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Last active May 4, 2021 05:13
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Save Wildcarde/0d07073272bebc6e9a2c30a737e75c3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Check NFS script. This is designed to be run as a cron job on a system. It will retrieve a list of all NFS mounts from the mount command and verify that they are still mounted and not stale. If a mount is hung it will issue a lazy unmount and then attempt a remount. Activity will be logged to syslog and is grepable via the term `CHECKNFS`.

Notes for use of parallel pcap and auto termination of job on isilon

On Isilon nodes:

Run command to begin rotating parallel tcpdumps on all nodes with external interfaces.

On computation node:

  • the scripts and must be loaded onto the node and stored in /root to be used via cron.
  • configure an ssh key on the node that can reach a specific node on the storage cluster as root (required to terminate the server tcpdump process by calling
  • Make sure the file /tmp/nfsissuecaptured does not exist
  • run echo 0 > /tmp/nfsmonitor.semaphore to reset the event notification from previous captures
  • Configure to run every 10 minutes via cron
  • Configure to run every 2 minutes so that it catches events quickly.
  • launch new tcpdump capture with tcpdump -w /tmp/pcaps/$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S').$(hostname).em1.pcap -i em1 -s 640 -C 250 -W 100 -Z root
    • Recommended that this is launched in a tmux session on the individual node with additional panes running:
    • tail -F /var/log/messages | grep CAPTURE
    • tail -F /var/log/cron -n 40
isi_for_array -n9-13 'nohup /bin/bash /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pcaps/ > /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pcaps/logfile 2>&1 &'
isi_for_array -n9-13 killall -SIGINT
isi_for_array -n9-13 killall -SIGINT tcpdump
sleep 2
isi_for_array -s ps auxw |egrep "capture_control|tcpdump"
tcpdump -w /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pcaps/$(hostname)/$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S').$(hostname).bxe1.pcap -i bxe1 -s 640 -C 250 -W 100
#! /bin/env bash
#this script will handles a few things:
# 1) stop the tcpdump capture running on the node
# 2) clone pcap output to the sink admin folder
# 3) remote into bucket and terminate pcap and related processes
## reaper program to remove old stat block captures from isiperf, check if
#they are older than 5 hours if so remove them.7
#files will be located in: /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/corecollect this program
#should call the reaper if it's still searchign for problems and skip if the run has finished.
#kill commands for tcpdump
#check value of nfsmonitoring script
read -r errorcode < /tmp/nfsmonitor.semaphore
#once the issue has been captured set this so that it doesn't keep attempting to run
if [ -f /tmp/nfsissuecaptured ]; then
#logger "CAPTUREPCAP: Issue Captured Already"
exit 0
#if empty or something other than one quit and do nothing.
#the initial file has no value in it so errorcode is actually null
if [ -z "$errorcode" ]; then
#logger "CAPTUREPCAP: No Issue Found"
exit 0
#if capture has been reset by sending an echo 0 this will apply.
if [ $errorcode != "1" ]; then
#logger "CAPTUREPCAP: No Issue Found"
exit 0
logger "CAPTUREPCAP: Issue discovered, capturing"
#Kill all tcpdump tasks
killall -SIGINT tcpdump
sleep 2 #make sure the kill finishes
#turn off this script for the future
touch /tmp/nfsissuecaptured
# ssh into bucket node and stop tcpdump
ssh 'bash /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/pcaps/'
#store the pcaps into our working area so they can be sent to dell
rsync /tmp/pcaps/* /mnt/bucket/PNI-facilities/sw/gmcgrath/work/pcaps
exit 0
## notes and referrences.
#killall -SIGINT tcpdump
#sleep 2
#ps auxw |egrep "capture_control|tcpdump"
#tcp dump to run on node
#tcpdump -w /tmp/pcaps/$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S').$(hostname).em1.pcap -i em1 -s 640 -C 250 -W 100 -Z root
# original script this was built off of:
check-nfs () {
#this temp file holds the pid of the orphan shell that needs to be cleaned up
local TMPFILE=/tmp/checknfs.$$ RET=0 ORPHAN SUBSHELLPID
#arg checks
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
usage: check-nfs NFS-DIRECTORY...
Check if accessing any of NFS-DIRECTORY failed
return 1
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
read -t35 < <(echo $BASHPID >"$TMPFILE"; stat -t "$1" 2>/dev/null)
if [ "$?" -gt 128 ]; then
#echo "error: $1"
SUBSHELLPID=$(ps --ppid $ORPHAN -o pid=)
[ -n "$SUBSHELLPID" ] && kill -9 $SUBSHELLPID
kill -9 $ORPHAN
#if mount is hung notify
logger "CHECKNFS: $1 hung; attempting to fix"
echo 1 > /tmp/nfsmonitor.semaphore
umount -l $1
sleep 1
mount $1
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
logger "CHECKNFS: $1 fixed"
#only print success notification if it works
rm -f $TMPFILE
return "$RET"
#parse mount command and check all NFS mounts with check-nfs function
while read _ _ mount _; do
check-nfs "$mount"
done < <(mount -t nfs)
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