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Last active June 2, 2022 09:26
Cardano-node send transaction script
cat << "EOF"
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if [ -z "$CNODEDIRADDR" ]; then
echo CNODEDIRADDR env variable set to $CNODEDIRADDR
echo what is your address/skey/vkey default directory
read addr_dir
if [ -z "$CNODENETWORKMAGIC" ]; then
echo what is your network magic number?
read networkmagic
echo lets calculate the necassary fees, first lets find protocol parameters
echo and put them in the protocol.json
cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
--testnet-magic $networkmagic > protocol.json
echo $(find $addr_dir*.skey)
echo name of input addr .skey file
read input_addr_skey
echo how many slots do you want the transaction to have time to live before going invalid?
cardano-cli get-tip --socket-path $CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH --config $CNODECONFIG > gettipfile
currentslot=$(awk 'NR==5 {print $2}' gettipfile)
echo keep in mind the current slot is $currentslot and the slot number should be higher than this
read ttl
echo now lets calculate the minimum fees for one input, two outputs the ada and the change back
cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
--tx-in-count 1 \
--tx-out-count 2 \
--ttl $ttl \
--testnet-magic $networkmagic \
--signing-key-file $addr_dir$input_addr_skey \
--protocol-params-file protocol.json > minfeefile
min_fee=$(awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' minfeefile)
min_fee_ada=$(awk 'NR==1 {print $2/1000000}' minfeefile)
echo minimum fee $min_fee lovelace or $min_fee_ada ADA
echo what address will you use for sending ADA?
echo $(find $addr_dir*.addr)
read send_addr
send_actual_addr=$(cat $addr_dir$send_addr)
echo lets look at the TxHash of address and select one
cardano-cli shelley query filtered-utxo \
--address $(cat $addr_dir$send_addr) \
--testnet-magic 42 > txhashfile
awk '{print NR, $1, $2, $3,"\n"}' txhashfile
echo select line number for account you want to use
read txhashnumber
txhash=$(awk 'NR=="'"$txhashnumber"'" {print $1}' txhashfile)
txix=$(awk 'NR=="'"$txhashnumber"'" {print $2}' txhashfile)
addr_lovelace=$(awk 'NR=="'"$txhashnumber"'" {print $3}' txhashfile)
addr_ada=$(awk 'NR=="'"$txhashnumber"'" {print $3/1000000}' txhashfile)
echo you will use $txhash TxHash and TxIx $txix
echo account has $addr_lovelace number of lovelace or $addr_ada ADA
echo what is the address value of the recieving address
read recieving_addr
echo how much ada do you want to send, warning NOT in lovelace
read ada_to_send
let "lovelace_to_send=ada_to_send * 1000000"
echo ok you are sending $lovelace_to_send lovelace or $ada_to_send ADA
let "lovelace_left=$addr_lovelace - $min_fee - $lovelace_to_send"
let "ada_left=lovelace_left / 1000000"
echo the lovelace that will be left in the account is $lovelace_left or $ada_left ADA
echo this is after sending $lovelace_to_send lovelace or $ada_to_send ADA
echo you are sending to address $recieving_addr from $send_actual_addr please confirm by hitting enter or abort with ctrl c
read hitenter
sleep 1
echo we are building the transaction now
cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
--tx-in $txhash#$txix \
--tx-out $recieving_addr+$lovelace_to_send \
--tx-out $send_actual_addr+$lovelace_left \
--ttl $ttl \
--fee $min_fee \
--tx-body-file tx001.raw
sleep 1
echo we are now signing the transaction
cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
--tx-body-file tx001.raw \
--signing-key-file $addr_dir$input_addr_skey \
--testnet-magic $networkmagic \
--tx-file tx001.signed
sleep 1
echo we are now submitting the transaction
cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
--tx-filepath tx001.signed \
--testnet-magic $networkmagic
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