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Last active June 21, 2023 10:06
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Node Red / OpenPLC / Modbus
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"name": "6502 Status Register Example - NV0BDIZC",
"info": "7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0\nN\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC\n\nNote: bit 5 in the 6502 processor is always 0.",
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"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"name": "Bit 5 in the 6502 status register is always 0",
"info": "B - Break - Set when a BRK opcode has been executed, is only written to the stack",
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"z": "8d032cedaac7f1a0",
"name": "B - Break - Set when a BRK opcode has been executed, is only written to the stack",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"name": "D - Decimal - Decimal flag",
"info": "Note: The Famicom/NES does not have a decimal mode.",
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"z": "8d032cedaac7f1a0",
"name": "I - Interrupt - Set to disable interrupts (deprecated)",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"name": "Z - Zero - Set when operation results in a zero value",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
"x": 590,
"y": 440,
"wires": []
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"type": "comment",
"z": "8d032cedaac7f1a0",
"name": "C - Carry - Carry for arithmetic operations and compares",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"z": "8d032cedaac7f1a0",
"name": "The 6502 follows a little-endian byte ordering.",
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"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "6502 Status Register Example - NV0BDIZC",
"info": "7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0\nN\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC\n\nNote: bit 5 in the 6502 processor is always 0.",
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"name": "N- Negative - Set when operation results in a negative value (bit 7 set)",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"type": "comment",
"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "V - Overflow - Set when arithmetic operation or compare results in an overflow value",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"type": "comment",
"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "Bit 5 in the 6502 status register is always 0",
"info": "B - Break - Set when a BRK opcode has been executed, is only written to the stack",
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"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "B - Break - Set when a BRK opcode has been executed, is only written to the stack",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"type": "comment",
"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "D - Decimal - Decimal flag",
"info": "Note: The Famicom/NES does not have a decimal mode.",
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"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"name": "Z - Zero - Set when operation results in a zero value",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"name": "C - Carry - Carry for arithmetic operations and compares",
"info": "N\tV\t0\tB\tD\tI\tZ\tC",
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"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "The 6502 follows a little-endian byte ordering. It's important to note",
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"type": "comment",
"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "in this example, we are simulating an 8-bit register by assigning ",
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"z": "7eb2d70e8ea91d6d",
"name": "8 addresses as if they represent individual bits.",
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