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Last active December 17, 2015 12:29
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this is not a specific question. it is too broad; hard to say what is been asked here. I can answer
with a general reply, but I don't know how helpful it will be. This is not how questions are supposed
to be asked on SO, I think. Questions should be clear and specific, so that they, and the answers, can
be helpful to others as well. On SO, please ask one specific question.
Each DCG rule `rule(...)` corresponds to a Prolog predicate `rule(... , L, Z)`, where `L, Z` form a
difference-list. Your program is thus equivalent to:
<!-- language: lang-prolog -->
sentence2(VP, L, Z):- noun_phrase2(Actor, L, L2),
verb_phrase2(Actor, VP, L2, Z).
noun_phrase2(Name, L, Z):- properName(Name, L, Z).
verb_phrase2(Actor, VP, L, Z):- intrans_verb(Actor, VP, L, Z).
verb_phrase2(Somebody, VP, L, Z):- trans_verb(Somebody, Something, VP, L, L2),
noun_phrase2(Something, L2, Z).
properName(john, L, Z):-
L = [john | Z]. %// 'john' is present in the input stream
properName(mary, L, Z):-
L = [mary | Z]. %// 'mary' is present in the input stream
/* an alternative definition
properName(X) --> [X], { member(X, [john, mary]) }.
%% would be translated as
properName(X, L, Z):- L = [X | Z], member(X, [john, mary]).
intrans_verb(Actor, paints(Actor), L, Z):-
L = [paints | Z]. %// 'paints' is present in the input stream
trans_verb(Somebody, Something, likes(Somebody, Something), L, Z):-
L = [likes | Z]. %// 'likes' is present in the input stream
This is a straightforward Prolog program. You can interpret it as you would any other Prolog program.
DCG rules are easier and less error-prone, because the implementation takes care of the inner variables'
equalities: i.e. it puts those `L2`s in proper places automatically.
sentence2(VP) --> noun_phrase2(Actor),verb_phrase2(Actor, VP).
can be read as
* *an input is classified as `sentence2(VP)` if its initial part is classified as
`noun_phrase2(Actor)`, and the following part is classified as
`verb_phrase2(Actor, VP)`.*
* *a relation `sentence2(VP, L, Z)` holds for a portion of list `L` before `Z`, if
a relation `noun_phrase2(Actor, L, L2)` holds for a portion of list `L` before `L2`,
and relation `verb_phrase2(Actor, VP, L2, Z)` holds for a portion of list `L2`
before `Z`.*
noun_phrase2(Name) --> properName(Name).
verb_phrase2(Actor, VP) --> intrans_verb(Actor, VP).
verb_phrase2(Somebody, VP) --> trans_verb(Somebody, Something, VP),
properName(john) --> [john].
properName(mary) --> [mary].
intrans_verb(Actor, paints(Actor)) --> [paints].
trans_verb(Somebody, Something, likes(Somebody, Something)) --> [likes].
This can generate all possible sentences, too:
3 ?- sentence2(X,Y,[]).
X = paints(john),
Y = [john, paints] ;
X = likes(john, john),
Y = [john, likes, john] ;
X = likes(john, mary),
Y = [john, likes, mary] ;
X = paints(mary),
Y = [mary, paints] ;
X = likes(mary, john),
Y = [mary, likes, john] ;
X = likes(mary, mary),
Y = [mary, likes, mary].
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