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Created November 9, 2020 19:04
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JuliaLang logo using Fourier series
Drawing Julia using a Fourier series.
A high definition animation can be seen here:
This code is based on code kindly provided by ric-cioffi (
But was rewritten for v0.3 by Ole Kröger.
using Javis, FFTW, FFTViews
using TravelingSalesmanHeuristics
function ground(args...)
function circ(; r = 10, vec = O, action = :stroke, color = "white")
circle(O, r, action)
my_arrow(O, vec)
return vec
function my_arrow(start_pos, end_pos)
linewidth = distance(start_pos, end_pos) / 100,
arrowheadlength = 7,
return end_pos
function draw_line(
p1 = O,
p2 = O;
color = "white",
action = :stroke,
edge = "solid",
linewidth = 3,
line(p1, p2, action)
function draw_path!(path, pos, color)
push!(path, pos)
draw_line.(path[2:end], path[1:(end - 1)]; color = color)
function get_points(npoints, options)
Drawing() # julialogo needs a drawing
julialogo(action = :path, centered = true)
shapes = pathtopoly()
new_shapes = shapes[1:6]
last_i = 1
# the circles in the JuliaLogo are part of a single shape
# this loop creates new shapes for each circle
for shape in shapes[7:7]
max_dist = 0.0
for i in 2:length(shape)
d = distance(shape[i - 1], shape[i])
if d > 3
push!(new_shapes, shape[last_i:(i - 1)])
last_i = i
push!(new_shapes, shapes[7][last_i:end])
shapes = new_shapes
for i in 1:length(shapes)
shapes[i] .*= options.shape_scale
total_distance = 0.0
for shape in shapes
total_distance += polyperimeter(shape)
parts = []
points = Point[]
start_i = 1
for shape in shapes
len = polyperimeter(shape)
portion = len / total_distance
nlocalpoints = floor(Int, portion * npoints)
new_points = [
Javis.get_polypoint_at(shape, i / (nlocalpoints - 1))
for i in 0:(nlocalpoints - 1)
append!(points, new_points)
new_i = start_i + length(new_points) - 1
push!(parts, start_i:new_i)
start_i = new_i
return points, parts
c2p(c::Complex) = Point(real(c), imag(c))
remap_idx(i::Int) = (-1)^i * floor(Int, i / 2)
remap_inv(n::Int) = 2n * sign(n) - 1 * (n > 0)
function animate_fourier(options)
npoints = options.npoints
nplay_frames = options.nplay_frames
nruns = options.nruns
nframes = nplay_frames + options.nend_frames
# obtain points from julialogo
points, parts = get_points(npoints, options)
npoints = length(points)
println("#points: $npoints")
# solve tsp to reduce length of extra edges
distmat = [distance(points[i], points[j]) for i in 1:npoints, j in 1:npoints]
path, cost = solve_tsp(distmat; quality_factor = options.tsp_quality_factor)
println("TSP cost: $cost")
points = points[path] # tsp saves the last point again
# optain the fft result and scale
x = [p.x for p in points]
y = [p.y for p in points]
fs = fft(complex.(x, y)) |> FFTView
# normalize the points as fs isn't normalized
fs ./= npoints
npoints = length(fs)
video = Video(options.width, options.height)
Background(1:nframes, ground)
circles = Object[]
for i in 1:npoints
ridx = remap_idx(i)
push!(circles, Object((args...) -> circ(; r = abs(fs[ridx]), vec = c2p(fs[ridx]))))
if i > 1
# translate to the tip of the vector of the previous circle
act!(circles[i], Action(1:1, anim_translate(circles[i - 1])))
ridx = remap_idx(i)
act!(circles[i], Action(1:nplay_frames, anim_rotate(0.0, ridx * 2π * nruns)))
trace_points = Point[]
Object(1:nframes, (args...) -> draw_path!(trace_points, pos(circles[end]), "red"))
render(video, pathname = options.filename)
function main()
hd_options = (
npoints = 3001, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
nplay_frames = 1200, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
nruns = 2, # how often it's drawn
nend_frames = 200, # number of frames in the end
width = 1920,
height = 1080,
shape_scale = 2.5, # scale factor for the logo
tsp_quality_factor = 50,
filename = "julia_hd.mp4",
fast_options = (
npoints = 1001, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
nplay_frames = 600, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
nruns = 1, # how often it's drawn
nend_frames = 200, # number of frames in the end
width = 1000,
height = 768,
shape_scale = 1.5, # scale factor for the logo
tsp_quality_factor = 40,
filename = "julia_fast.mp4",
gif_options = (
npoints = 651, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
nplay_frames = 600, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
nruns = 2, # how often it's drawn
nend_frames = 0, # number of frames in the end
width = 350,
height = 219,
shape_scale = 0.8, # scale factor for the logo
tsp_quality_factor = 80,
filename = "gifs/julia_logo_dft.gif",
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How can we make Fourier of any word? And can we save any frame as svg?

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