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Created February 1, 2017 23:33
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  • Save WilCF/1a0ea9757a5668c90ba6eeb5fcdc9ddd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WilCF/1a0ea9757a5668c90ba6eeb5fcdc9ddd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
id: 972993,
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title: "Categorize Restaurants Using Yelp",
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instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1><p>We need your help to categorize restaurants across the United States using information found on their Yelp page listing. You will be asked to indicate the listed food type(s) for the restaurant . You will be prompted to transcribe the overall rating of the restaurant and how many reviews they have. Lastly you will also be asked to indicate IF the restaurant has available hours of operation available, &nbsp;allows for reservations, and offers delivery.&nbsp;</p><hr><h1>What We Provide</h1><ul><li>Restaurant name and what state it is located in</li><li>A button to search the restaurant on Yelp</li><li>List of "food type" categories</li></ul><h1>What You Will Provide</h1><ul><li>All relevant categories for "food type" the particular restaurant is associated with</li><li>YES or NO answers to indicate if the restaurant delivers, allows reservations, has visible hours of operation</li><li>The overall rating of the restaurant</li><li>How many reviews the restaurant has</li></ul><h1>Steps</h1><ol><li>Click the button labeled "<strong>Search</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Yelp</strong>" for the given restaurant in the given state&nbsp;</li><li>Using the search results provided, &nbsp;answer the first question "did you find the restaurant on Yelp?" Make sure to<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>IGNORE ALL ADS</strong>, locate the<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>FIRST</strong><span>&nbsp;</span>relevant Yelp search result that matches the restaurant name and state provided.<span>&nbsp;</span> (If the given restaurant name and stage <strong>DO</strong>&nbsp;<strong>NOT</strong> match the any of the top Yelp search results, then answer "<strong>NO</strong>" for the first question)<img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 545px;"></li><li>If you answer "<strong>YES</strong>", &nbsp;click on the official Yelp listing of the provided restaurant. Make sure to <strong>IGNORE ALL ADS</strong></li><li>From the dropdown menu, choose the indicated "food type" for the restaurant. Food types can be found in the top left of a Yelp listing (see green box in image below). <img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 532px;"><strong>IF there are multiple food types</strong> for a restaurant, choose the first one, <strong>then click the "Add Another Food Type" button</strong> and select the next "food type". Repeat this step until all you have selected all the food types indicated on Yelp listing.&nbsp;</li><li>Find the overall rating of the restaurant on the top left of the page, represented on a 5 star scale. Determine the following:<ol><li>What is the overall rating for the restaurant? &nbsp;(See green box in image below) and choose the appropriate rating from the drop down.&nbsp;</li><li>What is the total number of reviews for the restaurant available on the Yelp listing? (See blue box in image below) Enter the number into the provided text box. <img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 580px;"></li></ol></li><li>Scroll down the Yelp listing, locate the "Hours" and "More Business Info" sections on the right side of page (See green boxes in image below), then answer the following questions<ol><li>Are the hours of operation available?</li><li>Does restaurant accept reservations?</li><li>Does restaurant deliver? <br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 559px;"><br></li></ol></li></ol><hr><h1>Rules and Tips</h1><p><strong>Do this: &nbsp;</strong></p><ul><li><strong>ALWAYS</strong> click the <strong>"Search Yelp "&nbsp;</strong>button as the first step towards completing the task.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>IF</strong> a restaurant <strong>DOES</strong>&nbsp;<strong>NOT</strong> not have a Yelp listing on the <strong>FIRST</strong> page of the Yelp results, click "<strong>NO</strong>" for the question, "Did you find the restaurant on Yelp?"&nbsp;</li><li><strong>ALWAYS</strong> match the restaurant name with the state</li><li>For restaurants with <strong>multiple locations (</strong>many of them will have multiple locations), select the Yelp listing that appears <strong>FIRST, or closest to the top,&nbsp;</strong>in the Yelp search results. See image below<img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 701px;"></li><li>If the Food Type category on the Yelp listing does not match with any options in the dropdown box, select the "<strong>Food Type Not</strong><strong>&nbsp;Available"&nbsp;</strong>from the drop down.&nbsp;</li><li>If the Hours, Reservations, or Delivery information is not available, please select the "<strong>Information Not Available</strong>" from the drop down.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Be Careful of:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Only visit the Yelp listing page for the business information. <strong>DO NOT USE</strong> other third party websites or results.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Do Not:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><span>Guess at the answers. If there is not a food type match or relevant information, please select "<strong>No Available Match</strong>" or the "<strong>Information Not Available</strong>" responses.&nbsp;</span></li><li>Do not use other sites besides the Yelp listing to find information.&nbsp;</li></ul><hr><h1>Examples</h1><p>Most locations open once and close once each day. The examples below demonstrate three such instances. Very rarely, locations have second opening and closing hours due to midday closures. This is less common, but please be sure to look carefully at a businesses hours are so that you can accurately reflect them in the form.</p><p>The examples below demonstrate what these pages might look like for three different businesses:</p><h2><strong>Examples of Hours of Operation:</strong></h2><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%;">Sometimes hours are presented in list form alongside other information about a given location.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; text-align: left;"><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">Other times they appear on an information page.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style="width: 603px;"><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%;">And sometimes they are found in a listing of locations. Make sure you give the hours for the correct location.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%;"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">The closing time does <strong>not</strong> need to be listed, for example this is acceptable:<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br>If the closing time is not listed, enter the opening time and choose “Not listed” for the closing time.</p>",
cml: "<div> <p> <a target="_blank" href="{{url}}" class="clicked validates-clicked">Click here to find the hours of operation for {{venue_name}}</a> </p> <br> <p> <strong>Location:</strong> {{state_information}} </p> </div> <cml:radios label="Were you able to find the hours of operation for {{venue_name}} at the location provided above?" validates="required" name="found_hours" gold="true" aggregation="agg"> <cml:radio label="Yes" value="yes"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="No" value="no"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> <cml:group only-if="found_hours:[0]"> <cml:hours label="When is this business open?" name="hours" allowunlisted="true" validates="required" gold="true"></cml:hours> </cml:group> <cml:group only-if="found_hours:[1]"> <p>No hours of operations listed for this business? Please go on to the next one.</p> </cml:group> ",
js: "",
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keywords: "business listings hours of operation find hours collection",
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critical_webhook: false,
mail_to: ""
title: "Categorize Restaurants Using Yelp",
secret: "IIL44YCmcP/BkoSGGbBc//OFCP6XnXXVd+l6KQ7Vny1Z",
project_number: null,
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language: "en",
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desired_requirements: { },
order_approved: true,
max_work_per_network: null,
copied_from: 972679,
created_at: "2016-11-30T17:03:11+00:00",
updated_at: "2016-11-30T17:03:11+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
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instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1><p>We need your help to categorize restaurants across the United States using information found on their Yelp page listing. You will be asked to indicate the listed food type(s) for the restaurant . You will be prompted to transcribe the overall rating of the restaurant and how many reviews they have. Lastly you will also be asked to indicate IF the restaurant has available hours of operation available, &nbsp;allows for reservations, and offers delivery.&nbsp;</p><hr><h1>What We Provide</h1><ul><li>Restaurant name and what state it is located in</li><li>A button to search the restaurant on Yelp</li><li>List of "food type" categories</li></ul><h1>What You Will Provide</h1><ul><li>All relevant categories for "food type" the particular restaurant is associated with</li><li>YES or NO answers to indicate if the restaurant delivers, allows reservations, has visible hours of operation</li><li>The overall rating of the restaurant</li><li>How many reviews the restaurant has</li></ul><h1>Steps</h1><ol><li>Click the button labeled "<strong>Search</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Yelp</strong>" for the given restaurant in the given state&nbsp;</li><li>Using the search results provided, &nbsp;answer the first question "did you find the restaurant on Yelp?" Make sure to<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>IGNORE ALL ADS</strong>, locate the<span>&nbsp;</span><strong>FIRST</strong><span>&nbsp;</span>relevant Yelp search result that matches the restaurant name and state provided.<span>&nbsp;</span> (If the given restaurant name and stage <strong>DO</strong>&nbsp;<strong>NOT</strong> match the any of the top Yelp search results, then answer "<strong>NO</strong>" for the first question)<img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 545px;"></li><li>If you answer "<strong>YES</strong>", &nbsp;click on the official Yelp listing of the provided restaurant. Make sure to <strong>IGNORE ALL ADS</strong></li><li>From the dropdown menu, choose the indicated "food type" for the restaurant. Food types can be found in the top left of a Yelp listing (see green box in image below). <img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 532px;"><strong>IF there are multiple food types</strong> for a restaurant, choose the first one, <strong>then click the "Add Another Food Type" button</strong> and select the next "food type". Repeat this step until all you have selected all the food types indicated on Yelp listing.&nbsp;</li><li>Find the overall rating of the restaurant on the top left of the page, represented on a 5 star scale. Determine the following:<ol><li>What is the overall rating for the restaurant? &nbsp;(See green box in image below) and choose the appropriate rating from the drop down.&nbsp;</li><li>What is the total number of reviews for the restaurant available on the Yelp listing? (See blue box in image below) Enter the number into the provided text box. <img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 580px;"></li></ol></li><li>Scroll down the Yelp listing, locate the "Hours" and "More Business Info" sections on the right side of page (See green boxes in image below), then answer the following questions<ol><li>Are the hours of operation available?</li><li>Does restaurant accept reservations?</li><li>Does restaurant deliver? <br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 559px;"><br></li></ol></li></ol><hr><h1>Rules and Tips</h1><p><strong>Do this: &nbsp;</strong></p><ul><li><strong>ALWAYS</strong> click the <strong>"Search Yelp "&nbsp;</strong>button as the first step towards completing the task.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>IF</strong> a restaurant <strong>DOES</strong>&nbsp;<strong>NOT</strong> not have a Yelp listing on the <strong>FIRST</strong> page of the Yelp results, click "<strong>NO</strong>" for the question, "Did you find the restaurant on Yelp?"&nbsp;</li><li><strong>ALWAYS</strong> match the restaurant name with the state</li><li>For restaurants with <strong>multiple locations (</strong>many of them will have multiple locations), select the Yelp listing that appears <strong>FIRST, or closest to the top,&nbsp;</strong>in the Yelp search results. See image below<img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 701px;"></li><li>If the Food Type category on the Yelp listing does not match with any options in the dropdown box, select the "<strong>Food Type Not</strong><strong>&nbsp;Available"&nbsp;</strong>from the drop down.&nbsp;</li><li>If the Hours, Reservations, or Delivery information is not available, please select the "<strong>Information Not Available</strong>" from the drop down.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Be Careful of:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Only visit the Yelp listing page for the business information. <strong>DO NOT USE</strong> other third party websites or results.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Do Not:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><span>Guess at the answers. If there is not a food type match or relevant information, please select "<strong>No Available Match</strong>" or the "<strong>Information Not Available</strong>" responses.&nbsp;</span></li><li>Do not use other sites besides the Yelp listing to find information.&nbsp;</li></ul><hr><h1>Examples</h1><p>Most locations open once and close once each day. The examples below demonstrate three such instances. Very rarely, locations have second opening and closing hours due to midday closures. This is less common, but please be sure to look carefully at a businesses hours are so that you can accurately reflect them in the form.</p><p>The examples below demonstrate what these pages might look like for three different businesses:</p><h2><strong>Examples of Hours of Operation:</strong></h2><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%;">Sometimes hours are presented in list form alongside other information about a given location.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; text-align: left;"><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">Other times they appear on an information page.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style="width: 603px;"><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%;">And sometimes they are found in a listing of locations. Make sure you give the hours for the correct location.<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%;"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br></td><td style="width: 35.4289%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">The closing time does <strong>not</strong> need to be listed, for example this is acceptable:<br></td><td style="width: 60.9283%; background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);"><br><img src="" class="fr-dii" style=""><br></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br>If the closing time is not listed, enter the opening time and choose “Not listed” for the closing time.</p>",
cml: "<div> <p> <a target="_blank" href="{{url}}" class="clicked validates-clicked">Click here to find the hours of operation for {{venue_name}}</a> </p> <br> <p> <strong>Location:</strong> {{state_information}} </p> </div> <cml:radios label="Were you able to find the hours of operation for {{venue_name}} at the location provided above?" validates="required" name="found_hours" gold="true" aggregation="agg"> <cml:radio label="Yes" value="yes"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="No" value="no"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> <cml:group only-if="found_hours:[0]"> <cml:hours label="When is this business open?" name="hours" allowunlisted="true" validates="required" gold="true"></cml:hours> </cml:group> <cml:group only-if="found_hours:[1]"> <p>No hours of operations listed for this business? Please go on to the next one.</p> </cml:group> ",
js: "",
css: ".cml table.business_info { float:left; width: 440px; margin: 0 0 20px; border-collapse: collapse; } .cml table.business_info thead th { font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 10px; } .cml table.business_info tbody th { font-size: 16px; text-align: right; min-width:120px; padding: 6px 20px 6px 40px; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } .cml table.business_info tbody td { font-size: 16px; padding: 6px 20px 6px 0; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } td .cml_field { width: 135px; float:left; padding: 5px 0 0; border: none; } /*.days_table td input[type="text"] { first two lines required for Chrome, 3rd line for IE max-width: 75px !important; min-width: 75px !important; width: 75px !important; }*/ .popup_links a { display: inline-block; margin: 5px 0; } .cml_row textarea { height: 50px; } .group.text { padding-top: 20px; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; } .group._cf_disabled { display: none !important; } .cml_field.textarea textarea.shrimpy { min-height: 30px !important; height: 50px !important; } .tip { background-color: #FDFFC2; padding: 5px; border: 1px dashed #FFC4C2; display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -border-radius: 5px; } .cml_field_fake { border-top: solid 1px #ddd; color: #333; margin: 0px -5px -1px; padding: 15px 5px; } .cml_field_fake h2 { color: #4B790B; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0px 0px 8px; } p.instructions_fake { color: #666; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 2px; padding: 0px 2px; } div.two_up { margin: 5px 15px 5px 0; padding: 5px 10px 5px 0; display: block; float: left; min-width: 200px !important; width: 350px; min-height: 100px !important; } input.two_up { width: 340px; } ul.autocompleter-choices{ /*overflow-x: hidden;*/ } /*Gold digging */ .cml .group .cml_field .cml_gold_reason textarea { width: 340px !important; } ",
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hours: "agg"
id: 972717,
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title: "Find And Correct Business Addresses",
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included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1><p>In this job, help us determine the accuracy of company addresses. Click the link for the company website, and find the address!</p><hr><h1>Steps</h1><ol><li>Examine the company information provided.&nbsp;</li><li>Click the link to open the company website.&nbsp;</li><li>Explore the website to find the listed address.</li><li>Once you find the address, compare each part of the address.</li><li>If any line of the address is incorrect, please enter the correct address.<ul><li>Copy and Paste into the text box if possible.&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>If you cannot find the address, the retail location no longer exists, or the link is broken, proceed to the next question.&nbsp;</li></ol><hr><h1>Rules &amp; Tips</h1><p><strong>Rules:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Make sure to correct all important differences</strong> between the two addresses, for instance:<ul><li>If the provided address does not have a suite, but the address on the website does, be sure to add it to the suite section.</li><li>If the provided address has a suite, but the address on the website does not, be sure to remove it.</li><li>If the provided address does not have a street direction such as "NW," but the address on the website does, be sure to add it</li></ul></li><li><strong>Ignore these minor differences</strong>:<ul><li>Do not worry about changing abbreviations, such as "Ave" for "Avenue" or "Cir" for "Circle"</li><li>Do not worry about changing punctuation, such as "St." for "St"</li><li>Do not worry about changing the order of words if they are different, such as "West Memorial Parkway" and "Memorial Parkway West"</li></ul></li><li><strong>Make sure that you are correcting for the right business location</strong>: The address you locate on the web resource should be:<ul><li>at or near the provided location.</li><li>share at least <em>some</em> matching address information (State, City/Town, Postal code, or Street).</li></ul></li><li><h4><strong>Do not include the business name</strong> in the address information that you enter</h4></li></ul><p><strong>Tips:</strong></p><ul><li>&nbsp;Since we are asking you to correct addresses, making this determination can be tricky. However, before you begin making corrections, you should be reasonably confident that you have found the correct address on the web resource.<ul><li>Many websites write the address on the bottom of the main page.&nbsp;</li></ul></li></ul><hr><h1>Examples</h1><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 51.8801%;"><strong>Many businesses list their address at the bottom of the website:</strong><br></td><td style="width: 44.4771%;"><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 316px;"><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);"><br></td><td style="width: 51.8801%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);" class="fr-selected-cell"><br><strong>If the business has closed down, select&nbsp;</strong>'Link does not list contain address' option:<br><br></td><td style="width: 44.4771%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);"><br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 391px;"><br></td></tr></tbody></table>",
cml: "<div class="html-element-wrapper"><p><strong>Address of {{title}}:</strong></p><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Street:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{address_1}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">City:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{city}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">State:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{state}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Postal:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{postal_code}}<br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Country:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{country}}</td></tr></tbody></table><p><br /></p><a href="http://{{url}}" target="_blank">Click here to open the Company Website!</a><a href="http://{{url}}" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="%7B%7Burl%7D%7D" target="_blank"></a><br /></div><cml:radios label="Street: {{address_1}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Street line is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Street line is wrong." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain street or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Street:" validates="required" only-if="street_address_1:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="City: {{city}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This City line is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This City line is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain City or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct City: " validates="required" only-if="city_city:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="State: {{state}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This State is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This State is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain State or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct State:" validates="required" only-if="state_state:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="Postal: {{postal_code}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Postal Code is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Postal Code is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain Postal Code or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Postal Code:" validates="required zipcode" only-if="postal_postal_code:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="Country: {{country}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Country is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Country is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not Country street or website does not exist." value="link_does_not_country_street_or_website_does_not_exist" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Country:" validates="required" only-if="country_country:[1]" gold="true" />",
js: "",
css: "",
street_address_1: "street_address_1_gold",
enter_correct_street: "enter_correct_street_gold",
city_city: "city_city_gold",
enter_correct_city_: "enter_correct_city__gold",
state_state: "state_state_gold",
enter_correct_state: "enter_correct_state_gold",
postal_postal_code: "postal_postal_code_gold",
enter_correct_postal_code: "enter_correct_postal_code_gold",
country_country: "country_country_gold",
enter_correct_country: "enter_correct_country_gold"
units_count: 0,
golds_count: 0,
judgments_count: 0,
support_email: "",
worker_ui_remix: true,
crowd_costs: 0,
quiz_mode_enabled: false,
completed: false,
street_address_1: "agg",
enter_correct_street: "all",
city_city: "agg",
enter_correct_city_: "all",
state_state: "agg",
enter_correct_state: "all",
postal_postal_code: "agg",
enter_correct_postal_code: "all",
country_country: "agg",
enter_correct_country: "all"
id: 972715,
mail_to: "",
flag_on_rate_limit: true,
include_unfinished: true,
logical_aggregation: true,
critical_webhook: false,
req_ttl_in_seconds: 1800,
front_load: false
title: "Find And Correct Business Addresses",
secret: "/641ZFL4E8e74Zgc6nEbyqCmY1a4zSP0Rfl4Q8GmeZHv",
project_number: null,
alias: null,
judgments_per_unit: 3,
units_per_assignment: 5,
pages_per_assignment: 1,
max_judgments_per_worker: null,
gold_per_assignment: 1,
minimum_account_age_seconds: null,
execution_mode: "worker_ui_remix",
payment_cents: 10,
design_verified: true,
public_data: false,
variable_judgments_mode: "none",
max_judgments_per_unit: null,
expected_judgments_per_unit: null,
min_unit_confidence: null,
units_remain_finalized: null,
auto_order_timeout: null,
auto_order_threshold: 4,
completed_at: null,
state: "unordered",
auto_order: false,
webhook_uri: null,
send_judgments_webhook: null,
language: "en",
minimum_requirements: null,
desired_requirements: null,
order_approved: false,
max_work_per_network: null,
copied_from: 907930,
created_at: "2016-11-29T23:07:57+00:00",
updated_at: "2016-11-29T23:07:57+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1><p>In this job, help us determine the accuracy of company addresses. Click the link for the company website, and find the address!</p><hr><h1>Steps</h1><ol><li>Examine the company information provided.&nbsp;</li><li>Click the link to open the company website.&nbsp;</li><li>Explore the website to find the listed address.</li><li>Once you find the address, compare each part of the address.</li><li>If any line of the address is incorrect, please enter the correct address.<ul><li>Copy and Paste into the text box if possible.&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>If you cannot find the address, the retail location no longer exists, or the link is broken, proceed to the next question.&nbsp;</li></ol><hr><h1>Rules &amp; Tips</h1><p><strong>Rules:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Make sure to correct all important differences</strong> between the two addresses, for instance:<ul><li>If the provided address does not have a suite, but the address on the website does, be sure to add it to the suite section.</li><li>If the provided address has a suite, but the address on the website does not, be sure to remove it.</li><li>If the provided address does not have a street direction such as "NW," but the address on the website does, be sure to add it</li></ul></li><li><strong>Ignore these minor differences</strong>:<ul><li>Do not worry about changing abbreviations, such as "Ave" for "Avenue" or "Cir" for "Circle"</li><li>Do not worry about changing punctuation, such as "St." for "St"</li><li>Do not worry about changing the order of words if they are different, such as "West Memorial Parkway" and "Memorial Parkway West"</li></ul></li><li><strong>Make sure that you are correcting for the right business location</strong>: The address you locate on the web resource should be:<ul><li>at or near the provided location.</li><li>share at least <em>some</em> matching address information (State, City/Town, Postal code, or Street).</li></ul></li><li><h4><strong>Do not include the business name</strong> in the address information that you enter</h4></li></ul><p><strong>Tips:</strong></p><ul><li>&nbsp;Since we are asking you to correct addresses, making this determination can be tricky. However, before you begin making corrections, you should be reasonably confident that you have found the correct address on the web resource.<ul><li>Many websites write the address on the bottom of the main page.&nbsp;</li></ul></li></ul><hr><h1>Examples</h1><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%;"><br></td><td style="width: 51.8801%;"><strong>Many businesses list their address at the bottom of the website:</strong><br></td><td style="width: 44.4771%;"><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 316px;"><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 3.5253%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);"><br></td><td style="width: 51.8801%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);" class="fr-selected-cell"><br><strong>If the business has closed down, select&nbsp;</strong>'Link does not list contain address' option:<br><br></td><td style="width: 44.4771%; background-color: rgb(245, 246, 249);"><br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 391px;"><br></td></tr></tbody></table>",
cml: "<div class="html-element-wrapper"><p><strong>Address of {{title}}:</strong></p><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Street:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{address_1}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">City:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{city}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">State:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{state}}</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Postal:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{postal_code}}<br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 9.9269%;">Country:</td><td style="width: 89.9513%;">{{country}}</td></tr></tbody></table><p><br /></p><a href="http://{{url}}" target="_blank">Click here to open the Company Website!</a><a href="http://{{url}}" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="%7B%7Burl%7D%7D" target="_blank"></a><br /></div><cml:radios label="Street: {{address_1}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Street line is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Street line is wrong." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain street or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Street:" validates="required" only-if="street_address_1:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="City: {{city}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This City line is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This City line is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain City or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct City: " validates="required" only-if="city_city:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="State: {{state}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This State is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This State is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain State or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct State:" validates="required" only-if="state_state:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="Postal: {{postal_code}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Postal Code is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Postal Code is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not contain Postal Code or website does not exist." value="missing_broken" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Postal Code:" validates="required zipcode" only-if="postal_postal_code:[1]" gold="true" /><cml:radios label="Country: {{country}}" validates="required" gold="true"><cml:radio label="This Country is correct." value="correct" /><cml:radio label="This Country is wrong or missing from link." value="incorrect" /><cml:radio label="Link does not Country street or website does not exist." value="link_does_not_country_street_or_website_does_not_exist" /></cml:radios><cml:text label="Enter Correct Country:" validates="required" only-if="country_country:[1]" gold="true" />",
js: "",
css: "",
street_address_1: "street_address_1_gold",
enter_correct_street: "enter_correct_street_gold",
city_city: "city_city_gold",
enter_correct_city_: "enter_correct_city__gold",
state_state: "state_state_gold",
enter_correct_state: "enter_correct_state_gold",
postal_postal_code: "postal_postal_code_gold",
enter_correct_postal_code: "enter_correct_postal_code_gold",
country_country: "country_country_gold",
enter_correct_country: "enter_correct_country_gold"
units_count: 0,
golds_count: 0,
judgments_count: 0,
support_email: "",
worker_ui_remix: true,
crowd_costs: 0,
quiz_mode_enabled: false,
completed: false,
street_address_1: "agg",
enter_correct_street: "all",
city_city: "agg",
enter_correct_city_: "all",
state_state: "agg",
enter_correct_state: "all",
postal_postal_code: "agg",
enter_correct_postal_code: "all",
country_country: "agg",
enter_correct_country: "all"
id: 972326,
mail_to: "",
flag_on_rate_limit: true,
include_unfinished: true,
logical_aggregation: true,
critical_webhook: false,
req_ttl_in_seconds: 1800,
front_load: false
title: "Dress Hips Categorization",
secret: "3D+rMRTf4FePa+W+xTtom6NzLXVCmmJg+LdbyVE7jq+V",
project_number: null,
alias: null,
judgments_per_unit: 4,
units_per_assignment: 10,
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minimum_account_age_seconds: null,
execution_mode: "worker_ui_remix",
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design_verified: true,
public_data: false,
variable_judgments_mode: "none",
max_judgments_per_unit: null,
expected_judgments_per_unit: null,
min_unit_confidence: null,
units_remain_finalized: null,
auto_order_timeout: null,
auto_order_threshold: 9,
completed_at: null,
state: "unordered",
auto_order: false,
webhook_uri: null,
send_judgments_webhook: null,
language: "en",
minimum_requirements: null,
desired_requirements: null,
order_approved: true,
max_work_per_network: null,
copied_from: 971381,
created_at: "2016-11-28T23:47:40+00:00",
updated_at: "2016-11-28T23:47:41+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<p><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></p> ",
cml: " <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <img src="{{img}}" /> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios name="hips" label="What is the style of the hips for this dress?" validates="required"> <cml:radio value="bodycon" label="Bodycon/Tight"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="fitted" label="Fitted"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="fit_flare" label="Fit and Flare"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="loose " label="Loose"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="bubble_full_skirt" label="Bubble/Full Skirt"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> </div> </div> ",
js: "",
css: "",
hips: "hips_gold"
units_count: 1120,
golds_count: 20,
judgments_count: 0,
support_email: "",
worker_ui_remix: true,
crowd_costs: 0,
quiz_mode_enabled: true,
completed: false,
hips: "agg"
id: 972315,
mail_to: "",
flag_on_rate_limit: true,
include_unfinished: true,
logical_aggregation: true,
critical_webhook: false,
req_ttl_in_seconds: 1800,
front_load: false
title: "Image Categorization",
secret: "3D+rMRTf4FePa+W+xTtom6NzLXVCmmJg+LdbyVE7jq+V",
project_number: null,
alias: null,
judgments_per_unit: 3,
units_per_assignment: 10,
pages_per_assignment: 1,
max_judgments_per_worker: null,
gold_per_assignment: 1,
minimum_account_age_seconds: null,
execution_mode: "worker_ui_remix",
payment_cents: 5,
design_verified: true,
public_data: false,
variable_judgments_mode: "none",
max_judgments_per_unit: null,
expected_judgments_per_unit: null,
min_unit_confidence: null,
units_remain_finalized: null,
auto_order_timeout: null,
auto_order_threshold: 9,
completed_at: null,
state: "unordered",
auto_order: false,
webhook_uri: null,
send_judgments_webhook: null,
language: "en",
minimum_requirements: null,
desired_requirements: null,
order_approved: true,
max_work_per_network: null,
copied_from: 972314,
created_at: "2016-11-28T22:48:50+00:00",
updated_at: "2016-11-28T22:48:51+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<p><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></p> ",
cml: " <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <img src="{{img}}" /> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios name="formality" label="How formal or casual is this dress?" validates="required"> <cml:radio value="super_casual" label="Super Casual"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="casual" label="Casual"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="semi_formal" label="Semi-Formal"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="formal" label="Formal"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="super_formal" label="Super Formal"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> </div> </div> ",
js: "",
css: "",
formality: "formality_gold"
units_count: 1057,
golds_count: 57,
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support_email: "",
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quiz_mode_enabled: true,
completed: false,
formality: "agg"
id: 972267,
mail_to: "",
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include_unfinished: true,
logical_aggregation: true,
critical_webhook: false,
req_ttl_in_seconds: 1800,
front_load: false
title: "Image Categorization",
secret: "3D+rMRTf4FePa+W+xTtom6NzLXVCmmJg+LdbyVE7jq+V",
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alias: null,
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auto_order_threshold: 9,
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state: "unordered",
auto_order: false,
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language: "en",
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order_approved: true,
max_work_per_network: null,
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created_at: "2016-11-28T19:45:35+00:00",
updated_at: "2016-11-28T19:47:02+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<p><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></p> ",
cml: " <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <img src="{{img}}" /> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios name="length" label="What is the length of this dress?" validates="required" gold="true"> <cml:radio value="micro_mini" label="Extra Short/Micro Mini"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="mini" label="Mini"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="above_knee" label="Above Knee"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="knee" label="Knee"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="mid-calf" label="Mid-Calf"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="full_length" label="Full Length"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="asymmetrical_hem" label="Asymmetrical Hem (High-Low)"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> </div> </div> ",
js: "",
css: "",
length: "length_gold"
units_count: 163,
golds_count: 163,
judgments_count: 0,
support_email: "",
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id: 972265,
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req_ttl_in_seconds: 1800,
front_load: false
title: "Image Categorization",
secret: "3D+rMRTf4FePa+W+xTtom6NzLXVCmmJg+LdbyVE7jq+V",
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state: "unordered",
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language: "en",
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excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<p><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></p> ",
cml: " <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <img src="{{img}}" /> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios name="length" label="What is the length of this dress?" validates="required" gold="true"> <cml:radio value="micro_mini" label="Extra Short/Micro Mini"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="mini" label="Mini"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="above_knee" label="Above Knee"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="knee" label="Knee"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="mid-calf" label="Mid-Calf"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="full_length" label="Full Length"></cml:radio> <cml:radio value="asymmetrical_hem" label="Asymmetrical Hem (High-Low)"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> </div> </div> ",
js: "",
css: "",
length: "length_gold"
units_count: 10201,
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title: "Rate Content Of Animated Gifs (Adult Content)",
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instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1> <p>Examine each GIF and choose the category that best describes the audience for the content of that GIF according to the criteria specified. We're only interested in the <strong>appropriateness of the individual GIF</strong>! (i.e. if a GIF from the Adults only film "Wedding Crashers" contains absolutely no offensive content, rate it G!)</p> <p>We've tried to be as clear and specific as possible with the categories by adding lots of details and examples. If you are unsure of what category to choose, please double check the categories criteria below to see if we've specified the content of the gif.</p> <hr /> <h1>We Provide</h1> <ul><li>A set of images</li><li>A set of categories (with descriptions and criteria) to choose from</li></ul> <hr /> <h1>Process</h1> <ol><li>Look at an image</li><li>Read over the different categories</li><li>Choose the category that best describes the GIF's content</li></ol> <p><br />**NOTE**: watch the GIF all the way through at least one cycle. Some GIFs contain "twist endings" or expected parody mash ups that could affect the ratings.</p> <hr /> <h1>CATEGORIES</h1> <ul><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>For Kids:&nbsp;</strong>Content that are specifically targeted to children.</div><ul><li dir="ltr">This would include children's cartoons, Disney/Pixar movies, children's TV shows.</li><li dir="ltr">Not all cartoons are targeted to children, so be sure to consider the context.</li></ul></li><br /><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>For Everyone:&nbsp;</strong>Content that is not targeted specifically to children, but is appropriate for all ages.</div><ul><li dir="ltr">No sex or nudity, no violence, no bad language, no substance abuse, no crude humor.</li><li dir="ltr">Hugging, kissing, and displays of love or affection are ok for everyone</li></ul></li><br /><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>For Kids, with parental approval, and Older:&nbsp;</strong>Content that is generally safe for everyone, but may require parental preview before children can watch.</div><ul><li dir="ltr">Rude language without profanity</li><li dir="ltr">Comic violence (slapstick humor - no blood or gore)</li><li dir="ltr">May show images of alcohol or cigarettes; these are not illegal substances, but parents may want to see before showing their children</li><li dir="ltr">Humorous “Fails” or accidents involving humans that do not depict serious injuries, blood or gore</li><li dir="ltr">Language referring to the human anatomy or body parts in a, such as:<ul><li dir="ltr">Anus</li><li dir="ltr">Penis</li><li dir="ltr">Foreskin</li><li dir="ltr">Vagina</li><li dir="ltr">Clitoris</li></ul></li><li>Humor about pooping, farting, peeing, body parts etc that DOES NOT use foul language.</li><li dir="ltr">Strange or unique human or cartoon behavior that is non-threatening or violent, contains no nudity, such as people making weird faces, wearing creepy makeup, or doing anything that might startle or confuse young children.</li><li dir="ltr">People kissing</li><li dir="ltr">People using the bathroom (no nudity)</li><li dir="ltr">People acting angry or violent and smashing/destroying non-living objects like furniture or guitars</li></ul></li><br /><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>For Teenagers and Older:&nbsp;</strong>Mild sexual innuendos, mild substance use, mild profanity, or threatening images. May include images of semi-naked people, but DOES NOT show real human genitalia or nudity.</div><ul><li dir="ltr">Mild, non-threatening profanity, such as:<ul><li dir="ltr">Shit</li><li dir="ltr">Damn</li><li dir="ltr">Bitch</li><li dir="ltr">Slut</li><li dir="ltr">Tits</li><li dir="ltr">Come</li><li dir="ltr">Bastard</li><li dir="ltr">Ass</li><li dir="ltr">Ho/Hoes</li></ul></li><li>Mild slang for sexual activity such as 'banging', 'fingering', 'blowing'.</li><li dir="ltr">People pointing weapons at other people (or at the camera) or making threatening gestures</li><li dir="ltr">Use of the “birdie” or middle finger as a rude gesture</li><li dir="ltr">People making sexual gestures with their hands</li><li dir="ltr">Heavy kissing or graphically making out</li><li dir="ltr">Illegal drugs and &nbsp;paraphernalia, and mild usage</li><li dir="ltr">People making mild sexual gestures with their bodies, like hip thrusting, as found in burlesque and gogo dancing.</li><li dir="ltr">People (or renderings of people ie cartoons and anime) wearing skimpy clothing, underwear, revealing swimwear, or covering their body parts with their hands, but no nudity</li><li dir="ltr">Strange or unique human or cartoon behavior that is not violent, contains no nudity, but it somewhat provocative or sexual in nature, like body painting or arousing constumes (cosplay/movies).</li><li dir="ltr">Strange or unique human or cartoon behavior that is not violent, contains no nudity, but is mildly threatening or has the demonstrated the potential for violence, like scary or creepy excerpts from horror movies or people waving guns.&nbsp;</li><li dir="ltr">MILDLY offensive &nbsp;or suggestive jokes whose subjects are sex, body parts, sexual orientation, religion, race, gender or any other potentially controversial topic.</li><li dir="ltr">MILD language that discusses sexual activities.</li><li dir="ltr">Using or abusing alcohol or cigarettes.</li></ul></li><br /><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>For Adults Only:&nbsp;</strong>Strong language, strong sexual innuendo, violence, and illegal drug use; not suitable for teens or younger. NO NUDITY.</div><ul><li>Simulated violence or gore:<ul><li dir="ltr">Violent video games or movie clips</li><li dir="ltr">Clips from Horror movies</li><li dir="ltr">Violent scenes from movies, such as people getting shot or stabbed.</li></ul></li><li dir="ltr">Adults only &nbsp;gifs are not pornographic but rather depict strong sexual innuendos but NO NUDITY:<ul><li dir="ltr">Gifs showing or related to sex toys</li><li dir="ltr">Simulated sexual activities (without nudity)</li><li dir="ltr">Highly sexually charged movements, ie people (or renderings of people) moving in ways that are highly sexually or provocative, such as dancing and exercising with skimpy clothes and legs spread (twerking, pole dancing) or upskirts.</li><li dir="ltr">Strong language that is descriptive of sexual activity</li></ul></li><li>Crudely drawn or humorous cartoons or CGI that depicts genitalia&nbsp;</li><li>Heavy Use of Ilegal Drugs</li><li>Offensive &nbsp;jokes whose subjects are sex, body parts, bodily discharge, sexual orientation, race, religion, gender or any other potentially controversial topic.</li><li>Highly disturbing, &nbsp;alarming, distressing or excessively dark content, like from a horror movie.</li><li dir="ltr">Strong Language includes words such as (even if word is partially obscured):<ul><li>Fuck</li><li>Goddamn</li><li>Motherfucker</li><li>Cunt</li><li>Cock</li><li>Pussy</li><li>Asshole</li><li>Dick / &nbsp;Suck My Dick</li><li>Cum</li></ul></li></ul></li><br /><li><div dir="ltr"><strong>Explicit:&nbsp;</strong>Unsimulated acts of violence or gore, nudity, pornographic material, heavy substance use, hate speech including racial slurs and epithets</div><ul><li>Anything that is obscene, vulgar, or pornographic, such as<ul><li dir="ltr">Real, unsimulated sexual activities</li><li dir="ltr">Nudity (including bare breasts, penises, vaginas, and rear ends)</li><li dir="ltr">Extremely violent or gory&nbsp;</li><li dir="ltr">Would be considered profane</li><li dir="ltr">Depicts unsimulated violence involving humans or animals</li><li dir="ltr">Remixes or mashups of Porn</li><li dir="ltr">Animation depicting sexual activities</li></ul></li><li>Hate Speech, cruel racial stereotyping, racial slurs and epithets used in the context of insulting someone others on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality, &nbsp;such as the following words:<ul><li dir="ltr">Faggot</li><li dir="ltr">Nigger</li><li dir="ltr">Redskin</li><li dir="ltr">Wetback</li><li dir="ltr">Chink</li><li dir="ltr">Dyke</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul> <hr /> <h1><strong>Examples</strong></h1> <h2>For Kids</h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This content is intended specifically for children, such as cartoons and children's TV shows. So things like Disney, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, etc.<br /><br /><br />This is <strong>rated For Kids.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 234px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This content is intended specifically for children, such as cartoons and children's TV shows. So things like Disney, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, etc.<br /><br /><br />This is <strong>rated For Kids.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 234px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h2><strong>Rated For Everyone</strong></h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This content is suitable for children and adults. No sex and nudity, substance abuse, or realistic/non-cartoon violence.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated For Everyone.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 249px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This content is suitable for children and adults. No sex and nudity, substance abuse, or realistic/non-cartoon violence.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated For Everyone.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 249px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h2><strong>Rated <strong>For Kids with Supervision</strong></strong></h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This content is &nbsp;generally safe, but parents might want to preview. There may be mild &nbsp;language, but no violence, sexual content, or substance use or abuse.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated <strong>For Kids with Supervision</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><br /><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 300px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This "fail" gif depics someone falling down in a humorous and nonviolent manner, and thus is <strong>rated <strong>For Kids with Supervision</strong></strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 300px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>There is no sexual content, drug use, violence, or nudity in this gif (cigarettes and marijuana are okay), so this is <strong>rated <strong>For Kids with Supervision</strong></strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 274px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif is a little weird and might frighten a child, so parents may want to preview before showing their children.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated <strong>For Kids with Supervision</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 276px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h2><strong>Rated For <strong>Teenagers and Older</strong></strong></h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">Mild profanity.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 273px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">Nazi content is not suitable for children; however, this is a parody, as evidenced by the fact that it's a cartoon duck dressed as Hitler, so it is suitable for older audiences.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 273px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>While this gif does show a semi-naked woman, we don't actually see anything sexual (no genitalia or frontal nudity), nor is there any sexual conduct. This is considered <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 285px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif shows a man holding a gun. There is no violence or gore, but pointing a weapon makes this gif <strong>rated <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 284px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif contains the middle finger gesture, so it's <strong>rated <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 300px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif contains a scantily clad woman, so it's <strong>rated <strong>For Teenagers and Older</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 300px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h2><strong>Rated For Adults Only</strong></h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">Strong &nbsp;language and/or violence, nudity for sexual purposes and drug abuse.<br /><br />This is <strong>rated <strong>For Adults Only</strong>.</strong><br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil fr-img-move" src="" style="width: 285px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This is considered <strong>For Adults Only</strong>, because there is no sexual content, but there is near-nudity.<br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 277px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif is hard to see, but the girl is stabbing a shark. Simulated violence falls into <strong>For Adults Only</strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 278px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif depicts multiple dildos falling from the sky. It is considered <strong>For Adults Only</strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 278px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>This gif depicts a woman performing strongly sexual movements, but does not show nudity. It is considered <strong>For Adults Only</strong><strong>.</strong><br /></td><td><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 278px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h2><span style="background-color: initial; text-align: initial;"><strong>Explicit</strong></span></h2> <table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">While there is no nudity, this is considered <strong>explicit</strong> because it shows sexual conduct and considered pornographic in nature.<br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 270px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This is considered <strong>explicit</strong> because it shows full male nudity.<br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 270px;" /><br /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50.0000%;">This is considered <strong>explicit</strong> because it depicts racial stereotypes.<br /></td><td style="width: 50.0000%;"><img class="fr-dib fr-fil" src="" style="width: 270px;" /><br /></td></tr></tbody></table> <hr /> <h1>Summary</h1> <p>Use the above rules to moderate images.</p> <hr /> <h1>Thank you!</h1> <p>Thank you for your hard work in this task.</p> <hr /> <p>IMPORTANT: Regarding Illegal Content, including Child Pornography</p> <p>CrowdFlower will never knowingly display illegal content in any of its tasks, including instances of child pornography.If you do encounter child pornography or other illegal content, DO NOT copy or post that content or links to that content anywhere, including CrowdFlower’s own Support Forum. The distribution of such content in any way is illegal in all relevant jurisdictions.</p> ",
cml: "<div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6" style="text-align:center;"> <img src="{{image_url}}" id="{{id}}" style="max-width:100%" /> <br /> <center> <a target="_blank" href="{{image_url}}" class="btn btn-info">Click here to view the image in a new tab</a> </center> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios validates="required" label="Which rating best describes the content of this GIF" name="category" class="" aggregation="agg" gold="true" instructions="Watch the entire gif! Often there will be a twist ending that affects the rating"> <cml:radio label="For Kids: Content that are specifically targeted to children, like cartoons and children's tv shows." value="y"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="For Everyone: Content that is not targeted specifically to children, but is appropriate for all ages. Cute animals, silly or happy people, objects like cars and boats." value="g"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="For Kids with Parents and Older: Safe for everyone, but contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children" value="pg"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="For Teenagers and Older: May contain moderately suggestive themes, such as illegal drug use, sexual innuendo or mild profanity. Not suitable for children." value="pg-13"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="For Adults Only: Strong language, strong sexual innuendo, clothed people in sexual situations, violence; not suitable for teens or younger. NO NUDITY" value="r"></cml:radio> <cml:radio label="EXPLICIT: Contains nudity or explicit sexual content (pornographic), hate speech or unsimulated violence and/or gore" value="explicit"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> </div> </div> ",
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title: "Judge The Sentiment Of Tweets",
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updated_at: "2016-11-09T18:57:46+00:00",
included_countries: [ ],
excluded_countries: [ ],
instructions: "<h1>Overview</h1><p>In this job, you will be presented with tweets about <strong>American Airlines</strong>. Review the tweets to determine the relevance to the subject and the overall sentiments of the tweet.&nbsp;</p><hr><h1>Steps</h1><ol><li>Read the tweet.</li><li>Determine if the tweet mentions the company's Twitter account -- <strong>American Airlines (@AmericanAir)</strong></li><li>Determine if the tweet is positive, neutral, or negative.</li><li>If the tweet is <strong>negative,&nbsp;</strong>you will be presented with a list of common complaints.<ul><li>Choose as many complaint categories as apply to the tweet.&nbsp;</li></ul></li></ol><hr><h1>Rules &amp; Tips</h1><p><strong>The posts can be classified as positive, negative or neutral:&nbsp;</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Positive</strong> means some aspects of the tweet uncover a positive mood, such as praise, recommendations or a favorable comparison.</li><li><strong>Neutral</strong> means that the post is only informative in nature and provides no hint as to the mood of the author.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Negative</strong> means some aspects of the tweet uncover a negative mood such as, criticism, insults or a negative comparison.&nbsp;</li></ul><hr><h1>Examples</h1><table style="width: 100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50%;"><h2><span style="color: rgb(0, 168, 133);"><strong>Positive</strong></span></h2>In this example, the excitement indicated by the "!" and the 'Thanks' denote a positive meaning and indicates a positive tone for the tweet overall.<br></td><td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: middle;"><br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 440px;"><br><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50%;"><h2><span style="color: rgb(250, 197, 28);"><strong>Neutral</strong></span></h2>In this example, the post is purely informative and offers no indication as to the mood of the author. This post is also relevant given it mentions the company.<br><br></td><td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: middle;"><br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 440px;"><br><br></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 50%;"><h2><span style="color: rgb(184, 49, 47);"><strong>Negative</strong></span></h2>In this example, the negative mood is indicated by the word 'inconsiderate' and the bitter tone of the tweet.<br><br><br></td><td style="width: 50%;"><br><img class="fr-dib" src="" style="width: 440px;"><br><br></td></tr></tbody></table><p><script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script><br></p>",
cml: "<div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet hide tw-align-center" data-link-color="#3498db" data-theme="light"> <embed> <a href="{{tweet_url}}" target="_blank">{{tweet_url}}</a> </embed> </blockquote> </div> <div class="span6"> <cml:radios label="Does this Tweet mention American Airlines?" validates="required" name="relevant_yn"> <cml:radio label="Yes" value="yes"/> <cml:radio label="No" value="no"/> <cml:radio label="The tweet is not available" value="unavailable"></cml:radio> </cml:radios> <cml:radios label="What is the author's sentiment (feeling) towards the company?" name="sentiment" only-if="relevant_yn:[yes]" validates="required"> <cml:radio label="Positive" value="positive"/> <cml:radio label="Neutral" value="neutral"/> <cml:radio label="Negative" value="negative"/> </cml:radios> <cml:checkboxes validates="required" instructions="Choose whichever categories apply." label="What is this customer's complaint?" name="negativereason" only-if="sentiment:[negative]"> <cml:checkbox label="Late Flight" value="late"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Cancelled Flight" value="cancel"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Long lines/ wait at airport" value="longlines"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Problems with customer service itself" value="CSProblem"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Problem flight attendants or airline staff" value="airplanestaff"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Bad flight/ problem with flight" value="badflight"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Lost luggage" value="lostluggae"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Damaged luggage" value="damagedluggage"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Problem booking a flight or using miles" value="booking"></cml:checkbox> <cml:checkbox label="Can't Tell" value="canttell"></cml:checkbox> </cml:checkboxes> </div> </div> ",
js: "",
css: "",
relevant_yn: "relevant_yn_gold",
sentiment: "sentiment_gold",
negativereason: "negativereason_gold"
units_count: 5,
golds_count: 0,
judgments_count: 0,
support_email: "",
worker_ui_remix: true,
crowd_costs: 0,
quiz_mode_enabled: false,
completed: false,
relevant_yn: "agg",
sentiment: "agg",
negativereason: "agg"
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