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Created December 30, 2023 02:23
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from tkinter import *
import threading
#Window Setup
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
horseCount = 0
hayCount = 0
stableCount = 0
trackCount = 0
looptime = 1
looptimeCost = 1
horseAmount = 1
hayAmount = 1
stableAmount = 1
trackAmount = 1
#Adding Functions
def AddHorse():
global horseCount
HorseCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HorseCounter.insert(0.0, horseCount)
def AddHay():
global hayCount
global horseCount
if horseCount >= 20*hayAmount:
hayCount +=hayAmount
horseCount -= 20*hayAmount
HayCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HayCounter.insert(0.0, hayCount)
HorseCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HorseCounter.insert(0.0, horseCount)
def AddStable():
global stableCount
global hayCount
if hayCount >= 20*stableAmount:
stableCount +=stableAmount
hayCount -= 20*stableAmount
StableCounter.delete(0.0, END)
StableCounter.insert(0.0, stableCount)
HayCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HayCounter.insert(0.0, hayCount)
def AddTrack():
global trackCount
global stableCount
if stableCount >= 20*trackAmount:
trackCount +=trackAmount
stableCount -= 20*trackAmount
StableCounter.delete(0.0, END)
StableCounter.insert(0.0, stableCount)
TrackCounter.delete(0.0, END)
TrackCounter.insert(0.0, trackCount)
def UpgradeLT():
global looptime ,looptimeCost, horseCount, hayCount, stableCount, trackCount
if trackCount >= looptimeCost and stableCount >= looptimeCost and hayCount >= looptimeCost and horseCount >= looptimeCost:
trackCount -= looptimeCost
stableCount -= looptimeCost
hayCount -= looptimeCost
horseCount -= looptimeCost
looptime /= 2
looptimeCost *= 10
Button(root, text="Speed upgrade is "+str(looptimeCost)+" of every object", width=112, height=1, bd=10, background="LightGreen", command=UpgradeLT).grid(row=4,column=0,columnspan=4)
def UpgradeHorse():
global horseAmount
global horseCount
if horseCount >= (10**horseAmount)*10:
horseCount -= (10**horseAmount)*10
horseAmount += 1
Button(root, text="Upgrade Horse :"+str(10**horseAmount)+"0", width=25, height=1, bd=10, background="LightCoral", command=UpgradeHorse).grid(row=5,column=0)
def UpgradeHay():
global hayAmount
global hayCount
if hayCount >= (10**hayAmount)*10:
hayCount -= (10**hayAmount)*10
hayAmount += 1
Button(root, text="Upgrade Hay :"+str(10**hayAmount)+"0", width=25, height=1, bd=10, background="Khaki", command=UpgradeHay).grid(row=5,column=1)
def UpgradeStable():
global stableAmount
global stableCount
if stableCount >= (10**stableAmount):
stableCount -= (10**stableAmount)
stableAmount += 1
Button(root, text="Upgrade Stables :"+str(10**stableAmount), width=25, height=1, bd=10, background="PowderBlue", command=UpgradeStable).grid(row=5,column=2)
def UpgradeTrack():
global trackAmount
global trackCount
if trackCount >= (10**trackAmount):
trackCount -= (10**trackAmount)
trackAmount += 1
Button(root, text="Upgrade Race Track :"+str(10**stableAmount), width=25, height=1, bd=10, background="Plum", command=UpgradeTrack).grid(row=5,column=3)
#Creating Buttons and counters
HorseCounter = Text(root, width=22, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue")
Button(root, text="Horse", width=25, height=1, bd=10, command=AddHorse).grid(row=2,column=0)
HayCounter = Text(root, width=22, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue")
Button(root, text="Hay", width=25, height=1, bd=10, command=AddHay).grid(row=2,column=1)
StableCounter = Text(root, width=22, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue")
Button(root, text="Stable", width=25, height=1, bd=10, command=AddStable).grid(row=2,column=2)
#Race Track
TrackCounter = Text(root, width=22, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue")
Button(root, text="Race Track", width=25, height=1, bd=10, command=AddTrack).grid(row=2,column=3)
#Information text
InfoText = Label(root, text = "Every object costs 20 of the previous (Horses are free)\n Every second, every object generates one of its previous", anchor="center" ,width=50, height=1, bd=10, background="Lightblue", font=("Helvetica", 11))
#Upgrade Title
InfoText = Label(root, text = "Upgrades", anchor="center" ,width=56, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue", font=("Helvetica", 18))
#Upgrade Title
InfoText = Label(root, text = " ", anchor="center" ,width=112, height=1, bd=10, background="steelblue", font=("Helvetica", 9))
#Running functions to set up upgrades
#Automatic adding function
def AutoAdd():
threading.Timer(looptime, AutoAdd).start()
global horseCount
global hayCount
global stableCount
#Adding the variables
stableCount += trackCount
hayCount += stableCount
horseCount += hayCount
#Adding method that still accounts for cost
#addTest = stableCount
#while addTest > 0:
# if horseCount >= 20:
# hayCount +=1
# horseCount -= 20
# addTest -= 1
#Diplaying the variables
HayCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HayCounter.insert(0.0, hayCount)
HorseCounter.delete(0.0, END)
HorseCounter.insert(0.0, horseCount)
StableCounter.delete(0.0, END)
StableCounter.insert(0.0, stableCount)
TrackCounter.delete(0.0, END)
TrackCounter.insert(0.0, trackCount)
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