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Created September 18, 2015 06:15
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  • Save WilliamBerryiii/ca9113053b4f6ef7831c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WilliamBerryiii/ca9113053b4f6ef7831c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add an event to the Scriptrock Timeline that includes the company favicon for branding.
# A reuseable enum for meduim types
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum EventStatus
ERROR = 0,
OK = 2
# source and applicance configuration
$siteUrl = ''
$appliance = ""
$apiKey = "api_key"
$secretKey = "secret_key"
#event variables
$eventStatus = [EventStatus]::OK -as [int]
$eventType = 'Deployment'
$eventAction = 'Deployed'
$eventSOurce = ''
$duration = 10 #minutes
$extra = 'These are some notes about the deployment'
# get faviocon from corporate website
$html = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $siteUrl -TimeoutSec 300)
$favicon = $html.ParsedHtml.GetElementsByTagName('link') |
where {$_.rel -eq 'SHORTCUT ICON' } |
Select-Object -first 1
$iconUrl = $siteUrl + $favicon.href
# setup API access token
$token = $apiKey + $secretKey
$authToken = 'Token token="' + $token + '"'
$headers = @{'Authorization'=$authToken;'Content-Type'='application/json'; 'Accept'='application/json'}
# event to post to appliance
$body = "{
`"sub_category`": `"$eventType`",
`"action_taken`": `"$eventAction`",
`"status`": $eventStatus,
`"source`": `"$eventSource`",
`"duration`": $duration,
`"extra`": `"$extra`",
`"icon_url`": `"$iconUrl`"
$resource = 'api/v1/events.json'
$url = $appliance + $resource
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Body $body -TimeoutSec 300
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