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Last active May 16, 2022 18:41
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Log console output and input to file without custom color codes (supports colorama)
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
import re
import os
# Fix missing streams
for stream in ("stdout", "stderr", "stdin"):
if getattr(sys, stream) is None:
setattr(sys, stream, open(os.devnull, "w+"))
# Backup original functionality
_stdout = sys.stdout
_stderr = sys.stderr
_stdin = sys.stdin
# Used to temporarily stop output to log file
_pause_file_output = False
def _file_write(message, no_color=True):
if _pause_file_output:
if no_color:
message = re.sub("\\x1b\[38;2;\d\d?\d?;\d\d?\d?;\d\d?\d?m", "", message)
message = re.sub("\\x1b\[\d\d?\d?m", "", message)
with open(f"log.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as log:
class __stdout_override():
def write(self, message):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(_stdout, name)
class __stderr_override():
def write(self, message):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(_stderr, name)
class __stdin_override():
def readline(self):
message = _stdin.readline()
_file_write(message, no_color=False)
return message
def __getattr__(self, name):
# The input() function tries to use sys.stdin.fileno()
# and then do the printing and input reading on the C
# side, causing this .readline() override to not work.
# Denying access to .fileno() fixes this and forces
# input() to use sys.stdin.readline()
if name == "fileno": raise AttributeError
return getattr(_stdin, name)
def pause_file_output():
global _pause_file_output
_pause_file_output = True
_pause_file_output = False
pause = pause_file_output
def install():
# Create / clear log file
open("log.txt", "w").close()
except Exception:
# Apply overrides
sys.stdout = __stdout_override()
sys.stderr = __stderr_override()
sys.stdin = __stdin_override ()
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
import logger # This script is designed as a module you import
from colorama import Fore
def rgb(r, g, b):
return f"\x1b[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m"
print("I have been saved to the log file!")
with logger.pause_file_output():
print("But I didn't! Shhh, this is just between you and me...")
print(f"{rgb(0, 100, 255)}This is blue! {rgb(255, 100, 100)}This is red! {Fore.RESET}And this is back to normal!")
print("But in the log file there are no color escape codes!")
input("Also your input gets saved in the file! Try it: ")
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Very useful, concise and organized logger.

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