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Last active June 22, 2018 20:43
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  • Save WildDogOne/c154c839b2f3647697bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WildDogOne/c154c839b2f3647697bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Furaffinity Downloader
#Login Page for POST
$loginPage = ""
#Get Username
$username=read-host "Enter username: "
if($username -eq $null)
Write-host "no User entered"
#Get Password
$password=read-host "Enter password: " -AsSecureString
if($password -eq $null)
Write-host "no password entered"
#Make Password into a string, it's useless otherwise, we never talked security :P
$password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))
#Get Username of Gallery to grab, defaults to a cute gallery
$user=read-host "Enter FA Gallery name: "
if($user -eq $null)
Write-host "no User entered, using default"
$user = "belayalapa"
#Get Destination, defaults to my liking, cause it's my script :D
$destination=read-host "Enter Destination: "
if($destination -eq $null)
Write-host "no destination entered, using default"
$destination = "F:\Images\Grabber"
#Login via POST
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $loginPage -SessionVariable session
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $loginPage -WebSession $session -Method POST -Body @{'action'='login';'retard_protection'='1';'name'=$username;'pass'=$password;'login'='Login+to%C2%A0FurAffinity'}
if ($result.RawContent -match "You have typed in an erroneous username or password, please try again")
Write-Host "Bad Login"
#Build Destination with name of Artist
$destination = $destination+"\"+$user
$safe = $destination+"\rating~s"
$questionable = $destination+"\rating~q"
$explicit = $destination+"\rating~e"
#Site Variables
$gallery = "gallery/"
$site = ""
#Make Destination Folder if it ain't there
if(!(Test-Path $destination)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $destination
#Make Destination Folder if it ain't there
if(!(Test-Path $safe)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $safe
#Make Destination Folder if it ain't there
if(!(Test-Path $questionable)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $questionable
#Make Destination Folder if it ain't there
if(!(Test-Path $explicit)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $explicit
#Some variables
$siteCounter = 1
$count = 0
$max = 0
$maxPath = 250
$links = @()
#get all the gallery items, will take a while
do {
#Get Gallery
$website = Invoke-WebRequest -WebSession $session -UseBasicParsing –Uri $site$gallery$user/$siteCounter
#if no Submissions exist, exit loop
if($website.RawContent -match "There are no submissions to list")
$max = 1
#add links to link list
$links += $website.Links
#increase site counter by 1
} while ($max -eq 0)
#foreach link in the link list
foreach ($link in $links)
$rating = "q"
#check if the string view is present
if ($link.href -match "view"){
$tags = ""
$link = $link.href
#Start building the picture name, used to store the data
$bildName = $link -replace "/view",""
$bildName = $bildName -replace "/",""
$bildName = " "+$bildName
#request the website and push into a variable
$html = Invoke-WebRequest -WebSession $session -UseBasicParsing –Uri $site$link
#Download Image list to see if Adult or not
$images = $html.Images
foreach($image in $images)
if($image.outerHTML -match "adult")
$rating = "e"
}elseif($image.outerHTML -match "mature")
$rating = "q"
}elseif($image.outerHTML -match "general")
$rating = "s"
#Download the links of the subsite, so we can find the download link for the picture
$websites = $html.links
foreach($website in $websites)
#if search is found, we assume the link is a tag, tags are interpreted and added to the filename
if($website.href -match "search/@keywords" -and !($website.href -match $user))
$tag = $website.href -replace "/search/@keywords\s",""
$tags += " "+$tag
#if art/+username is found, that signals we found the picture to download
if($website.href -match ("art/"+$user) -and $website -match ("Download"))
$bild = $website.href -replace "//",""
$filetype = $bild -replace ".*\.",""
if($rating -eq "e")
$destination = $explicit
}elseif($rating -eq "s"){
$destination = $safe
$destination = $questionable
#Concat the picture name
$bildName = $bildName+" artist~"+$user+" "+$tags+"."
$bildName = $bildName -replace "\s\s"," "
#this loop is made, so that the filename doesn't become bigger than the filesystem can handle. Damn windows!
$t =1
while ($t -eq 1){
if (($destination.length+$bildName.Length+1+$filetype.length) -ge ($maxPath))
$bildName = $bildName -replace "\s[^\s]*$",""
$bildName = $bildName + "." + $filetype
$t = 0
$bildName = $bildName -replace "\.\.","."
#Finally download the found picture to the correct destination
Invoke-WebRequest $bild -OutFile $destination"\"$bildName -UseBasicParsing -WebSession $session
Write-Host "Pics grabbed: "$count
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