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CSC1021: Assignment 2: Pizza Ordering System
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - Pizza
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: This class models a pizza and has calculations for finding its costs and total costs.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Pizza
private ArrayList<PizzaTopping> tops = new ArrayList<PizzaTopping>(); //Initializing Array list for storing PizzaToppings.
private PizzaBase base; //Initializing the base using parameters declared in the PizzaBase class constructor..
private int bInput; //Initializing selection variable for PizzaChoice method.
private int tInput; //Initializing selection variable for PizzaChoice method.
private int pIn; //Initializing selection variable for PizzaMenu method.
public Pizza() //Initializing Constructor for the pizza object.
{ //There is no main method in this class.
this.setPizzaBase(base); //Calls set method for base.
this.tops = new ArrayList<PizzaTopping>(); //toppings in this method = t throughout this class.
public void setPizzaBase(PizzaBase base) //Set method for pizza base.
this.base = base; //base in this method = base used throughout this class.
public void addTopping(PizzaTopping topping) //Method for adding toping to the pizza topping list.
public double pizzaCost() //Method for finding the cost of the pizza.
double cost = base.getCost(); //Declares cost and calls get cost method for the pizza base.
for(PizzaTopping topping : tops) //For loop for each element in the pizza toping array list.
cost += topping.getCost(); //Toping cost getter that adds onto the cost variable.
return cost; //returns the cost of the pizza.
public void total() //Method for order summary.
boolean Tveg = false;
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //Initialize "newLine" to enter a newline when entered in a system.out statement.
System.out.print("\t---------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints top border.
System.out.format("\t%15s%21s", "-Ingredients-", "-Price- "+ newLine); //Prints header for the table.
System.out.print("\t---------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
System.out.printf("\t%-15s:%15s", base.getName(), base.getCost()); //Print the pizza Base.
for(PizzaTopping topping : tops) //for loop for every pizza topping.
System.out.printf(newLine + "\t%-15s:%15s", topping.getName(), topping.getCost()); //Prints every pizza topping and its price.
if(topping.getVeg() == true) //If topping is vegetarian set Tveg to true for if loop later.
Tveg = true;
if(base.getVeg() == true || Tveg == true) //If base or any topping is not vegetarian, print statement.
System.out.println("\n\n\tNot suitable for vegetarians");
else if(base.getVeg() == false && Tveg == false) //If both base and all toppings are false, print statement.
System.out.println("\n\n\tSuitable for vegetarians");
System.out.printf(newLine + "\t%-15s:%15s","Total Cost", pizzaCost()); //displays total pizza dcost.
System.out.print(newLine + "\t---------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
//******************************Get and set methods for other pizzaChoice and pizzaMenu class selections******************************//
public int getbInput() //Get base input method for the PizzaChoice class.
return bInput;
public void setbInput(int bInput) //Set base input method for the pizzaChoice class.
this.bInput = bInput;
public int gettInput() //Get topping input method for the pizzaChoice class.
return tInput;
public void settInput(int tInput) //Get topping input method for the pizzaChoice class.
this.tInput = tInput;
public int getpIn()
return pIn;
public void setpIn(int pIn)
this.pIn = pIn;
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - PizzaBase
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: This class models a pizza base and topping.
public class PizzaBase
private String Name; //Declare cost name.
private double Cost; //Declare base cost.
private boolean vegetarian; //Declare vegetarian boolean.
//No main method
public PizzaBase() //Constructor for pizza base.
setName(Name); //Sets object's name using a setter method.
setCost(Cost); //Sets object's cost using a setter method.
setVeg(vegetarian); //Sets object's boolean for vegetarian using a setter method.
public String getName() //Base name getter method.
return Name;
public void setName(String Name) //Base name setter method.
this.Name = Name; //Base name in this method = Base name throughout this class.
public double getCost() //Base cost getter method.
return Cost; //Base cost in this method = Base cost throughout this class.
public void setCost(double Cost) //Base cost setter method.
this.Cost = Cost;
public boolean getVeg() //Vegetarian boolean getter method.
return vegetarian; //Vegetarian boolean in this method = Vegetarian boolean throughout this class.
public void setVeg(boolean vegetarian) //Vegetarian boolean setter method.
this.vegetarian = vegetarian;
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - PizzaBuild
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: A pizza build program that will build a predefined pizza to demonstrate
// the Pizza, PizzaTopping and PizzaBase classes.
public class PizzaBuild
public static void main(String[] args) //Main method.
Pizza pizza = new Pizza(); //New pizza object.
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("thin", 2.50, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce", 0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese", 0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Ham", 1.25, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Pineapple", 1.25, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.; //Calls the total method for the pizza object.
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - PizzaChoice
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: A class that will show the user a menu of bases and toppings modeled on previous classes
// and takes the user selection. It will then build a pizza modeled according to the pizza class
// and call the method "" to show a summary and the total cost of the pizza.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaChoice
private static ArrayList<PizzaBase> bases = new ArrayList<PizzaBase>(); //Array List for the pizza base menu.
private static ArrayList<PizzaTopping> tops = new ArrayList<PizzaTopping>(); //Array List for the pizza topping menu.
private static Scanner keyboard; //Initialize scanner for user input.
private static int bInput; //Integer for user base selection.
private static int tInput; //Integer for user topping selection.
public static void addBase(PizzaBase base) //Method for adding bases to the base menu.
public static void addTop(PizzaTopping topping) //Method for adding toppings to the topping menu.
public static void main(String[] args) //Main method.
Pizza pizza = new Pizza(); //Creates new pizza object according to the pizza class.
//************Adds pizza bases to the base menu************//
addBase(new PizzaTopping("Thin",2.50,false));
addBase(new PizzaTopping("Thick",3.00,false));
addBase(new PizzaTopping("Stuffed crust", 4.50,false));
baseMenu(pizza); //Calls the bases menu.
baseChoice(pizza); //Tries the baseChoice method.
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) //Catches error thrown by the baseChoice method.
System.out.println("Invalid selection, please select again"); //Shows user error method.
baseChoice(pizza); //Continues baseChoice method.
//************Adds pizza toppings to topping menu************//
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce",0.50, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("BBQ Sauce", 0.50, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Cheese", 0.50, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Ham", 1.25, true));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Pepperoni", 1.50, true));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Bacon", 2.00, true));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Chicken", 1.75, true));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Ground Beef", 1.50, true));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Mushrooms", 0.75, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Onions", 0.75, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Peppers", 1.00, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Pineapple", 1.25, false));
addTop(new PizzaTopping("Sweetcorn", 0.50, false));
toppingMenu(pizza); //Calls the topping menu method.
toppingChoice(pizza); //Tries the toppingChoice method.
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) //Catches the error thrown by toppingChoice method.
System.out.println("Invalid selection, please select again"); //Shows user error message.
toppingChoice(pizza); //Continues toppingChoice method.
}; //Calls total method that shows summary of pizza bases, toppings and price.
public static void baseMenu(Pizza pizza) //Method for printing table of pizza bases (printing array list).
int i = 1; //Int i for labelling bases for user.
keyboard = new Scanner(; //Declaring keyboard as scanner, else null pointer exception will occur.
System.out.println("Pizza base selection");
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //Initialize "newLine" to enter a newline when entered in a system.out statement.
System.out.print("\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints top border.
System.out.format("\t%15s%21s", "-Bases-", "-Price- "+ newLine); //Prints header for the table.
System.out.print("\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
for(PizzaBase base : bases) //for loop for every pizza base in bases menu.
System.out.printf(newLine + "\t%5s. %-15s:%10s", i, base.getName(), base.getCost()); //Prints every pizza base and its price.
i++; //Adds 1 to i for base labeling.
System.out.print(newLine + "\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
public static void baseChoice(Pizza pizza) //Method for choosing the base.
System.out.println("Please enter your choice of base by entering its respective number."); //System out message for user.
bInput = keyboard.nextInt(); //Uses user input as bInput.
if(bInput<1||bInput>3) //If statement for if the input is not valid.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nMust enter a number between 1 and 3.\nPlease run again."); //Throws exception.
else if(bInput == 1) //Else if loop for setting the pizza base.
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("Thin", 2.50, false)); //Creates new pizza base and sets it for pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Thin'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(bInput == 2)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("Thick", 3, false)); //Creates new pizza base and sets it for pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Thick'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(bInput == 3)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("Stuffed", 4.50, false)); //Creates new pizza base and sets it for pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Stuffed crust'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
pizza.setbInput(bInput); //Sets bInput .
public static void toppingMenu(Pizza pizza) //Method for printing table of pizza toppings (printing array list).
int i = 1; //Int i for labelling bases for user.
System.out.println("Pizza topping selection");
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //Initialize "newLine" to enter a newline when entered in a system.out statement.
System.out.print("\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints top border.
System.out.format("\t%15s%21s", "-Toppings-", "-Price- "+ newLine); //Prints header for the table.
System.out.print("\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
for(PizzaTopping topping : tops) //for loop for every pizza topping.
System.out.printf(newLine + "\t%5s. %-15s:%10s", i, topping.getName(), topping.getCost()); //Prints every pizza topping and its price.
i++; //Adds 1 to i for base labeling.
System.out.print(newLine + "\t------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
public static void toppingChoice(Pizza pizza) //Method for topping selection.
System.out.println("Please select your toppings by entering their respective numbers." //Print out statement for user.
+ "\nEnter 0 at any time to end the selection.\n");
do //Do while loop for while tInput does not equal 0.
tInput = keyboard.nextInt(); //Takes user input as tInput.
pizza.settInput(tInput); //Sets tInput.
if(tInput<-1||tInput>13) //If tInput is outside of selection throws error message.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nMust enter a number between 0 and 13.\nPlease run again.");
else if(tInput == 0) //Else if statement for topping selection.
System.out.println("End of topping selection."); //If 0 is entered, break.
else if(tInput == 1) //Topping selections.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce", .50, false)); //Creates new topping and adds to pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Tomato Sauce'."); //Confirmation message.
else if(tInput == 2)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("BBQ", .50, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'BBQ Sauce'.");
else if(tInput == 3)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese", .50, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Cheese'.");
else if(tInput == 4)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Ham", 1.25, true));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Ham'.");
else if(tInput == 5)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Pepperoni", 1.50, true));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Pepperoni'.");
else if(tInput == 6)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Bacon", 2.00, true));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Bacon'.");
else if(tInput == 7)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Chicken", 1.75, true));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Chicken'.");
else if(tInput == 8)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Ground Beef", 1.50, true));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Ground Beef'.");
else if(tInput == 9)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Mushrooms", 0.75, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Mushrooms'.");
else if(tInput == 10)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Onions", 0.75, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Onions'.");
else if(tInput == 11)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Peppers", 1.00, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Peppers'.");
else if(tInput == 12)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Pineapple", 1.25, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Pineapple'.");
else if(tInput == 13)
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Sweetcorn", 0.50, false));
System.out.println("You've selected 'Sweetcorn'.");
} while(tInput != 0); //If tInput is 0 then do...while loop ends.
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - PizzaChoice
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: A class that will show the user a menu of bases and toppings modeled on previous classes
// and takes the user selection. It will then build a pizza modeled according to the pizza class
// and call the method "" to show a summary and the total cost of the pizza.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaMenu
private static int pIn; //Initialize variable for pizza selection.
private static Scanner keyboard; //Initialize scanner for user input.
public static void main(String[] args) //Main method
Pizza pizza = new Pizza(); //New pizza object.
menu(pizza); //Calls menu method.
try //Try menu selection method (user input)
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) //Catches error thrown by the menu selection method.
System.out.println("Invalid selection, please select again"); //Shows user error method.
menuSelect(pizza); //Continues menu selection method.
}; //Pizza summary method.
public static void menu(Pizza pizza) //Method for printing table of pizzas.
keyboard = new Scanner(; //Declaring keyboard as scanner, else null pointer exception will occur.
System.out.println("Pizza selection");
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //Initialize "newLine" to enter a newline when entered in a system.out statement.
System.out.print("\t-----------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints top border.
System.out.format("\t%15s%25s", "-Pizzas-", "-Description- "+ newLine); //Prints header for the table.
System.out.print("\t-----------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
System.out.format("\t%-5s%1s\t\t%10s", "1.", "Margherita", "Cheese and tomato" + newLine); //Prints strings that contain pizza name and a brief...
System.out.format("\t%-5s%1s\t\t%10s", "2.", "Hawaiian", "Ham and pineapple" + newLine); //... description.
System.out.format("\t%-5s%1s\t\t%10s", "3.", "Americano", "Chicken, pepperoni and onions" + newLine);
System.out.format("\t%-5s%1s\t\t%10s", "4.", "TexasBBQ", "Chicken, peppers and Bacon" + newLine);
System.out.format("\t%-5s%1s\t\t%10s", "5.", "Veggie", "Peppers, mushrooms, onions and sweetcorn" + newLine);
System.out.print(newLine + "\t-----------------------------------------" + newLine); //Prints border.
public static void menuSelect(Pizza pizza)
System.out.println("Please enter your pizza by entering its respective number."); //System out message for user.
pIn = keyboard.nextInt(); //Uses user input as pIn.
if(pIn<1||pIn>5) //If statement for if the input is not valid.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nMust enter a number between 1 and 5.\nPlease run again."); //Throws exception.
else if(pIn == 1) //Else if loop for setting the pizza base.
margherita(pizza); //Calls margherita method that builds the pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Margherita'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(pIn == 2)
hawaiian(pizza); //Calls hawaiian method that builds the pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Hawaiian'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(pIn == 3)
americano(pizza); //Calls americano method that builds the pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Americano'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(pIn == 4)
texasBBQ(pizza); //Calls texasBBQ method that builds the pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'TexasBBQ'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
else if(pIn == 5)
veggie(pizza); //Calls veggie method that builds the pizza.
System.out.println("You've selected 'Veggie'.\n"); //Confirmation message for user.
//******************************Predefined pizza methods for the menu******************************//
public static void margherita(Pizza pizza)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("thin", 2.50, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
public static void hawaiian(Pizza pizza)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("thin", 2.50, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Ham",1.25, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Pineapple",1.25, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
public static void americano(Pizza pizza)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("Stuffed crust", 4.50, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("BBQ Sauce",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Chicken",1.75, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Pepperoni",1.50, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Onion",0.75, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
public static void texasBBQ(Pizza pizza)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("thick", 3.00, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("BBQ Sauce",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Chicken",1.75, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Peppers",1.00, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Bacon",2.00, true)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
public static void veggie(Pizza pizza)
pizza.setPizzaBase(new PizzaTopping("thin", 2.50, false)); //Creates and adds base object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Tomato Sauce",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Cheese",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Peppers",1.00, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Mushrooms",0.75, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Onions",0.75, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
pizza.addTopping(new PizzaTopping("Sweetcorn",0.50, false)); //Creates and adds topping object to the pizza object.
//Name: Will Wetzel - 130251255
//Program: Project two - PizzaTopping
//Module: CSC1021 - Programming I
//Description: This class extends PizzaBase and builds the base and toppings.
public class PizzaTopping extends PizzaBase
//No main method
public PizzaTopping(String Name, double Cost, boolean vegetarian) //Pizza topping constructor.
setName(Name); //Sets the object's name using a set method.
setCost(Cost); //Sets the object's cost using a set method.
setVeg(vegetarian); //Sets object's boolean for vegetarian using a setter method.
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