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Last active December 28, 2016 08:24
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  • Save WildDogOne/425e7ba7791593f564da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WildDogOne/425e7ba7791593f564da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install PBIS on Ubuntu 15.04
1. download powerbroker frome here
2. sudo chmod a+x {filename}
sudo ./
3. sudo domainjoin-cli join --disable ssh contoso.local administrator@contoso.local
4. sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-session
add: "session [success=ok default=ignore]"
5. run this command to config, like lwconfig in likewise (run from home folder), use caret ^ for spaces in group names
/opt/pbis/bin/config Requiremembershipof "contoso.local\\ASecurityGroupFromYourDomain" "contoso.local\\plus^other^group"
/opt/pbis/bin/config AssumeDefaultDomain true
/opt/pbis/bin/config UserDomainPrefix contoso.local
6. if you want a username to be sudoer do as follows
sudo vim /etc/sudoers
after root line add the line below
else you can also add the Usernames to the respective group(s) under /etc/group
7. sudo vim /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf
If the Unit file is not made by the Installer (early version of 15.04)
Do these steps before joining the domain (or else error "Unit lwsmd.service failed to load" will happen)
1. Create the file lwsmd.service in /lib/systemd/system like this:
sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/lwsmd.service
Description=BeyondTrust PBIS Service Manager
ExecStart=/opt/pbis/sbin/lwsmd --start-as-daemon
ExecReload=/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm refresh
ExecStop=/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm shutdown
# We want systemd to give lwsmd some time to finish gracefully, but still want
# it to kill lwsmd after TimeoutStopSec if something went wrong during the
# graceful stop. Normally, Systemd sends SIGTERM signal right after the
# ExecStop, which would kill lwsmd. We are sending useless SIGCONT here to give
# lwsmd time to finish.
2. sudo cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo ln -s /lib/systemd/system/lwsmd.service
3. service lwsmd status
4. service lwsmd start
5. systemctl enable lwsmd.service
6. Reboot
7. Domainjoin
8. Login with domain user, it is possible that you'll have to login as a local user first, and logout again.
I am not sure why this is
Good Guide for debugging:
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Systemctl Enable Error

Not sure if it is possible to make a pull request for this or I would just have done that.

I found errors for steps 2 through 5. Here are the fixes that stop the error "Failed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links" which happens on step 5.

2. systemctl link /lib/systemd/system/lwsmd.service
3. systemctl status lwsmd (Use systemctl for newer versions of Ubuntu 15+)
4. systemctl start lwsmd
5. systemctl enable lwsmd.service (no error now)

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nmehari commented Dec 28, 2016

Hi dear all,
I want to join my Ubuntu 15.04 client to samba4 AD DC, and I'm installing PBIS but by unknown reason the /opt directory is removed. So, I can't install it, and join to AD DC.
When I trying to install the following message is displayed

root@king:/home/king# ./
Creating directory pbis-open-
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing pbis-open-
Would you like to install package for legacy links? (i.e. /opt/likewise/bin/lw-find-user-by-name -> /opt/pbis/bin/find-user-by-name) (yes/no)
Would you like to install package for legacy links? (i.e. /opt/likewise/bin/lw-find-user-by-name -> /opt/pbis/bin/find-user-by-name) (yes/no) y
Would you like to install now? (yes/no) y
Installing packages and old packages will be removed
Missing package file for pbis-open-upgrade
Missing package file for pbis-open

so, if any one who have a solution please!

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