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Created December 7, 2017 08:30
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Updated Faucet
importall POMDPs
using POMDPToolbox
using StatsBase
#using SARSOP
using BasicPOMCP
using D3Trees
using ParticleFilters
const DISH = 1
const HAND = 2
const POT = 3
const TEMPS = 27:3:52 #temperature range in celsius
const TINDEX = Dict{Int, Int}(t=>i for (i,t) in enumerate(TEMPS))
const FLOWS = 5:10:95
const FINDEX = Dict{Int, Int}(t=>i for (i,t) in enumerate(FLOWS))
const USERS = 1:1:4
struct FState
prev_flow::Int #not sure if this is necessary
struct FPOMDP <: POMDP{FState, Tuple{Int,Int}, Tuple{Int, Int, Float64, Int}} # POMDP{State, Action, Observation}
p = FPOMDP(10)
const DTEMP = Dict{Int, Int}(DISH=>40, HAND=>27, POT=>46)
const DFLOW = Dict{Int, Int}(DISH=>65, HAND=>55, POT=>75) #desired states of flow for each of these tasks
const METAL = [.05,.1,.75,.85]
const U_WEIGHTS = Dict{Int, Any}(1=>pweights([.4,.2,.2,.2]), 2=>pweights([.2,.4,.2,.2]), 3=>pweights([.2,.2,.4,.2]), 4=>pweights([.2,.2,.2,.4]))
isterminal(p::FPOMDP, s::FState) = s.time > p.max_time
states(p::FPOMDP) = vec(collect(FState(task, time, pt, pf, u) for task in [DISH, HAND, POT], time in 0:p.max_time, pt in TEMPS, pf in FLOWS, u in USERS))
#user is an integer vector of [picky, resource-conscious, patient, and doubting]
n_states(p::FPOMDP) = length(TEMPS)*(p.max_time+1)*3*length(FLOWS)*length(USERS)
const SINDEX = Dict{FState, Int}(s=>i for (i,s) in enumerate(states(p)))
state_index(p::FPOMDP, s::FState) = SINDEX[s]
actions(p::FPOMDP) = vec(collect((t,f) for t in TEMPS, f in FLOWS))
n_actions(p::FPOMDP) = length(TEMPS)*length(FLOWS)
const AINDEX = Dict(a=>i for (i,a) in enumerate(actions(p)))
action_index(p::FPOMDP, a::Int) = AINDEX[a]
observations(p::FPOMDP) = vec(collect((t,f,m,w) for t in TEMPS, f in FLOWS, m in METAL, w in USERS))
n_observations(p::FPOMDP) = length(TEMPS)*length(FLOWS)*length(METAL)*length(USERS)
const OINDEX = Dict(o=>i for (i,o) in enumerate(observations(p)))
obs_index(p::FPOMDP, o::Tuple{Int,Int,Float64, Int}) = OINDEX[o]
function transition(p::FPOMDP, s::FState, a::Tuple{Int,Int})
transition = FState(s.task, s.time+1, a[1], a[2], s.user)
stay = FState(s.task, s.time+1, s.prev_temp, s.prev_flow, s.user)
SparseCat([transition, stay], [.9,.1])
#SparseCat([FState(s.task, s.time+1, a[1], a[2], s.user)],[1.0])
function observation(p::FPOMDP, a::Tuple{Int,Int}, sp::FState)
#output of metal sensor dependent on if task is pot, dish, or hand
if sp.task == 3
m_weight = pweights([.05,.05,.45,.45]) #weight for if it is a pot
elseif sp.task == 2
m_weight = pweights([.3,.3,.3,.1]) #weight for dishwashing
m_weight = pweights([.45,.45,.05,.05]) #weight for handwashing
m = sample(METAL,m_weight)
#user 1 = Picky, only adjust reward function
#user 2 = Resource Conscious, will change if outputs are higher than they want
u_val = sample([1,2,3,4], U_WEIGHTS[sp.user])
if sp.user == 3
if sp.time > 4 && (a[1] != DTEMP[sp.task] || a[2] != DFLOW[sp.task])
change = (DTEMP[sp.task], DFLOW[sp.task], m,u_val)
leave = (0,0,m,u_val)
return SparseCat([change, leave], [.95, 0.05]) # list of observations and associated probabilities/items
elseif sp.user == 4
if sp.time > 1 && (a[1] != DTEMP[sp.task] || a[2] != DFLOW[sp.task])
change = (DTEMP[sp.task], DFLOW[sp.task], m,u_val)
leave = (0,0,m,u_val)
return SparseCat([change, leave], [.75, 0.25]) # list of observations and associated probabilities/items
if sp.time > 2 && (a[1] != DTEMP[sp.task] || a[2] != DFLOW[sp.task])
change = (DTEMP[sp.task], DFLOW[sp.task], m,u_val)
leave = (0,0,m,u_val)
return SparseCat([change, leave], [.95, 0.05]) # list of observations and associated probabilities/items
leave = (0,0,m,u_val)
return SparseCat([leave], [1.0])
function reward(p::FPOMDP, s::FState, a::Tuple{Int,Int})
if a[1] == DTEMP[s.task] && a[2] == DFLOW[s.task]
return 4.0
elseif a[1] == DTEMP[s.task]
return 2.0
elseif a[2] == DFLOW[s.task]
return 1.0
return -10.0
initial_user = sample([1,2,3,4], pweights([.25,.25,.25,.25]))
#initial_state_distribution(p::FPOMDP) = SparseCat([FState(t, 0, 0, 0,u) for t in [DISH, HAND, POT], u in USERS], [0.083, 0.083,.083, 0.083, 0.083,.083, 0.083, 0.083,.083, 0.083, 0.083,.083])
initial_state_distribution(p::FPOMDP) = SparseCat([FState(t, 0, 0, 0,initial_user) for t in [DISH, HAND, POT]], [.3,.3,.3])
# policy = RandomPolicy(p)
solver = POMCPSolver(c=100)
policy = solve(solver, p)
#function my_policy(b::ParticleCollection)
# s = rand(Base.GLOBAL_RNG, b)
# return (DTEMP[s.task], DFLOW[s.task])
#policy = FunctionPolicy(my_policy)
#up = SIRParticleFilter(p, 1000)
for (b, s, a, r, o) in stepthrough(p, policy, "bsaro")
frac_hand = length(filter(s->s.task==HAND, particles(b)))/n_particles(b)
frac_dish = length(filter(s->s.task==DISH, particles(b)))/n_particles(b)
frac_pot = length(filter(s->s.task==POT, particles(b)))/n_particles(b)
@show frac_hand
@show frac_dish
@show frac_pot
@show s
@show a
@show r
@show o
# inchrome(D3Tree(policy))
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