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Created May 25, 2024 00:40
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WASI versions of ESBuild & QuickJS compiler for JS Hooks - fully client side
<! -- Demo here: -->
pre {
border: 1px solid red;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
<body style="font-family: system-ui;">
<pre id="ts">// Sample
const str: string = "Some content";
<pre id="js"></pre>
<pre id="bc"></pre>
<script type="module">
import { WASI } from ''
import { Buffer } from ''
// Setup a proxy to fetch release from GH and add CORS & correct wasm MIME
const binaries = {
esbuild: '',
qjsc: ''
const stdout = (...args) =>
const stderr = (...args) =>
const ts2js = content => new Promise(resolve => {
const esbuild = WASI.start(fetch(binaries.esbuild), {
args: ['esbuild', 'file.ts', '--bundle', '--minify', '--platform=browser', '--format=esm', '--target=es2017', '--outfile=file.js'],
stdout, stderr,
fs: {
"/file.ts": {
mode: "string", path: "/file.ts", timestamps: { access: new Date(), change: new Date(), modification: new Date(), },
esbuild.then(({ fs: js }) => resolve(Buffer.from(js?.['/file.js']?.content).toString()))
const js2bc = content => new Promise(resolve => {
const qjsc = WASI.start(fetch(binaries.qjsc), {
args: ["qjsc", "-c", "-o", "/hook.bc", '/hook.js'],
stdout, stderr,
fs: {
"/hook.js": {
mode: "string", path: "/hook.js", timestamps: { access: new Date(), change: new Date(), modification: new Date(), },
qjsc.then(({ fs: bc }) => resolve(Buffer.from(bc?.['/hook.bc']?.content).toString()))
// Magic!!
.then(js => {
document.getElementById('js').innerText = js
return js2bc(js)
}).then(bc => {
document.getElementById('bc').innerText = bc
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