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Created October 30, 2023 23:50
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B2M (Burn to Mint) XRPL Mainnet to Xahau Mainnet
import { derive, utils, signAndSubmit } from 'xrpl-accountlib'
import { TxData } from 'xrpl-txdata'
import { XrplClient } from 'xrpl-client'
import { xpop, setEndpoints as xpopEndpoints } from 'xpop'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
// The above needs:
// npm install xrpl-accountlib xrpl-txdata xrpl-client xpop node-fetch
const account = derive.familySeed('s....secret')
const b2mXrpAmount = 1337
xpopEndpoints((await (await fetch('')).json()).bestguess)
const nodes = {
mainnet: [
new XrplClient('wss://'),
new XrplClient('wss://'),
xahau: [
new XrplClient('wss://'),
console.log('Waiting for network connections to be ready')
await Promise.all(Object.keys(nodes).map(k => Promise.race(nodes[k].map(n => n.ready()))))
console.log('Waiting for faucet account funding & obtaining network values...')
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 4000)) // Wait till ledger is closed
const [
] = await Promise.all([
Promise.race( => utils.accountAndLedgerSequence(n, account))),
Promise.race( => utils.accountAndLedgerSequence(n, account))),
const mainnetTx = {
TransactionType: 'AccountSet',
Fee: String(Number(b2mXrpAmount) * 1_000_000),
OperationLimit: xahauParams.txValues.NetworkID,
NetworkID: undefined, // mainnet has a NetworkID < 1024, so none should be provided
console.log('Submitting burn...', mainnetTx)
const mainnetSubmitted = await Promise.race( => signAndSubmit(mainnetTx, n, account)))
console.log('Submitted burn to mainnet')
console.log(' -->', '' + mainnetSubmitted.tx_id)
console.log('Obtaining burn tx data...')
const txdata = new TxData( => n.getState().server.uri), {
AllowNoFullHistory: true,
EndpointTimeoutMs: 2_000,
OverallTimeoutMs: 10_000,
const appliedtx = await txdata.getOne(mainnetSubmitted.tx_id)
console.log(' -->', 'Burn validated in ledger', appliedtx?.result?.ledger_index)
console.log('Waiting for closed ledger before fetching xPOP...')
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 4000)) // Wait till ledger is closed
console.log('Fetching xPOP...')
const Blob = await xpop(mainnetSubmitted.tx_id, appliedtx?.result?.ledger_index, 1)
console.log(' -->', 'xPOP fetched, hex strlen:', Blob.length)
const hooksTx = {
TransactionType: 'Import',
Fee: '0',
console.log('Submitting for mint of xPOP...')
const b2mSubmitted = await Promise.race( => signAndSubmit(hooksTx, n, account)))
console.log(' -->', 'B2M submitted! TX on Xahau mainnet:')
console.log(' -->', '' + b2mSubmitted?.tx_id)
console.log(' -->', b2mSubmitted.response.engine_result, b2mSubmitted.response.engine_result_message)
// Closing connections
Object.keys(nodes).map(k => nodes[k].map(n => n.close()))
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