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(define (make-letter destination message)
(define (dispatch x)
(cond ((eq? x 'get-destination) destination)
((eq? x 'get-message) message)
(else "Invalid option.")))
(define (make-mailbox address)
(let ((T '()))
(define (add-post letter)
WillNess / gist:5584750
Last active December 17, 2015 09:08
enum & search 500 X 500
Prelude Data.List> length [(x, y*y) | y <-[1..31], a<-[1..499],
b<-[a..div 500 a-1], let x=a*b, 5<x, x<500, mod y x == 0]
(0.41 secs, 16891796 bytes)
Prelude Data.List> length [(x, y*y) | y <-[1..31], a<-[1..499],
b<-[a..div 500 a-1], let x=a*b, 5<x, mod y x == 0]
(0.37 secs, 15572324 bytes)
this is not a specific question. it is too broad; hard to say what is been asked here. I can answer
with a general reply, but I don't know how helpful it will be. This is not how questions are supposed
to be asked on SO, I think. Questions should be clear and specific, so that they, and the answers, can
be helpful to others as well. On SO, please ask one specific question.
Each DCG rule `rule(...)` corresponds to a Prolog predicate `rule(... , L, Z)`, where `L, Z` form a
difference-list. Your program is thus equivalent to:
<!-- language: lang-prolog -->
primes4 :: [Integer]
primes4 = iterate
(\p -> ([x |
x <- [p + 1 ..],
all (\p -> x `mod` p /= 0) $
takeWhile (\p-> p*p <= x) primes4 ] !! 0)
primes5 :: [Integer]
it's kind of a [paramorphism][2]. Encoded via `foldr + tails`,
import Data.List (tails)
foo :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
foo g k = foldr (\xs r -> case xs of [x] -> k x; (x:_) -> g x r) undefined
. init . tails
Richard Bird in his 2010 book "Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design" gives it a
special name, [`foldrn`][1], with a direct implementation which follows the usual
fix$(<$>)<$>(:)<*>((<$>((:[{- thor's mother -}])<$>))(=<<)<$>(*)<$>(*2))$1
fix $ (<$>) <$> (:) <*>
( (<$> ((:[]) <$>) ) (=<<)
-- |----\~~~~~~~~~/-|
$ 1
fix $ (fmap . (:)) <*>
(define (prl k m)
(define (print-line n)
(cond ((> n 0) (display n)
(print-line (- n 1)))
(else (newline))))
(print-line k)
(cond ((> m 1) (prl (+ k 1) (- m 1)))))
(defun prl (k m) ; (define (prl k m)
(prog (n)
Actually, with just some minor and cosmetic edits, your code becomes the *very* nice:
> -- map (*i) [i ..] == map (*i) [i, i+1 ..] == [i*i, i*i+i ..]
> -- sieve 2 [] where sieve i [] = (i:) $ sieve (i + 1) [i*i, i*i+i ..]
> -- == 2 : sieve 3 [4, 6 ..]
> primesA :: [Integer]
> primesA = 2 : sieve 3 [4, 6 ..]
> --
> sieve p cs@(c : t)
> | p == c = sieve (p + 1) t
Hmm, very interesting. Your code is actual honest to goodness ***genuine sieve of Eratosthenes*** IMHO, counting its way along the ascending natural numbers by decrementing each counter that it sets up for each prime encountered, by 1 on each step.
And it is very inefficient. [Tested on Ideone]( it runs at the same empirical order of growth `~ n^2.2` (at the tested range of few thousand primes produced) as the famously inefficient [Turner's trial division sieve]( (in Haskell).
Why? Several reasons. ***First***, no early bailout in your test: when you detect it's a composite, you continue processing the array of counters, `sieve`. You have to, because of the ***second reason***: you count the difference by decrementing each counter by 1 on each step, with 0 representing your current position. This is the most faithful expression of the original sieve IMHO, and it is very inefficient: today our CPUs know how to add numbers in O(1) time (if those numbers belon
WillNess / nubBy.hs
Last active December 17, 2015 23:59
nubBy's correctness and efficiency in ( nubBy (((==0).).rem) [2..] ) see also:
nubBy (((==0).).rem) $ [2..] -- (\a b-> rem a b == 0) -- a > b
tsieve (x:xs) = x : tsieve (filter (\a b-> not (rem a b == 0)) xs) -- a > b
-- | The 'nubBy' function behaves just like 'nub', except it uses a
-- user-supplied equality predicate instead of the overloaded '=='
-- function.
nubBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]