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Last active June 4, 2024 13:19
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Sample JS Hook - using @xahau/hooks@1.0.7
import {
} from '@xahau/hooks'
export const Hook: Hook = (tx) => {
// TX Type causing this Hook to run
console.log('otxn_type', otxn_type())
// TX Hash causing this Hook to run
console.log('otxn_id', otxn_id(0))
try {
log('Triggering TX', tx)
log('localstorage set name', setState('name', 'Wietse'))
log('localstorage set age', setState('age', 36))
log('localstorage set pets', setState('pets', ['Evi', 'Pepper']))
log('localstorage set isFemale', setState('isFemale', false))
log('localstorage set someObject', setState('someObject', { wife: 'Nienke', kids: [ 'Arwèn', 'Quinn' ] }))
log('localstorage get name', getState('name'))
log('localstorage get age', getState('age'))
log('Hook State get pets', (getState('pets') as unknown as string[])?.[0])
log('localstorage get isFemale', getState('isFemale'))
log('localstorage get someObject', getState('someObject'))
log('localstorage get', (getState('someObject') as AnyJson)?.kids)
const prepared = prepareEmit({
TransactionType: 'Payment',
Amount: '3000000',
Memos: [{
Memo: {
MemoType: 'DEAD',
MemoData: 'BEEF'
Destination: 'rwietsevLFg8XSmG3bEZzFein1g8RBqWDZ',
log('Prepared TX', prepared)
log('Emitted', doEmit(prepared))
} catch (e) {
log('-------------- ERR', (e as Error).message)
return accept('Sample Hook (End of Hook with Error)', 987)
return accept('Sample Hook (End of Hook)', 123)
export const Callback: Callback = (tx, code) => {
log('Triggering TX', tx)
return accept('Sample Hook (End of Callback)', code || 1337)
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