally? Need to play with it to see if false positives are a problem. [X] Only allow map when conversation is concluded. Maybe even hide the map / ship until then [X] Do I have a state for when the conversion is going on vs concluded? [X] Ability to jump to another star.. [X] Warp effect [X] Add speaker to choice Node (works like fleet) [X] Add all speakers but make disabled? [X] Starmap- use controller velocity instead of self calculating.. [X] Dionoid keep partially visible if on players team - test [X] Implement cancel for item buttons [X] FIXME: don’t allow pausing on the bridge. [X] Ability to tap star map to make it expand… [X] Add inertia to one handed grabbing as well [X] Space warp - bigger range.. [X] Item buttons, position in arc around ship.. [X] Repair bot - Make it so I can tell it to repair something else.. Actually should I make it so you always pick a target?

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