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Last active March 19, 2019 22:25
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Ruby Bowling Game Kata
set -o nounset # unset variables are errors
if [ -d $HOME/.rvm ]; then
echo "RVM /w Ruby is already installed on your machine."
echo "********************** RVM & RUBY INSTALL ************************"
echo "RVM /w Ruby is not installed."
echo "You may be prompted for root credentials to complete the install."
echo "******************************************************************"
sudo bash -c "apt update && apt upgrade -y"
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
echo -e "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm " >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
gem install bundler
sudo bash -c "apt autoremove && apt clean -y"
# Focus on the initial spec. Implement the simplest code to make the test pass. Once test passes, refactor the code to simplify.
# Here are the specs:
# 1) Scoring basics - 10 frames, 10 pins used for scoring, minimum score is 0 and a max is 300.
# 2) Implement basic scoring - 10 frames of 2 rolls each. Normal rolls are 1 point per pin.
# 3) Strikes and spare strikes - 1 roll to knock all 10 are strikes (X), 2 rolls to knock all 10 are spares (/).
# 4) Scoring strikes - If first throw, (10+a). If spare, 10 + a. Max 30 for first, max 20 for second.
# 5) Focus on frames for scoring - score is a sum of individual frames. Note: strikes causes frame crossover.
# 6) Implement spare scoring - Spare scoring crossing frames still count for that frame.
# 7) Scoring a strike - Finish implementing logic from #3.
# 8) Implement scoring considering strikes - Strike scoring crossing frames still count for that frame.
# 9) 10th Frame - If strike or spare is rolled, bowler gets extra ball. This should make it 21 or less rolls.
createbranch() {
git checkout -b $1
mergebranch() {
git checkout master
git merge $1
git branch -D $1
if [ -d $PROJECT ]; then
echo "Path '$PROJECT' already exists."
mkdir $PROJECT && cd $PROJECT
git init .
echo "*.gem
*.lock" >> .gitignore
echo "source ''
gem 'rspec'" >> Gemfile
bundle install
mkdir app spec
touch .rspec app/game.rb spec/spec_helper.rb spec/bowling_game_spec.rb
rspec #sanity check. You should see '0 examples, 0 failures'
#Not used but this kata is normally where our spec configuration goes
echo "RSpec.configure do |config|
end" >> spec/spec_helper.rb
echo "class Game
end" >> app/game.rb
echo "require 'spec_helper'
require_relative '../app/game'
describe Game do
before :each do
@game =
describe '#new' do
it 'just get ' do
expect(@game).to be_an_instance_of Game
end" >> spec/bowling_game_spec.rb
rspec #passes...we just want to get a test going for initial TDD. Afterwards, we'll start the "fail/pass" paradigm.
git status
git add -A && git commit -am "Initial commit."
#****** TODO: Rest of "how we got here" in this script. *********
echo "Script Complete."
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