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Last active March 16, 2018 09:33
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ps = sv [2..]
sv (p:t) = [p] ++ sv [n | n <- t, rem n p > 0]
ps = sv [2..]
sv (p:t) = [p] ++ sv (t \\ [p, p+p..])
ps = 2 : sv [[p*p, p*p+p..] | p <- ps] [3..]
sv (cs@(q:_):r) (span (< q) -> (h,t)) = h ++ sv r (t \\ cs)
-- h ++ (t & (\\ cs) & sv r)
ps = 2 : [n | (r:q:_, px) <- (zip . tails . (2:) . map (^2) <*> inits) ps,
(n,True) <- assocs ( accumArray (const id) True (r+1,q-1)
[(m,False) | p <- px, s <- [ (r+p)`div`p*p ],
m <- [s,s+p..q-1]] :: UArray Int Bool )]
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.List (tails, inits)
import Control.Applicative (<*>)
ps = sv [2..]
sv [p, ...t...] = [p, [n | n <- t, rem n p > 0]...]
ps = sv [2..]
sv [p, ...t...] = [p, (t \\ [p, p+p..])...]
ps = 2 : sv [[p*p, p*p+p..] | p <- ps] [3..]
sv [cs@[q, ...], ...r...] [...h... |h < q|, ...t...] =
[...h..., r (t \\ cs)...]
-- or:
sv [[q, ...cs...], ...r...] [...h..., q, ...t...] =
[...h..., r (t \\ cs)...]
Evolution of the Sieve ..... with (\\) = O.minus, union = O.union
fix $ map head . scanl (\\) [2..] . map (\p -> [p, p+p..])
fix $ map head . scanl ((\\).tail) [2..] . map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+p..])
fix $ map head . scanl (\(_:t) p -> t \\ [p*p, p*p+p..]) [2..]
fix $ map head . scanl (flip $ \p -> (\\ [p*p, p*p+p..]) . tail) [2..]
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (flip $ \p -> second (\\ [p*p, p*p+p..]) . splitAt 1 . snd) ([2], [3..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (flip $ \p -> second (\\ [p*p, p*p+p..]) . span (< p*p) . snd) ([2], [3..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (flip $ \cs@(q:_) -> second (\\ cs) . span (< q) . snd) ([2], [3..])
. map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+p..])
fix $ (2:) . ([3..] \\) . foldr (++) [] . map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+p..])
where (\\)=O.minus; (++)(x:xs)=(x:).O.union xs -- Richard Bird's
2 : _Y ((3:) . ([5,7..] \\) . unionAll . map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+2*p..]))
fix $ (fst =<<)
. scanl ((_,r) p -> case span (< p*p) r of (h,t) -> (h, t \\ [p*p, p*p+p..]))
([2], [3..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (\(_,(cs,r)) p -> let (h,t) = span (< p*p) r ; (a,b) = span (< p*p) cs in
(h \\ a, (union b [p*p, p*p+p..], t)) )
([2], ([], [3..]))
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (\(_,(ms,r)) p -> let{(h,t) = span (< p*p) r
; (a,b) = span (< p*p) cs ; cs = } in
(h \\ a, ([p*p, p*p+p..]:b, t)) ) -- go segmented already ........
([2], ([], [3..]))
-- this is hard because it follows PUSH semantics.... Bird's etc is PULL PULL PULL semantics
-- so, obv, 'segmented' is this (again) (with the imaginary parallel list comprehension syntax):
ps = 2 : [n | (r:q:_, px) <- (tails . (2:) . map (^2) &&& inits) ps,
(n,True) <- assocs ( accumArray (const id) True (r+1,q-1)
[(m,False) | p <- px, s <- [ (r+p)`div`p*p ],
m <- [s,s+p..q-1]] :: UArray Int Bool )]
and to add WHEELS to it, just find out START and PHASE for each prime on each segment;
and roll the WHEEL from there.
find how to pack 8 into 32 better; etc.
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl
(\(_,xs) -> \case p | (h,t) <- span (< p*p) xs -> (h, t \\ [p*p, p*p+p..])) ([2], [3..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (flip $ \p (span (< p*p) . snd -> (h, t)) ->
(h, t \\ [p*p, p*p+p..])) ([2], [3..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (\(_,b) cs@(q:_) ->
case span (< q) b of (h, t) -> (h, t \\ cs)) ([2], [3..])
. map (\p -> [p*p, p*p+p..])
fix $ (fst =<<) . scanl (\(_,r) p ->
case span (< p*p) r of (h, t) -> (h, t \\ [p*p, p*p+p..])) ([2], [3..])
with unfold f a | (xs,b) <- f a = xs ++ unfold f b
so that unfold f = concat . unfoldr (Just . f)
unfold (\a@(1:p:_) -> ([p], a \\ map (*p) a)) [1..] -- Euler's sieve
unfold (\(p:xs) -> ([p], xs \\ map (*p) (p:xs))) [2..]
unfold (\(p:xs) -> ([p], xs \\ [p, p+p..])) [2..] -- the basic sieve
unfold (\(p:xs) -> ([p], xs \\ [p*p, p*p+p..])) [2..]
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