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Last active December 12, 2018 18:33
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  • Save WietseWind/e5310ca295a18aedad0617a586657cb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WietseWind/e5310ca295a18aedad0617a586657cb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XRP (XRPL) EscrowCreate using NodeJS (featuring Memos) - Used for:
const RippledWsClient = require('rippled-ws-client')
const RippledWsClientSign = require('rippled-ws-client-sign')
const SeedOrKeypair = 'sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' // The secret of the sending wallet
// const FinishAfter = Math.floor(new Date('2031-12-01T12:00:00Z') / 1000) - 946684800 /* XRPL Timestamp offset */
const FinishAfter = Math.floor(Date.parse('2018-10-10 12:00:00 GMT+1') / 1000) - 946684800 /* XRPL Timestamp offset */
const Transaction = {
TransactionType: 'EscrowCreate',
Destination: 'rRECEIVINGWALLET',
FinishAfter: FinishAfter,
Amount: 1 * 1000000, // Amount in drops, so multiply (6 decimal positions), this is 1 XRP
LastLedgerSequence: null,
Fee: 12,
Memos: [
Memo: {
MemoType: Buffer.from('Sometext over here', 'utf8').toString('hex').toUpperCase(),
MemoData: Buffer.from('Some more text over here', 'utf8').toString('hex').toUpperCase()
Memo: {
MemoData: Buffer.from('And more text', 'utf8').toString('hex').toUpperCase()
new RippledWsClient('wss://').then((Connection) => {
new RippledWsClientSign(Transaction, SeedOrKeypair, Connection).then((TransactionSuccess) => {
console.log('TransactionSuccess', TransactionSuccess)
}).catch((SignError) => {
console.log('SignError', SignError.details)
}).catch((ConnectionError) => {
console.log('ConnectionError', ConnectionError)
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