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#!/usr/bin/env cashrun
# usage:
# $ monotonic foo
# > 0
# $ monotonic foo
# > 1
# $ monotonic foo
# > 2
# $ monotonic bar
#!/usr/bin/env cashrun
require "uri"
require "json"
require "http/client"
class SearchResults
include JSON::Serializable
property searchType : String

Figma Local Server

A few months ago, Zoom caught a lot of attention for running a local webserver in the background after installing their desktop app. They did this to avoid the "Do you want to open this link in Zoom" prompt that appears in most web browsers.

Figma's desktop app does the same thing. When opening a link to a Figma document, the webapp will make a call to with userID and url parameters. If it determines that it can in fact open the url, then the webapp will make a call to with the same parameters.

After some quick investigation, it turns out this resolves to

# with this, appropriate as_n_tuple methods are generated as used
class Array(T)
macro method_missing(call)
{% if =~ /as_(\d+)_tuple(\?)/ %}
def as_{{$1}}_tuple{{$2}}
{% for j in 0..($1 - 1) %}
{% end %}
$ git add vendor/radix
warning: adding embedded git repository: vendor/radix
hint: You've added another git repository inside your current repository.
hint: Clones of the outer repository will not contain the contents of
hint: the embedded repository and will not know how to obtain it.
hint: If you meant to add a submodule, use:
hint: git submodule add <url> vendor/radix
hint: If you added this path by mistake, you can remove it from the
class User {
lists: Array(List)
class List {
tasks: Array(Task)
name: String
class Task {
$ tree -L 2 /media
├── bigboi
│   ├── lost+found
│   └── Movies
├── disk
├── extra
└── library
├── das
├── Internet Videos
git pull &&\
git rebase develop &&\
git push &&\
git checkout develop &&\
git merge --no-ff - &&\
git push &&\
echo "all done 🎉"
Willamin / git-days
Last active October 11, 2019 20:48
AUTHOR="Will Lewis"
git log --all --date=format:'%a %Y-%m-%d' --format='%ad %aN %s' |\
rg $AUTHOR |\
awk -v i=1 'NR>1 && $1!=p { print "" }{ p=$1 } 1' |\
tail -r |\