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Created June 13, 2014 21:31
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(ns community.location
(:require [community.routes :as routes :refer [routes]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(defn init-location! [app-state]
(routes/set-route! app-state)
(.addEventListener js/window "popstate" (partial routes/set-route-and-clear! app-state)))
(ns community.routes
(:require [community.util.routing :as r]))
(defn set-route! [app]
(let [route (routes (-> js/document .-location .-pathname))]
(swap! app assoc :route-data route)))
(defn set-route-and-clear! [app]
(let [previous-route (get-in @app [:route-data :route])]
(swap! app assoc previous-route nil)
(set-route! app)))
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