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Last active December 14, 2021 19:48
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account_objects (type: state) to account_lines responses: get lines based on reserve claim
const { XrplClient } = require('xrpl-client')
const client = new XrplClient()
const myAccount = 'rwietsevLFg8XSmG3bEZzFein1g8RBqWDZ'
const objectFlags = {
lsfLowReserve: 0x00010000,
lsfHighReserve: 0x00020000,
lsfLowNoRipple: 0x00100000,
lsfHighNoRipple: 0x00200000
* This function returns account_lines line results
* based on account_objects (type = state) results,
* » Returns only the account_lines to show based on:
* - Counts towards your reserve
const accountObjectsToAccountLines = (accountObjectArray, suppressIncoming) => {
const notInDefaultState = accountObjectArray.filter(obj => {
return obj.Flags & objectFlags[obj.HighLimit.issuer === myAccount ? 'lsfHighReserve' : 'lsfLowReserve']
const accountLinesFormatted = => {
const parties = [obj.HighLimit, obj.LowLimit]
const [self, counterparty] = obj.HighLimit.issuer === myAccount
? parties
: parties.reverse()
const ripplingFlags = [(objectFlags.lsfHighNoRipple & obj.Flags) == objectFlags.lsfHighNoRipple, (objectFlags.lsfLowNoRipple & obj.Flags) == objectFlags.lsfLowNoRipple]
const [no_ripple, no_ripple_peer] = obj.HighLimit.issuer === myAccount
? ripplingFlags
: ripplingFlags.reverse()
const balance = obj.Balance.value === '0'
? obj.Balance.value
: obj.Balance.value.slice(1)
return {
account: counterparty.issuer,
currency: self.currency,
limit: self.value,
limit_peer: counterparty.value,
return accountLinesFormatted.filter(l => {
if (suppressIncoming) {
if (l.limit === '0' && (l.balance === '0' || l.balance.slice(0, 1) === '-')) {
return false
return true
const main = async () => {
// Note: can be paged, first get all (marker), then pass to accountObjectsToAccountLines fn:
const query = await client.send({
command: 'account_objects',
account: myAccount,
type: 'state'
console.log(accountObjectsToAccountLines(query.account_objects, false))
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