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Created May 30, 2019 04:35
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My overlay
self: super:
# Install overlay:
# $ mkdir -p ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays
# $ curl -o ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/lnl.nix
userPackages = super.userPackages or {} // {
self.config.allowUnfree = true;
self.config.allowUnsupportedSystem = true;
# core
cacert = self.cacert;
nix = self.nix;
# terminal
ag =;
bat = self.bat;
ctags = self.ctags;
fzf = self.fzf;
git = self.git;
httpie = self.httpie;
jq = self.jq;
neovim = self.neovim;
pstree = self.pstree;
tig = self.tig;
tmux = self.tmux;
tmux-fzf-url = self.tmuxPlugins.fzf-tmux-url;
tree = self.tree;
watch =;
wget = self.wget;
zsh = self.zsh;
ncdu = self.ncdu;
youtube-dl =;
ffmpeg = self.ffmpeg;
gettext = self.gettext;
rlwrap = self.rlwrap;
# databases
postgresql = self.postgresql;
# docker
docker = self.docker;
docker_machine = self.docker-machine;
docker_compose = self.docker_compose;
# programming lanugages
node = self.nodejs-10_x;
shellcheck = self.shellcheck;
# web development
chromedriver = self.chromedriver;
geckodriver = self.geckodriver;
# devops
terraform = self.terraform;
aws = self.awscli;
python3 = self.python3;
pip = self.python37Packages.pip;
nixops = self.nixopsUnstable;
heroku = self.heroku;
# TODO - aws-mfa
# nix tooling
pypi2nix = self.pypi2nix;
bundix = self.bundix;
prefetch-github = self.nix-prefetch-github;
# haskell tools
hoogle = self.haskellPackages.hoogle;
nix-rebuild = super.writeScriptBin "nix-rebuild" ''
if ! command -v nix-env &>/dev/null; then
echo "warning: nix-env was not found in PATH, add nix to userPackages" >&2
exec nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -r -iA userPackages "$@"
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